
What To Ask Federal Election Candidates about Employment

Short Term

Will Your Party:

  • Set participation goals for Canadians with disabilities in labour market agreements with provinces and territories?

What To Ask Federal Election Candidates about Disability Poverty

Short Term

Will your Party:

  • Make the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) refundable?
  • Make recipients of the Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit automatically DTC eligible?
  • Extend Employment Insurance Sickness Benefits to 52 weeks of coverage?

Long Term

Will your Party:

  • Support an expanded federal role in disability income support to free provincial/territorial resources for re-investment in disability-related supports?

Inform Candidates about Disability Poverty

Federal Candidates Challenged to Run Accessible Campaigns

For Immediate Release

28 March 2011, Winnipeg, MB--Very shortly Canadians will be asked to choose who should represent them in the House of Commons. To make this choice, all Canadian voters need to be informed about candidates’ views and the Parties’ Platforms.

Election 2011

Election 2011 presents an opportunity for Canadians with disabilities to raise their issues. Presently, at the federal level, social policy appears to be homeless. CCD wants all Parties to present their social policy platform and vision for Canada. This vision must ensure Canadians with disabilities have equal access to the goods and services of our great country.

A Voice of Our Own: Winter 2011

Volume 29, Number 1

P/T Ministers Consider Human Rights in the Context of Disability

For Immediate Release

Winnipeg 15 March 2011—Canada’s provincial and territorial ministers responsible for disability issues and human rights spent the last two days considering what human rights mean in the context of life with a disability.

CCD representatives Steve Estey and Jim Derksen were on hand to share the disability community’s human rights message, which is embedded in its National Action Plan. The Plan seeks F/P/T commitments on disability-related supports, poverty eradication, labour market participation and full citizenship.

Speaking Notes for International Women's Day

Yvonne Peters

March 8, 2011

A Call to Action: UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Council of Canadians with Disabilities & Canadian Association for Community Living

Making Domestic Implementation Real and Meaningful


March 11, 2011, marks the first anniversary of Canada’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The CRPD is the first international human-rights instrument of the 21st century. It reaffirms that persons with disabilities throughout the world should enjoy the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.

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