


HALIFAX, NS: Today, the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal has paved the road to addressing the human rights of thousands of Nova Scotians with disabilities who continue to languish in institutions or in community without support. This ruling sent a powerful message that there are fundamental systemic barriers in Nova Scotia that deny equality of opportunity for persons with disabilities.

CCD Seeks Commitments on Accessible and Affordable Housing

For Immediate Distribution | September 13, 2021

CCD Seeks Parties' Position on Disability Benefit

For Immediate Release | September 7, 2021

Poverty is the reality for too many Canadians who live with disability.  6.2 million Canadians live with a disability.  Nearly 30% live in poverty.[1]

The disability community has been calling for a disability benefit for Canadians with disabilities.  For the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a national human rights organization working for an accessible and inclusive Canada, this election is the time for political parties to explain how they plan to address disability poverty.

Leader Letters

CCD has sent the following letter to the Bloc Québécois, the Conservative Party, the Green Party, the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party:

Re: Seeking Your Party’s Position on Some Key Questions

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) is a non-partisan, national human rights organization of people with disabilities working for an inclusive and accessible Canada.


CCD Urges Federal Election Candidates to Run Accessible Campaigns

For Immediate Release | September 1, 2021

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a national non-partisan human rights organization of people with disabilities working for an accessible and inclusive Canada, is calling upon all Federal Election candidates to run barrier-free campaigns.

For people with disabilities to make an informed choice when casting their ballot they need full access to candidates’ campaigns.

How to Vote in the Federal Election, September 20, 2021

Who Can Vote -To vote, you must be a Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old on Election Day and prove your identity and address.

Identification – You can prove your identity by:

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