
System Navigator Service Project Seeks Members for Community Working Group

Council of Canadians with Disabilities is seeking up to two Indigenous Peoples of Canada with experiential knowledge of disability to participate in a Community Working Group for its System Navigator Service Project. The Community Working Group meets via Zoom on the last Monday of each month from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. The monthly meetings will run for the duration of the project, ending in June 2022. 

Sondage - Travailleuses et travailleurs handicapés en milieu de carrière

Nous recherchons des participants !

Si vous êtes actuellement au milieu de votre carrière et que vous êtes en situation de handicap, vous êtes invité.e à répondre à ce sondage. Vos opinions sont importantes ! Cela fait partie de notre projet intitulé : « Soutien aux travailleuses et travailleurs handicapés en milieu de carrière par le biais de ressources en développement communautaire, en éducation et en avancement professionnel. »

Mid-Career Workers with Disabilities Survey

We are Seeking Participants!

If you’re in the middle of your working career and have a disability, you’re invited to complete this survey. Your views are very important!  This survey is a part of our project entitled, “Supporting mid-career workers with disabilities through community building, education and career-progression resources”. Participation in this survey is voluntary and it will take about 15 minutes. There is a consent form for the survey.

Gathering Momentum for An Inclusive Workplace

On June 1, 2021, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities co-hosted and participated in a roundtable discussion on "The Role of Innovative Technologies in Recruiting and Increasing Retention of Employees with Disabilities" with Facebook and Inclusion Canada. The event featured a keynote address by the Hon.

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