
CCD Chairperson's Update: September

Committee of States Parties

Key Messages from End Exclusion 2011 Round Tables

Every province needs to have a centralized, “one stop shopping” information and referral system, either physical and/or virtual, that is accessible to people with all disabilities, offering alternate formats and plain language and with outreach to rural and northern communities.

There is an F/P/T advisory committee on people with disabilities that is currently co chaired by the province of BC. We need to find out who they are and what they're doing.

Notes from Presentation by Lived Experience of Poverty Panelist Laurence Parent

(Laurence Parent is a doctoral student in humanities at Concordia University. She lives in Montreal and is involved with the Québec disability rights movement.)

I was asked to speak about personal experiences, what it is like to be living in Quebec in 2011 with physical disabilities.

I was born in 1985, not so long after the International Year of Disabled Persons. Seven years earlier, Quebec had adopted the act to secure the rights of persons with disabilities.

Notes from Presentation by Lived Experience of Poverty Panelist Laurie Larson

(Laurie Larson is the President of the Canadian Association for Community Living.)

Good morning. Statistics tell us far too many families in this country are trying to raise their children with disabilities in poverty. There are a number of reasons for this, including the additional costs of disability and the all too frequent need for one parent to stay out of the paid labour force to provide caregiving support.

IN UNISON: A Canadian Approach to Disability Issues

Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services SP-113-10-98E

For additional copies or alternate formats of this document, please write or fax to:

Enquiries Centre
Human Resources Development Canada 140, Promenade du Portage
Phase IV, Level 0
Hull, Quebec K1 A 0J9
Fax: (819) 953-7260
Cat. No.: SP-113-10-98E
Also available on Internet at: http://socialunion.gc.ca
ISBN 0-662-2730-6
Cat. No. MP43-390/1998E

Welfare? Or What? Shifting thinking about poverty reduction and income programs

By Tyler Hnatuk, CACL

This speech was presented on 3 November, at End Exclusion 2011, and was accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation [download presentation (PPT 299K), read PowerPoint text below].

Good morning, it's a pleasure to be here today to share with you some of the research that we have been doing related to poverty reduction and income programs.

Annual Report: 2010-2011

Executive Committee

  • Tony Dolan, Chairperson
  • Roy Muise*/John Rae,** 1st Vice Chair
  • Susan Ralph, 2nd Vice Chair
  • Mary Ennis, Treasurer
  • Claredon Robicheau, Secretary
  • Terry Green, Member-at-Large on Executive

Member Organizations and their Representatives

  • British Columbia Coalition of People with Disabilities—Valerie Thoem/Pat Danforth
  • Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities—Dave Storey/Doreen Gyorkos
  • Saskatchewan Voice of
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