
Budget 2012

The Federal Budget will be presented by Minister Flaherty on March 29th.  This Budget will be primarily about reducing the federal deficit through cuts in programs and downsizing of the federal civil service. 

It is doubtful if the Budget will address disability issues specifically.  There may be some reference to the Registered Disability Savings Plan that addresses the reluctance of financial institutions to open an RDSP for persons who they deem not to have the capacity to manage a plan.

DAI Case

In February 2012, the Supreme Court of Canada decided that people with intellectual disabilities should be allowed to testify.  Specifically, the question before the Court was whether people with intellectual disabilities are required to demonstrate an understanding of the concept of a “promise to tell the truth” in order to be permitted to testify.


Supreme Court Ensures that the Voice of Women with Disabilities Will Be Heard by Courts

For Immediate Release


February 10, 2012


Today the Supreme Court of Canada decided that people with intellectual disabilities should be allowed to testify in court.  Specifically, the question before the Court was whether people with intellectual disabilities are required to demonstrate an understanding of the concept of a “promise to tell the truth” in order to be permitted to testify.


CCD Chairperson's Update: January 2012

CCD Kicks-off a New Year

On 3 January 2012, the CCD office reopened after the conclusion of the holiday season and CCD’s Committees returned to the business of improving the level of access and inclusion in Canada. This edition of the Update, provides information on the planning being done by CCD’s Committees and meetings attended by staff and volunteers.

Educating Federal Employees About the CRPD

CCD Chairperson's Update: December 2011


During 2011, CCD was active in the areas of litigation, education, policy reform, and public awareness. Our objective was the enhancement of access and inclusion in Canada for persons with disabilities. Through this work, CCD has been working to strike down barriers which limit the social and economic participation of people with disabilities.

CCD Before the Supreme Court of Canada in D.A. I. Case

Advancing the Participation of People with Disabilities in the Labour Market: International Practices and Lessons

Presentation to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Knowledge Talk

12 January, 2012

Michael J. Prince
University of Victoria

Download PowerPoint (98K)

IN UNISON: A Canadian Approach to Disability Issues


This publication has been set in large font to enhance accessibility. This document is also available in alternative formats through InfoTouch. Call 1-800-788-8282 on a Touch-Tone phone or through teletypewriter (TTY). Requested documents are automatically produced in the format selected and mailed directly to the caller. This report is also available on the Social Union Internet site at: http://socialunion.gc.ca

A Voice of Our Own: Spring 2011

Spring 2011

On the CCD Agenda

  • Government Tries to Silence Critic of Student Loan Discrimination
  • Fundamental Disability Rights Case Goes to Supreme Court of Canada
  • Call for Submissions for CCD Publication

CCD Member Group Updates

CCD Chairperson's Update: November 2011

During the month of November, many months of preparatory work paid high dividends, as several exciting initiatives were unveiled by CCD. In this Update, CCD shares information about the work that has been undertaken recently by CCD’s volunteers and staff.

End Exclusion 2011: Building an Inclusive and Accessible Canada

CCD Chairperson's Update: October 2011

CCD’s motto is a Voice of Our Own and in this edition CCD focuses on how the voice of people with disabilities is making Canadian society more accessible and inclusive.

Meeting with Minister Jim Flaherty

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