

Our archives contains material that will be of interest to researchers.


Today, we are launching our new site, with features that will keep CCD volunteers, members of the disability community and the public informed about our human rights work in support of an accessible and inclusive Canada.

Chairperson's Update

Our archives contains material that will be of interest to researchers.

Voice of our Own

Our archives contains material that will be of interest to researchers.

CCD Wins Removal of Longstanding Barrier to Mobility and Travel

On November 20, 2008, CCD won the removal of another longstanding barrier to mobility and travel—air carriers' practice of charging additional fares to people with disabilities whose disabilities necessitated the use of an extra seat in-flight. The Supreme Court of Canada denied Air Canada and WestJet’s request to appeal the decision of the Canadian Transportation Agency which requires Air Canada and WestJet to accommodate persons who need additional seating because of their disability. CCD launched this case in 2002 to remove this barrier.

CCD Launches New Web Site

CCD—what an amazing organization! Dedicated CCD volunteers champion disability rights, challenging discriminatory practices of corporate Canada and governments. Recently, we had two important victories at the Supreme Court of Canada. As a result, VIA Rail is remedying access barriers in the Renaissance passenger cars and Air Canada and WestJet will accommodate travelers whose disability necessitates the use of additional seats. These decisions convey a significant message—access is the law. A less robust aspect of CCD has been our web site.

Chairperson's Update: December 2008

More victories in 2008 for CCD

2008 was a fantastic year for CCD. Before we all get too busy with the challenges that will be brought by 2009, I want to share with you the great things that occurred during the last 12 months.

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