
Portfolios/Working Groups

CCD's goal is an accessible and inclusive Canada. To manage the work that will lead to the achievement of this goal, CCD established the following Portfolios/Working Groups to guide our activities in key areas:

  • Disability Justice Litigation Initiative
  • Social Policy
  • Transportation
  • International

Canada and the CRPD

Canada has  ratified the CRPD. Ratification means that a country agrees to abide by the standards set in a Convention.

Building An Inclusive and Accessible Canadian Transportation System

For Immediate Release | September 29, 2008

Election 2008

Election 2008 presents an opportunity for Canadians with disabilities to raise their issues. Presently, at the federal level, social policy appears to be homeless. CCD wants all Parties to present their social policy platform and vision for Canada. This vision must ensure Canadians with disabilities have equal access to the goods and services of our great country.


CCD works from a human rights perspective, which argues that technology needs to be accessible so that people with disabilities experience its benefits. CCD works for laws, policies and programs that remove barriers to technology.

CCD’s Access to Technology Committee participates in research projects on accessible technology, liaises with technology service providers, appears before the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).


Individuals cannot pursue their personal goals without access to transportation. Since its founding in 1976, CCD has been working to remove obstacles to the mobility of persons with disabilities from the modes of transportation within federal jurisdiction—air, rail, inter-provincial bus, and marine. CCD seeks the adoption of enforceable accessibility regulations for these modes.

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