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Empower U: Learn to Access Your Disability Rights Training on Canadian Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol (OP) training aims to increase awareness of how to address discrimination using more familiar Canadian human rights laws such as Human Rights Codes and the newer international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This is training for persons with disabilities by persons with disabilities. The training is part of a project funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and implemented by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) in collaboration with Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre Inc. (CMDCI), Citizens With Disabilities – Ontario (CWDO), Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) and National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS). Read more.
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Annual Report: 2005-2006
When I acquired my disability, one of the things I quickly learned was it required me to be more organized and increasingly flexible in my daily life. There was often a need to change my plans as external factors impacted what I had planned to do with my time. As a parent, being well organized and flexible are not choices but rather requirements. My time is spent responding to the needs, wants and desires of those most important to me - my two children - on an as-needed basis.
On a national level I note how CCD works in a similar manner. CCD has been and remains fluid in its approach and response as we are tasked every day with working in a rapidly changing environment. Our most recent challenge is working with a relatively new federal government administration - and recognizing the level of work necessary to ensure they come to an understanding of the realities of the lives of persons with disabilities. Our efforts with the previous administration were beginning to bear fruit - we saw the glimmer of understanding! In recent months, we have turned our non-partisan attentions to building a rapport with the current federal Ministers whose portfolios directly or indirectly impact the community of persons with disabilities.
At times, we wonder what it is all about - how often must we educate, inform, advocate and lobby? Well, the answer is as long as it takes. We at the national level are charged with an important responsibility and we should never forget to whom we are accountable. There are many in our local communities, in our neighbourhoods and in our organizations whose ability to speak is limited by external forces - and it is for them we move forward - even if sometimes it is only tiny paces.
CCD has a collective strength of membership. Our knowledge and expertise is vast and far reaching. We must use our assets wisely and thoughtfully - never compromising our values for progress. We must seek inclusion and access for all citizens with disabilities because simply put - this should be!
Thank you to CCD Council, its member organizations and all its supporters. Working together we can and do make a difference!
Submitted by
Marie White

Remembering Eric Norman
On 12 March 2006, the Canadian disability rights movement lost one of its strong leaders, Eric Norman, well-know for his work at the local, provincial and national levels. The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) was the real winner when its Newfoundland member group COD appointed Eric Norman to the CCD National Council of Representatives. Eric, who was an educator and an administrator in his professional life and a human rights and consumer activist in his volunteer life, brought many important skills to Council: writing and issue analysis, human resources management, a keen disability rights perspective, and so much more. Eric began to participate directly in CCD activities in 1989, when he attended Council's national conference in Toronto and remained active with the organization until the time of his passing. In addition to being the Chairperson of CCD, Eric also served as a Chairperson of CCD's Transportation Committee and a member of the CCD Social Policy Working Group. He also volunteered his time with the Canadian Disability Rights Council (CDRC).
Eric was a key leader in the field of accessible transportation. In addition to chairing CCD's Transportation Committee, he had been a disability community co-chairperson of the Minister of Transport's Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation (ACAT). While at CCD, Eric focused the majority of his energies on three key issues: inter-provincial busing, access to air travel and VIA rail.
Eric was particularly concerned that users of inter-provincial bus transportation should have access to a mechanism for resolving obstacles to mobility. He spent a great deal of time working in partnership with government officials at Transport Canada to develop a complaints mechanism for the inter-provincial bus mode. When the complaints mechanism was up and running, Eric used the information dissemination mechanisms of CCD and its member groups to ensure that grassroots consumers were informed of the complaints process. As an educator, Eric always took the time to ensure that the people who needed information had access to it.
Eric took the promises made to Canadians with disabilities very seriously. At the time when the Federal Government increased funding to VIA Rail to purchase new passenger cars, the Transport Minister promised ACAT that the cars would be accessible. Eric closely monitored VIA's purchasing activities. Even though he had resigned as Chair of the CCD Transportation Committee by then, Eric remained integrally involved in the VIA Rail matter and kept VIA Rail high on CCD's agenda. He encouraged CCD to take a strong stand against VIA Rail's purchase of inaccessible rail cars, arguing that other carriers would follow VIA's lead if the disability community allowed VIA to put inaccessible passenger cars into service without a fight. Currently, CCD has a case at the Supreme Court of Canada concerning VIA's purchase of inaccessible rail cars.
Eric was also a leader on one of the most long-standing issues in CCD's history-the struggle to have air carriers allow the carriage of both a passenger with a disability and his/her attendant on one ticket. Along with a number of other colleagues with disabilities and CCD, Eric had launched a Canadian Transportation Agency complaint on this issue. CCD will be carrying on with this complaint.
Eric was also very concerned that airlines have been replacing accessible equipment with inaccessible equipment. He encouraged CCD to lay a complaint with the Canadian Transportation Agency. Unfortunately, the complaint was not successful, but CCD continues to seek ways to promote universal design to the transportation industry.
While transportation was a central concern for Eric, it was not his only one. Eric took Canada's Charter commitments to Canadians with disabilities very seriously. He joined the Canadian Disabilities Rights Council and was elected as its Chair. Eric consistently encouraged the disability rights community to make use of the important victory that was won in the courts in the Eldridge case, which determined that governments remained responsible for accommodating people with disabilities even when services are devolved to lesser authorities.
In addition to being an activist, Eric was also a writer and an editor. Always a generous man, he shared these talents with the disability community. When Rawnie Dunn, a British Columbia author with a disability, donated her manuscript Funny You Should Ask to CCD as a fund-raiser, it was Eric who took this project on, editing the material and finalizing it for publication. It is no exaggeration to say that Eric was one of CCD's most classically trained chairpersons. To date, Eric is the only CCD Chairperson who faxed the National Coordinator messages solely in Latin. Eventually, a translation followed as the staff's Latin skills were too rusty for the job.
Eric's leadership was recognized both inside and outside the disability rights movement. In 1996, Eric was one of 13 people with disabilities selected to accompany the Prime Minister of the day, Jean ChrŽtien, to New York to witness Canada's acceptance of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Award, which honored Canada's work to advance the rights of Canadians with disabilities.
Eric's leadership will be greatly missed at CCD.
"I first met Eric when he took over for me as chair of CCD's Transportation Committee in the early 90's. I was relieved that he took such an active interest in an area that a lot of folks with disabilities believed was settled. Eric knew better. He was instrumental in pushing the national transportation agenda forward. He always appeared calm and was inclusive in his discussions. That was one of his strengths - being able to take our concerns and articulate them into action. I so admired his ability to keep pushing until there was a breakthrough.
Eric was able to motivate people to action. He put himself out in order to serve the greater good. Despite his health being fragile, he showed strength of resolve. I could always count on him to keep me on track and focused on the end result. I am sad he has left us but will hold his resolve to make Canada more accessible. He left big wheels to fill."~ Pat Danforth, Chairperson CCD Transportation Committee
"Eric was my introduction to the disability movement, my first connection to COD in Newfoundland and to CCD in Winnipeg, my mentor and my friend. Eric was always there when I called on him, quick to provide advice and support or to put his hand to a task. Only once did he turn me down - he absolutely refused to appear on a local TV station to cook a meal and share his recipe while discussing disability issues! But we shared a great laugh over it….and over other things as well.
Eric helped me to understand so much about persons with disabilities, the issues that impact them and what justice for them means. He was also quick to show me that he had another side as well, a side that highlighted fun with family and friends, laughter, music and the arts, and an unfailing love for Newfoundland.
Eric gave so much of himself… his home province, to persons with disabilities across Canada and to those close to him. It was time for him to rest. Thank you, Eric. You live on in our memories and in our hearts." ~ Mary Ennis, Vice-chair, CCD
"Eric Norman was relentless in his pursuit of equal access to federally regulated transportation. His knowledge of the access standards and policies governing federal transportation systems was exemplary. Eric was committed to making Canada a leader in the development of accessible transportation. He was a humble advocate with both heart and brains, who understood how critical access was to achieving equality. His quiet dignity, commitment to principle and dogged determination will be missed." ~ Laurie Beachell, National Coordinator CCD
"When Eric wheeled into a boardroom, you not only noticed his strong physique, you sensed his controlled power. At social functions, his manners could be impeccable and if there was 'down home music', his clapping hands and smile showed how he loved family gatherings and community. I was privileged to have Eric as my Vice-Chair at CCD and I knew when I left with Eric as Chairperson, they were in good hands. As a friend, his witticisms intrigued me and his wisdom saved me folly. To Roxanne and his family, that he held so dear, I offer my sincere condolences. Rest assured he has been welcomed as a 'good and faithful servant'." ~ Francine Arseanault, a CCD Past-Chair
"Eric never allowed the serious illness and the intrusive treatments that brought him to Toronto to inhibit his joy for life, his love of family and the gusto he shared with us.
The idea of rights for persons with disabilities was quite novel, and to some threatening, when Eric assumed leadership roles within the movement. To Eric it was a question of simple decency. His sense of decency elevated those who heard him speak to climb this level of awareness.
While he has now moved to new heights, to which those he leaves behind only aspire, he has raised so many of us up by his determination and courage. Many thanks to Roxanne and to Newfoundland for sharing him with us. His memorial will be the accessible and inclusive world he dreamt of and inspired others of us to join with him in seeking." ~ David Baker, Legal Counsel CCD Transportation Committee
"Eric's friendship was truly cherished; he conducted life with patience and understanding. He was a man I will never forget for he impacted me so much in our mutual passion of inclusion of all people." ~ Colin Cantlie, Canadian Hard of Hearing Association
I would best describe Eric Norman in the following quote "Wise men refuse to be carbon copies of anything. They start making and keep making their own impressions." ~ Terry Zeglen.
Only when you drink from the
river of silence, shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb And when the earth shall claim your limbs, thlen shall you truly dance.
"the prophet"
Kahlil Gibran
National Coordinator's Report
An Unpredictable Year
The political events at the federal level over the past year were hectic, challenging, filled with promise and disappointment. No one could have predicted - MP's crossing the floor, narrowly won motions of confidence, a Christmas election, etc. Certainly gains were made in 2005 in raising the bar in regard to a broader understanding of the current situation of Canadians with disabilities. The most promising of these was the commitment of F/P/T Ministers of Social Services when they said in October 2005:
"The focus for achieving [the full inclusion of Canadians with disabilities] will be joint work with emphasis on improving access to and funding for disability supports and services and for income supports for persons with disabilities, at the same time working to build public awareness and stakeholder and government support to address the challenges facing people with disabilities."
At some time in the fall of 2005 Minister Dryden appeared ready and willing to seek Cabinet support for new initiatives in the area of disability. All of this was overtaken with a federal election and a change in government. It feels in some ways as if we are starting over, however, having raised the bar in 2005 I trust that the impetus for transformative change will continue and ultimately we will see governments make disability issues a priority and commit resources to address the exclusion faced by Canadians with disabilities.
CCD and its member groups have made positive change occur in the past and will do so again. Disability issues are and should be non-partisan. Disability is of concern to all Canadians for at some point all will require the supports and services that have been designed to make Canada a more inclusive and accessible country.
The issues and concerns of Canadians with disabilities are the same as all Canadians. People with disabilities want to be able to get an education, get a job, raise their families, and participate in the life of their communities. Canadians with disabilities want equal assess to the vast array of opportunities that exist in this very wealthy and privileged country. Progress will continue to be made as long as persons with disabilities make their voices heard.
I wish to thank the Board, Committees and staff for the ongoing privilege of working with you.
Laurie Beachell
National Coordinator
Auditors' Report
To view the financials, please see the PDF version of this annual report, or contact CCD to obtain the report in alternate format.
Social Policy Working Group Report
On 18 April 2005, Mary Ennis and Leslie MacLeod appeared before the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, and argued for an end to discriminatory practices in Canada's immigration system which prevent immigrants with disabilities entry into Canada.
In August, CCD received a request from the Hon. Reg Alcock, then Liberal MP for Winnipeg South, to coordinate the guest list for a Winnipeg breakfast meeting with the Hon. Ken Dryden, who was then the Minister of Social Development Canada. One of the disability community's priorities is disability supports for people who are involved in life transitions and, so, following this request, CCD suggested that it might be useful for the Minister to hear from consumers on this topic and the Minister's office accepted this suggestion. On 26 August 2005, Minister Dryden met the following people from the local disability community: Brian, Ann and John Stewart, Samantha and Grant Mitchell, Zephania Matanga, Louella Shanacappo and Rose Flaig. The following types of transitions were discussed: moving from Children's Services to Adult Services, going from the parental home to a home of one's own as a young adult, the experiences of Aboriginal people with disabilities moving from Aboriginal community to non-Aboriginal community, the transitions encountered by newcomers with disabilities to Canada. Jim Derksen chaired the meeting.
On 25 August 2005, Laurie Beachell participated in a meeting organized by the Federal/Provincial/Territorial (F/P/T) working group on benefits and services to people with disabilities. The intent of this meeting was to review proposed options in regards to disability-related supports and income.
In October, Marie White, Mary Ennis, Jim Derksen, Deborah Stienstra and Laurie Beachell met in Ottawa with representatives of the Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL) to discuss options for advancing a disability agenda being considered by the F/P/T Ministers of Social Services at their meeting on 19-20 October 2005. The options that were on the table included a disability-related supports transfer to the provinces, making the Disability Tax Credit refundable, a wage subsidy for low income workers and a greater federal role in income support for Canadians with disabilities. At a meeting in August of the of the F/P/T working group on benefits and services, participants were supportive of a disability-related supports transfer to the provinces and a greater federal role in income support for persons with disabilities. CCD called for an initial investment in disability-related supports and study of a greater federal role in income support.
On 19 October 2005, Marie White and Laurie Beachell participated in a disability community press conference which was held in the Press Gallery of the House of Commons. Representatives from CACL and the Canadian Association of Independent Living Centers also participated in this event. At the Press Conference, a call was made for the F/P/T Ministers of Social Service to take immediate steps to invest in disability-related supports.
On 20 October 2005, the F/P/T Ministers of Social Services released a communiquŽ in which the Ministers affirmed that a key priority for the forum of Ministers of Social Services would be persons with disabilities. They also reaffirmed their commitment to the objective of full inclusion of Canadians with disabilities in society. CCD took this as a signal that the importance of disability-related supports to the community was beginning to be understood at the F/P/T level.
On 20 February 2006, CCD convened a meeting in Ottawa to look at our community's strategy on certain key issues. The meeting's objectives were:
- To understand the new political environment in particular the concept of fiscal imbalance,
- To develop strategies both short and long term for advancing a disability agenda,
- To develop community messages on key issues and broaden the circle of organizations engaged in strategic advocacy initiatives.
The meeting examined the following topics: the current political environment, framing our issues within fiscal imbalance discussions, provincial perspectives on disability issues, how to frame a community message on the priorities, which have been on our agenda for a number of years - disability supports, poverty, opportunities in the environment (parliamentary committee on disability issues, community collaboration). Further, we discussed a re-emerging issue of a federal act on disability and the extent of its scope in terms of addressing our longstanding issues, and opportunities to raise the profile of our issues through, for example, a December 3 celebration of the 25th anniversary of Obstacles Report.
By consensus, participants agreed that disability supports were the ongoing priority of the community, along with fighting poverty and addressing labor market participation. Barrier removal was also stressed as important - another priority area - and one in which work continues to need to be done. There was consensus about the need for a parliamentary committee on disability issues. There was commitment to do more work on a community definition of a federal disability act and framing it in the disability supports story.
Invited participants were: Marie White (CCD), John Rae (AEBC), ChloŽ Serradori (COPHAN), Bev Matthiessen (ACCD), Frank Smith (NEADS), Roy Muise (NNMH), Sheila Carlin (CAD), Jim Roots (CAD), Evelyne Gounetenzi (CAD), Shelley Rattai (PF Canada), Margaret Birrell (BCCPD), Michael Bach (CACL), Anna MacQuarrie (CACL), Keith Powell (CACL), Norm McLeod (CACL), Cam Crawford (CACL), Traci Walters (CAILC), Gary Birch (NSF), Gary Malkowski (CHS), Phyllis Gordon (ARCH), Robert Lattanzio (ARCH), Michael Prince (U. V.), Deborah Stienstra (UM), Michael Mendelson (Caledon), Peter Bleyer (CCSD), Susan Scotti (Fed. Gov.), Caroline Weber (Fed. Gov.), Robin Tourangeau (Fed. Gov.).
During the fiscal year, CCD met with many different groups to advance the organization's priorities. Some of these are as follows:
In October, John Rae participated in a forum on apprenticeship.
On 2 November 2005, Laurie Beachell participated in an event organized by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), which released the report "An Unequal Playing Field: Report on the Needs of People who Are Blind or Visually Impaired."
On 3 December 2005, CCD participated in the International Day of Persons with Disabilities celebrations in Ottawa organized by CAILC. In Winnipeg, CCD office staff took part in the 3 December event organized by the Allan Simpson Memorial Fund. The Winnipeg event focused on access issues. (The late Allan Simpson was a past chair of CCD and he played a key role in the founding of CCD, DPI and CAILC.)
On 3 December 2005, Laurie Beachell met with CUPE's Working Group on Disability Issues to share CCD's current priorities.
On 8 December 2005, Laurie Beachell along with John Rae of the Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians (AEBC) met with the Canadian Library Association to discus accessible library services.
CCD has been taking part in a CACL Task Force on Research. The task force has been examining research needs and capacity development.
The members of the Social Policy Working Group are as follows: Michael Huck, Harry Beatty, Nancy Blain, John Rae, Deborah Stienstra.
Health Reform Committee Report
A national disability supports plan is one of CCD's main priorities. In support of this objective, CCD undertook research on home support as a case study of one type of disability support. "A National Snapshot of Home Support from the Consumer Perspective: Enabling People with Disabilities to Participate in Policy Analysis and Community Development" was led by Mary Ennis, Committee Chairperson, and Dr. Kari Krogh, Ph.D., (Canadian Institutes of Health Research Senior Research Fellow and Assistant Professor School of Disability Studies Ryerson University) as principal investigators. In this research project, people with disabilities from across Canada described home support as a requirement for exercising full citizenship. Good quality home support for many meant: consumer control regarding scheduling, location and type of service, and well-trained staff who valued consumer expertise. Participants from the Territories described cultural and geographic features influencing home support. Recommendations address: assessment and eligibility, regionalization and portability, user fees, appeal mechanisms, staff training, direct funding, unionization and privatization. In brief, recommendations include: broaden eligibility requirements and definition of health, maintain services between and within provinces/territories, abolish user fees, legislate arms-length appeal mechanisms, involve and remunerate consumers in home support worker training, make direct funding programs universally available. CCD is appreciative of the contributions made to the research project by many individuals and organizations across the country.
CCD has distributed the "Snapshot" report widely, and it is available on CCD's web site. CCD has also developed two smaller information pieces that summarize some of the findings of the study. One is the "Home Support Backgrounder" which has been developed for community members who are seeking a quick overview of the report. The other is "A National Snapshot of Home Support from the Consumer Perspective-What MPs Need to Know". This brochure was distributed to all MPs, and it encouraged them to review the full report.
CCD continues to do follow-up work on the home support issue. In November, Mary Ennis participated in a conference organized by the Health Charities Coalition of Canada. Mary presented the Health Charities Coalition of Canada's Position Statement on Access to Home Care at the CCD January Council meeting. She cautioned that persons with disabilities are missing from the Health Charities Coalition's position statement.
The Committee participated in the research project called Access to Primary Health Care, with Mary Ann McColl, PhD, (Associate Director, Research Centre for Health Service and Policy Research Queen's University) as principal researcher. CCD is seeking to improve access to primary health care for persons with disabilities.
The Health Reform Committee has become the organizational home for the VP Net Research Project. This is a five-year project funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, with the goal of creating new knowledge about how palliative care and end of life issues are understood in the context of disability. Jim Derksen has been working on this project for CCD as part of Dr. Deborah Stienstra's research team, which is looking at policy issues that impinge upon palliative care and end of life issues. This project heard directly from people with disabilities, through CCD's provincial member groups organizing focus groups in Edmonton, Alberta; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Toronto, Ontario; and St. John's, Newfoundland.
On 28 April 2005, CCD participated in a Provincial Round Table on Public Health Goals for Canada, which was held in St. John's Newfoundland. Committee Chairperson Mary Ennis attended the event on behalf of CCD.
On 25 May 2005, the Committee held a conference call meeting to welcome new members, review the revised Terms of Reference, and briefly discuss the work for the coming year. New to the Committee at this time were Francine Arsenault and Richard Ruston. They joined long-term members Mary Ennis (Chairperson) and Margot Brunner-Campbell.
International Development Committee Report
- Work on the UN Convention
The CCD International Development Committee has had an active and exciting year as the process developing the proposed UN convention to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities has moved into the complex and challenging stage of crafting the legal language for the document. The UN Convention has been the Committee's major focus during the fiscal year 2005-06.
CCD International Development Committee Chairperson Steve Estey was a member of the Government of Canada delegation, which participated in the meetings of the UN Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) now drafting the convention. The meetings took place during of August 2005 and January 2006.
CCD's Vice Chairperson Mary Ennis, who is a member of the CCD International Development Committee, also attended both meetings of the AHC. In August, Mary represented CCD and in January she was representing Disabled Peoples' International (DPI). DPI appointed Mary Ennis its new Executive Director, in October of 2005. The Committee extends congratulations and best wishes to Mary, and is pleased to report that she will continue her membership in the CCD International Development Committee, along with her new responsibilities at DPI.
The Committee has used both new and old communication and networking means to work on this issue. During the month of June, Committee member Mary Ennis initiated an email consultation on how the convention should address the issues of women with disabilities. This consultation involved Canadian women with disabilities, women from the Canadian women's movement and women with disabilities from the international disability rights movement. The consensus of this consultation was that the convention should address the issues of women with disabilities using a twin track approach which will both include women's issues where appropriate in the existing articles of the treaty, and also ensure a separate article specifically on women. During the August 2005 Ad Hoc meeting, it was felt that the Government of Canada representatives were not hearing the community's point of view on a twin track approach. Dr. Deborah Stienstra, a member of CCD's Social Policy Working Group, shared the community's concerns with the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA). Through the efforts of FAFIA and the Canadian community of women with disabilities, the Canadian delegation received many email messages reiterating the importance of the twin track approach. This action played a role in underscoring the fact that grassroots people are keenly aware of the Convention development process.
In a more traditional fashion the Committee has also, with ODI support, hosted national consultation meetings in advance of each AHC meeting, the first, one on 18 -19 March, 2005 and the second one 9-10 December 2005. In each of these meetings, a wide range of community and government participants met to consider the latest draft of the treaty. So at the meeting in March discussion focused on the issues intended to be addressed at the upcoming (August) meeting of the AHC, and in December the focus was on the anticipated agenda for the January meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee.
The December meeting was notable as well for the excellent panel discussion that was used to set the context for the discussions. CCD was very fortunate to welcome Mr. Andrew Begg, the First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the UN in New York. Mr. Begg has been integral to the convention development process, and he shared his views and expectations for the next meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee, which was held in late January. Another keynote speaker was Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International, who made a presentation on the importance of monitoring. The third keynote was Jim Derksen who drew out the parallels between Canada's Charter development process and the work on the Convention. Participants shared their views on the wording needed in various articles of the Convention.
- Other Activities
On 19 October 2005, Steve Estey, along with about a dozen other representatives from Canadian Human Rights Organizations met with Louise Arbour at Amnesty International's head office in Ottawa. The meeting focused on a wide range of issues related to the reform of the UN Human Rights mechanisms. As part of this, Estey raised the issue of the New Treaty. Arbour noted in response that she had not been well briefed on the file but said she would look into things. Interestingly, she attended one session of the Ad Hoc Committee in January and made a very eloquent appeal for continued good faith efforts to develop the Convention, for example as part of her remarks she said:
My colleagues have kept me informed about the progress that has been made in the negotiations. I want to congratulate you for the extent to which you have acknowledged the need for innovative measures and approaches to ensure equality. A paradigm shift is needed if we are really going to eliminate discrimination against persons with disability and to provide reasonable accommodation to ensure they can claim and enjoy their rights. I know that you are still considering in detail a broad range of rights that are fundamental to all human beings. I encourage you to ensure that nothing in this treaty could set a lower standard of protection than that already recognized in the other core human rights treaties. Empowering persons with disabilities to claim their human rights is our collective obligation. States bear the primary responsibility for ensuring equality and eliminating discrimination, but all of us - all organs of society in the phrase used by the Universal Declaration - must also acknowledge our own responsibility and act accordingly.
Ms. Arbour has had a distinguished career in the field of law and human rights. She was appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada and she currently is the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights, as such she is a valuable ally. The work of a previous UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson contributed to the decision to develop a UN convention to protect the human rights of persons with disabilities. CCD is working to ensure that many key actors in the human rights world are aware of our perspective on the proposed convention.
In October, Steve Estey, Marie White and Laurie Beachell met with Ken Boshkoff, who at that time was the Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on disability issues. During the meeting, CCD addressed the UN Convention.
While the Convention has taken a great deal of the Committee's time and energy, Committee members continue to pursue other priority issues. Chief among these are: government relations, networking with development organizations, information sharing.
CCD receives numerous requests for support from colleagues overseas. CCD does not have the capacity to address these, because we no longer do development programming, having made the decision to focus on policy issues, when CIDA cutback our development funding to such an extent that it was impossible to continue. CCD made the decision to work to have CIDA adopt a policy on disability and development in order to achieve more equitable access to CIDA funding for the disability communities in developing countries.
CCD continues to work to have CIDA establish a policy on disability and development. The Committee has been looking at different ways to pressure CIDA to address this longstanding issue. The Committee initiated discussions with the Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Human Rights and Official Development Assistance. On 22 June 2005, Steve Estey and Laurie Beachell met with CIDA officials to discuss the need for a CIDA policy on disability and development and integrating landmine survivors' assistance into mainstream CIDA programming.
On 7-8 February 2006, Allan McChesney and Chris Lytle attended Foreign Affairs NGO consultation on human rights, held at the Palais des Congres in Ottawa. Among other topics, the consultation addressed: violence against women and gender equity, human rights and terrorism, the right to development, rights of indigenous persons, the rights of the child, the rights of displaced persons.
The Committee recruited a new member to its ranks: Chris Lytle, who is about to graduate from the Masters in Critical Disability Studies offered at York University in Toronto. CCD has been encouraging committees to involve more younger people in the work of CCD. Chris serves on the Youth Committee that has been established by Disabled Peoples' International's North American Caribbean Region. Chris joins the following long-term members of the Committee: Steve Estey (Chairperson), Jim Derksen, Mary Ennis, Angie Allard, Yutta Fricke, David Shannon.
Submitted by
Steve Estey, Chairperson
CCD International Development Committee
Transportation Committee Report
In 2005, the Federal Court of Appeal released its decision on VIA's appeal of the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) decision regarding CCD's complaint of VIA's inaccessible Renaissance passenger cars. The Federal Court decision was not favorable to the advancement of disability equality rights in Canada. This decision was carefully reviewed by the CCD Transportation Committee with the help of CCD Human Rights Committee. We decided to seek an appeal of the Federal Court of Appeal decision to the Supreme Court of Canada. In May, CCD filed its application. Our appeal highlighted our objection to the Federal Court of Appeal's "separate but equal" approach to equality; that is, because there are some passenger cars accessible to people with disabilities, VIA does not have to address the 14 barriers to mobility in the Renaissance cars. The Federal Court of Appeal's approach is similar to saying that women can travel by train on Tuesday while men can travel every day.
On 17 November 2005, the Supreme Court of Canada agreed to CCD's application for leave to appeal the VIA Rail decision. Costs were awarded to CCD. In its Supreme Court case, CCD will endeavors to ensure that substantive theory of equality is understood and that the duty to accommodate Canadians with disabilities is stated in a rigorous and proactive manner.
In February 2006, CCD completed its factum for the Supreme Court in the VIA Rail case. David Baker is CCD's legal counsel in this case. The Supreme Court of Canada will hear the case on 19 May 2006. A number of others are seeking intervener status including: the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the Ontario Human Rights Commission, AEBC, the Canadian Association of Independent Living Centers, DAWN Canada. CCD appreciates the support provided by organizations on this issue.
During this fiscal year, CCD continued to work on the one person/one fare issue which is at the Canadian Transportation Agency. In addition to CCD's complaint, Barry Growe, Eric Norman and Joanne Neubaurer also filed complaints on the same issue. (Sadly Eric Norman passed away before this complaint was heard.) The complaints are against Air Canada, Air Canada Jazz, and WestJet with respect to airfares and against the Gander Airport Authority and the Air Transport Association with respect to airport improvement fees. CCD's position is that an additional fare for an attendant is an undue obstacle to mobility for persons with disabilities. In June, the CTA held a hearing on the complaints and considerable media attention was paid to the issue of accessible transportation. For example, CBC filmed Stefanie Marinich's airplane trip from Toronto to Winnipeg for the CCD Council meeting. It was positive coverage of the disability community's fight for accessible transportation.
The Canadian Transportation Agency is an independent Government of Canada quasi-judicial tribunal. Its mandate includes the responsibility to eliminate undue obstacles to the mobility of persons with disabilities within the federal transportation network.
CCD intervened at the Federal Court of Appeal in the McKay-Panos Case. It addressed the right of obese persons to have sufficient seating to accommodate their space needs. The Federal Court determined that Ms. McKay-Panos, who is obese, is a person with a disability and the CTA has the authority to rule on whether or not she encountered an undue obstacle to mobility when she was not accommodated with sufficient seating when flying. The case will now go back to the CTA for adjudication.
On 21 June 2005, CCD wrote to the Hon. Jean Lapierre, the then Minister of Transportation protesting arbitrary changes to the Minister's Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation. Formerly, national disability groups appointed consumer representatives to the Committee. The Minister advised groups he would now appoint individual persons with disabilities, rather than having organizational representatives sit on the Committee. However, industry would continue to appoint its own representatives. In its letter, CCD pointed out that the Minister had established a double standard. CCD explained that the expertise on accessible transportation resides in the democratic organizations of people with disabilities.
Committee Chairperson Pat Danforth continues to represent CCD on the CTA Advisory Committee. In November, Pat participated in a meeting of the Advisory Committee.
In the month of September, CCD promoted the transportation research report "Moving Backwards" to Members of Parliament.
CCD Transportation Committee Chairperson Pat Danforth participated in a conference organized by the Rail Users' Network, 11-12 November 2005. Pat was a speaker at an interactive workshop titled "Addressing the Unique Needs of Passengers with Disabilities-Overcoming Obstacles."
The current members of the CCD Transportation Committee are: Pat Danforth (Chairperson), David Baker, Bill Crawford, Ron Ross, Georgie Davis, John Dunn, Bruce Drewett, Earl Flynn.
Submitted by
Pat Danforth, Chairperson
CCD Transportation Committee
Human Rights Committee Report
The Members of the CCD Human Rights Committee are as follows: Yvonne Peters (Chairperson), Patrick Case, Pat Danforth, Peter Tonge, Gwen Brodsky, Stefanie Marinich, Dean Richert and Jim Derksen. The Human Rights Committee met by conference call on 31 May 2005, 21 September 2005, and a face-to-face meeting was held in Winnipeg in October.
In March, CCD submitted its application for leave to intervene in the Little Sisters case. The first Little Sisters Case originated in 1986 and the original case involved the Little Sisters bookstore fight against Canada Customs' right to censor books and magazines at the Canadian border. The case went to the Supreme Court of Canada in March 2000. In effect, a small local entity was fighting the Government of Canada, which had far greater resources to wage a legal battle. The current Little Sisters case is about court costs and how they are awarded. CCD is interested in this case because of its own experiences with court costs. For small under-resourced groups waging a legal battle against a very well-resourced entity, such as the Federal Government, is very problematic. CCD's VIA Rail case is just this type of David vs. Goliath situation.
Social Development Canada awarded CCD a research project to examine the Canadian Human Rights Commission's new practices so that CCD could provide informed comment on how these changes are meeting the needs of Canadians with disabilities. Yvonne Peters is the principal researcher for this project. In the summer, Yvonne Peters and Laurie Beachell met with Ian Fine and Katherine Hamilton to share information to advance the objectives of the project. Initially, the Commission expressed reluctance about the project, but after a period of dialogue the Commission agreed that the study will serve to enhance their on-going commitment to improving human rights protection in Canada. In October, Commission staff met with CCD's Human Rights Committee to provide an in-depth update on the Commission's new practices for handling complaints. In March, Yvonne Peters and Laurie Beachell held a follow-up meeting with Nicole Ritchot to determine if any significant changes had taken place that would alter the information shared in October. During the fall and winter months, various research tools were developed. Work proceeds on this project.
CCD, as part of the 20th Year Anniversary Committee, has been working with other equality seeking groups to mark the 20th anniversary of Section 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
On behalf of the Committee, Peter Tonge attended the National Anti-Racism Conference in Ottawa from 10-13 November 2005.
CCD has been working to ensure that the Canadian Museum for Human Rights appropriately reflects the human rights struggles and victories of people with disabilities. Clare Simpson and Jim Derksen keep CCD's attention focused on the Museum. In May, CCD wrote to then Prime Minister Paul Martin expressing appreciation for the Government of Canada's decision to provide significant funding support to the Museum. As part of his work on the Museum, Jim Derksen developed a list of human rights cases on disability issues for CCD to share with the Museum. The list is as follows:
Disallowing non-therapeutic sterilization without consent SCC Re Eve (1986)-Barbara Good and the Consumer Advisory Committee to the Canadian Association for Community Living;
Right to vote for Canadians with disabilities-Canada Elections Act reform-Canadian Disability Rights Council v. R (October 17 1988)-Yvonne Peters.
Identical treatment does not necessarily mean equal treatment or lack of discrimination-Huck and the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission v. Canadian Odeon Theatres-Michael Huck.
Right to leave an institution and live in the community Clark v. Clark (1982)-Justin Clark.
The Council accepted this plan at its June meeting.
Jim Derksen undertook a research project focusing on the development of a Disability Rights Defense Fund. The June 2005 Council meeting, approved the plan for a Disability Rights Defense Fund drafted by Jim and endorsed by the Human Rights Committee. Following the meeting, Jim undertook the work necessary to operationalize the Fund. Donors can now contribute to CCD's general activities or the CCD Disability Rights Defense Fund through the Canada Helps web site and also via more traditional means.
Submitted by
Yvonne Peters, Chairperson
CCD Human Rights Committee
Election Preparedness Sub-Committee
When the 2004 Federal Election resulted in a minority government, Canadians knew that another election would be a reality in a very short order. At the June 2005 Council meeting, an election strategy for the looming federal election was devised with the focus on 7 priority issues: Accessible Election Campaigns, National Disability-Related Supports Fund, Labor Market Strategy for Persons with Disabilities, Poverty Reduction, Barrier Removal Process, Persons with Disabilities Living in Institutions, Aboriginal Persons with Disabilities.
Marie White, John Rae and Maurice Bourassa formed the Election Preparedness Sub-Committee. Its role was to work with April D'Aubin on designed materials to be widely distributed during the election period.
Leading up to the campaign and during the campaign, party leaders heard from CCD on a number of occasions. CCD wrote to the leaders of all the major parties and presented the priority issues. In addition, CCD also wrote to the leaders promoting a long term agenda that would establish a comprehensive system to provide people with disabilities, their families, and communities with the resources they need to acquire the disability-related supports and services that give them equal access to Canadian society and its benefits equal to other citizens.
A candidates' forum was held during the CCD January Council meeting and approximately one hundred people participated in this event. The three candidates who participated were Liberal candidate Reg Alcock, Conservative candidate Steven Fletcher, and NDP candidate Judy Wasylycia-Leis. They were first requested to answer three key questions:
- What is your Party's vision for the next decade for supporting persons living with disability?
- Name two issues in the area of disability that your Party would prioritize for action in the next two years and what would you do?
- How would you ensure that Canadians with disabilities have the supports needed to participate in community life, get an education and join the workforce?
Following their introductory remarks, questions were posed from the floor. CCD undertook this event with its Manitoba member the MLPD and ACL Manitoba. The support of these organizations is greatly appreciated.
CCD attempted to put our election issues on the national agenda. Press releases were done on each of the priority issues. The media did not respond to our press releases. When CCD first began to do public education work related to the election, the media covered our issues with more frequency than they do presently. Before another election, it would likely be beneficial to spend some time developing some new strategies for reaching the media.
CCD made its election materials widely available. Abilities magazine published a summary piece on CCD's 7 priority issues and CCD released an edition of A Voice of Our Own the day the election was announced. Via email and other mediums, ten special editions of A Voice of Our Own, devoted to the election issues, were sent out to people with disabilities, community organizations and the general public. CCD also produced a short brochure on its election issues for those who might want to take a summary of our issues to public meetings. All CCD's election materials were prominently featured on CDD's web site.
CCD kept hammering home the essential message that disability supports is the immediate issue. Properly executed, a new approach to disability supports is the lever for transformational change. All the Parties responded to CCD's request for information about their disability platform. The Conservative Party responded that they would legislate a National Disability Act which was not amongst CCD's priority issues. Following the election, CCD wrote to the Prime Minister and many Cabinet Ministers outlining CCD's areas of focus.
February 6, 2006
Rt. Hon Stephen Harper
Prime Minister
Member of Parliament
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Mr. Prime Minister:
Congratulations on your election and your Party's election as the Government of Canada. CCD is a national association of persons with disabilities that seeks to improve the status of Canadians with disabilities. CCD is currently celebrating its 30th anniversary and has been seen by the Government of Canada as the major cross disability representative voice of Canadians with disabilities.
CCD has a long history of working collaboratively with government and we offer to you and your government our collaboration to find new and innovative ways of creating a more inclusive and accessible Canada. Your Party's platform commitment to a National Disability Act is of particular interest to us. While not our first priority, we have begun to define from a community perspective what might be achieved through such a vehicle and what would be not be easily addressed. A new Act could have impact in key areas of federal jurisdiction such as transportation or access to new technologies. It may be able to strengthen federal enforcement mechanisms such as the Canadian Transportation Agency, the CRTC, or the Canadian Human Rights Commission. It could impose a "disability lens" on government policy to ensure the issues of persons with disabilities are addressed and it could possibly impose an access requirement on government purchase of goods and services.
For some years CCD has worked with all levels of government to seek ways of addressing the poverty, unemployment, lack of disability related supports faced by Canadians with disabilities. Disability issues have been identified by all F/P/T Ministers of Social Services as a priority and working groups have been set up to try and move forward a progressive agenda. This work must continue. A National Disability Act will not be able to address the poverty, lack of support or unemployment of Canadians with disabilities because these issues are within provincial/territorial jurisdiction. Thus the issue of "fiscal imbalance" and how it is addressed becomes critical to Canadians with disabilities from across the country.
CCD wishes to work with you and your government and we offer our constructive support to achieve a more inclusive and accessible Canada where all persons regardless of ability or disability are able to contribute to and participate as full and equal citizens.
A first step toward that goal would be the creation of Parliamentary Committee on Disability Issues. This mechanism has been very helpful to our community for over 25 years. We urge you to create such a Committee in the very near future.
Marie White
National Chairperson
Laurie Beachell
National Coordinator
CCD: 30 Years of Advocating for the Rights of Canadians with Disabilities
During the last 30 years, Canada has achieved many milestones on the path toward full citizenship for persons with disabilities. The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) has been involved centrally in Canada's campaigns to advance disability rights. Without the disability rights movement, Canada would not be a world leader in the creation of active citizenship for persons with disabilities.
INNOVATING A NEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MODEL: CROSS DISABILITY-CCD's founders made cross disability a guiding principle. CCD welcomes volunteers with any disability to take part in its campaigns for equality, which focus on broad social policy affecting the disability community.
DIRECTING OUR OWN LIVES: SELF-DETERMINATION-Prior to the formation of community organizations, directed by persons with disabilities, Canadian policy makers viewed medical and rehabilitation professionals as spokespersons on disability issues. With CCD's emergence, volunteers with disabilities challenged the legitimacy of doctors and therapists to intervene with government on the citizenship issues of persons with disabilities. In 1980, with CCD volunteers leading the charge, disability activists hijacked the Rehabilitation International (RI) Conference, held in Winnipeg. The outspoken CCD volunteers, who critiqued the professional presentations in daily bulletins, captivated the media. CCD Chairperson Allan Simpson focused attention on removing barriers and challenged the medical model. An episode of CBC Summerscope profiled CCD's activities. Canadian politicians impressed by new disability models advanced by CCD began to realize that room at policy tables had to be made for the disability rights movement. Shortly there after, Canada appointed Henry Enns, a CCD volunteer, to the delegation drafting the UN World Program of Action Concerning Disabled Persons.
ADVOCATING FOR ACCESSIBLE TRANSPORTATION-CCD held policy conventions to develop plans for making Canada an inclusive society. The earliest forums addressed employment and transportation. CCD used these forums to lever the Canadian Transport Commission to hold a public hearing on transportation barriers. Consumers traveled to Ottawa, some under horrific conditions of inaccessibility, to explain to how transportation is the hub of independent living.
CCD's is a leader on transportation accessibility: Irene McGinn, a CCD Vice Chair, was on the Roadcruiser project team, which brought accessible intercity buses to Canada. The Federal Government consulted CCD during establishment of the first national accessible transportation policy. CCD has co-chaired the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation. Currently, CCD is seeking a regulatory system for transportation access comparable to what Americans with disabilities enjoy.
RAISING DISABILITY AWARENESS-The UN declared 1981 International Year of Disabled Persons (IYDP), a transformative event for Canada. CCD volunteers served on organizing committees, implementing projects for inclusive communities. Canada established the Special Parliamentary Committee on the Disabled and the Handicapped, which heard from Canadians with disabilities about discrimination. CCD seconded Jim Derksen, its National Coordinator, to the Committee's research staff. The involvement of a veteran CCD volunteer in writing the Obstacles Report, ensured its recommendations supported equality, full participation and citizenship.
FIGHTING FOR HUMAN AND EQUALITY RIGHTS-Canada's human rights laws and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms protect people with disabilities, because CCD volunteers dedicated themselves to ensuring that these laws would include disability. CCD wrote briefs, telegrams, and letters to politicians demanding coverage. They monitored Constitutional Committee meetings, participated in demonstrations and followed politicians into washrooms to make the case for the inclusion of disability.
CCD has intervened in key equality rights cases heard by the Supreme Court to inform the Court about how its decisions will affect citizens with disabilities. CCD's interventions have improved how Canada does business. For example, the Eldridge case decision extends substantive accommodation in delivery of public services to people with disabilities, even when public services are downloaded to the private sector.
Internationally, CCD is contributing to the text of the emerging UN convention to protect the rights of persons with disabilities. CCD seeks a convention based on consumer principles and supporting Canadian values, such as the duty to accommodate. Steve Estey, CCD International Committee Chair, is on the Canadian delegation, negotiating the treaty at the UN.
DEVELOPING THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF CITIZENSHIP-Government officials consulted CCD in the development of In Unison, a pan-Canadian commitment to improve disability supports, employment opportunities and income support for persons with disabilities.
Disability-Related Supports--CCD leads the consumer call for a national investment in disability-related supports, which are any good or service used by a person with a disability for independent living. "Lack of disability-related supports means isolation and prohibits economic and social participation," states CCD Chair Marie White.
Income--The Federal Government appointed Laurie Beachell, CCD's National Coordinator, to the Technical Advisory Committee on Tax, which worked to improve tax fairness and access to income for persons with disabilities.
Employment--CCD has been calling for bold public policy addressing the employment issues of persons with disabilities. CCD has worked to improve Canada's Employment Equity legislation, seeking an Act that would do more than require companies to report on their employment practices.
WORKING FOR THE NEXT GENERATION-While milestones have been achieved, critical work remains because new issues emerge. Take, for example, information and communication technology (ICT). While ICT has levelled some barriers, it also creates new ones. For example, despite the fact that accessible technology exists, Canadian airports feature automated ticketing machines inaccessible to travellers with visual impairments. CCD is dedicated to removing barriers from the ICT area. To this end, CCD participates in the Dis-IT research alliance, which is bringing together members of academia, industry and the disability community to investigate how to eliminate barriers in ICT. CCD is also participating in other research alliances that will equip it to meet other continuing and emerging challenges, such as income support and palliative care.
What Others Have to Say About CCD
"Inclusion of disability under the Canadian Human Rights Act was no easy matter: and it was a pivotal moment in the history of our movement. The Charter is a significant and valuable tool in the struggle for equality rights.
We knew we had to get this one right. It was doubtful there would ever be a second chance because of the overwhelming hurdle created by the Canadian constitutional amending formula. We needed Charter protection at the get go. People with disabilities and their organizations initiated a tremendous Charter inclusion lobby.
I remember we were so close to getting the all-important approval and the bureaucrats came back to us and said... "We can sell inclusion of physical disability but there are questions about intellectual and mental disability." There was a lot of pressure on the movement to get what you can now and continue the fight another day. I'm proud to say we resisted that temptation."~ Michael Huck, a former CCD Chairperson.
"CCD has been a strong, clear and consistent voice for the dignity and equality of persons with disabilities over the past 30 years. It has played a key role by bringing disability issues before Parliament and the Supreme Court of Canada. I have been very proud to have been associated with CCD and to have played a small role in its work."~ Harry Beatty, lawyer.
"We are so fortunate to have a strong, vibrant National Assembly like CCD in Canada where our headquarters is located. CCD is a great supporter of DPI's work internationally and has taken a lead role in Canada as we move towards a U.N. Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. Congratulations on 30 good years, CCD, and our best wishes for 30 more."~ Venus Ilagan, Chairperson Disabled Peoples' International.
"It is not very often that a woman from a log cabin in the woods of Ontario, who thought she had no more influence than her own family, could end up doing policy work at the UN. CCD gave us the confidence and skills to be able to do that." ~ Francine Arsenault, a former CCD Chairperson.
"Over the years it has been my honor to serve CCD as its legal counsel on several occasions. From that vantage point, I have been present when CCD's disability-friendly model of equality was first adopted by other equality seeking groups, and then adopted by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Andrews case. I have seen CCD challenged aggressively and not back down. I have seen CCD threatened and subjected to financial duress, but carry on regardless. Without the vision, courage and determination CCD has demonstrated over the last 30 years Canadians with disabilities would have few if any of the rights they currently enjoy."~ David Baker, lawyer.
"CCD has been instrumental in convening meeting places where people with disabilities and other experts have been able to have important discussions, sharing insights, brainstorming and strategizing around how to secure the citizenship, human rights and well-being of people with disabilities. Throughout, CCD has ensured that the voices of people with disabilities have been heard and respected. Congratulations on your 30th anniversary, 30 years well spent indeed!"~ Cam Crawford, Roeher Institute.
"On the international stage, one of the most significant contributions CCD has made is the ongoing support to Disabled Peoples' International (DPI). CCD has been a leader in the most important events shaping the evolution of disability rights both in Canada and abroad." ~ Steve Estey, Chairperson CCD International Development Committee.
CCD continues to be a crucial association of Canadians with disabilities. Through tough times and through better times, over the past 30 years, CCD has been a resolute voice in advancing a vision of equality, human rights, dignity and full citizenship. We are closer to that vision today, though with so much more to do of course, due to the efforts of CCD. ~ Michael J. Prince, University of Victoria.
"Through 3 decades of visionary leadership, solidarity building and human rights advocacy the Council of Canadians with Disabilities has been an inspiration to people with intellectual disabilities and their families; to all of us who advocate for a Canada of equality and inclusion. Thank you CCD." ~ Michael Bach, Canadian Association for Community Living.
"CCD's vision and tireless advocacy efforts, developed in consultation with Canadians with disabilities, enabled persons with disabilities to have a voice of their own, and to move the agenda forward from the Medical Model to the IL Model."~ Paul Young, a former CCD Chairperson.
CCD Awards 2005/2006
British Columbia Coalition of People with Disabilities
Tom McGregor
Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities
Robin Slater
Saskatchewan Voice of People with Disabilities
Lil Luthje
Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
Leonore Saunders O. M.
ConfŽdŽration des organismes de personnes handicapŽes du QuŽbec
Martin Bergevin
Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities
Donald Mullins
PEI Council of the Disabled
Pat Rose
Coalition of Persons with Disabilities -NFLD and Labrador
Kier Martin
Canadian Association of the Deaf
Elaine Campbell
DisAbled Women Network Canada
National Educational Association of Disabled Students
Mahadeo Sukhai
National Network for Mental Health
Bill Mussel
Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada
Gavin Bamber
People First Canada
Shane Haddad
Persons United for Self-Help in-Northwestern Ontario
Cal Young
Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians
Denise Sanders
NWT Council of Persons with Disabilities
Alex Nitsiza
CCD's Chairpersons
Row 1: Percy Wickman, Michael Huck, Allan Simpson. Row 2: Ron Kanary, Jim Derksen, Irene Feika.
Row 3: Raleigh Orr, Francine Arsenault, Eric Norman. Row 4: Paul Young, Marie White.
Speaking Out
Making Changes
Celebrating Victories
30 Years of Achievement
CCD Briefs, Presentations and Publications
Annotated Bibliography Relating to the Development of a Disability Lens
Final Report A National Snapshot of Home Support from the Consumer Perspective
A Call to Combat Poverty
MOVING BACKWARDS: Canada State of Transportation
Accessibility in an International Context
Second National Community Consultation
Promoting International Social and Economic Rights
Through Civil society: Canadian NGO Perspective
by Allan McChesney
Inclusive Policy Development Incorporating
A Disability Lens
CCD Submission to CCDS
CCD Presentation to the Standing Committee
on Citizenship and Immigration
April 2005
Advancing Citizenship
International Developments
UN Convention Series
Pre-Budget Consultation
- A working document-
VIA RAIL CHRONOLOGY 2005 (Revised) (Nov/05)
(What MP's Need to Know about the Disability Rights……)
October 2005
A VOICE OF OUR OWN - Election Series
CCD Chairperson's Update

CCD shares its views on policy reform with Federal Ministers. For example, in January 2011, CCD, along with others in the disability community met with Minister Diane Finley and Minister Steven Fletcher. From left to right: Jim Derksen (CCD), Shelly Rattai, Rose Flaig, John Young, Minister Finley, Minister Fletcher, Ross Young and Ken Burford.