
CCD keeps its members and others informed by publishing reports and newsletters.

Voice of Our Own

This quarterly newsletter updates the community on the activities of CCD and its member organizations.

December 8, 2020

Claiming the right to housing and the rights of persons with disabilities to community inclusion

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), National Right to Housing Network (NHRN) and Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation (CERA) are inviting you to join us for a webinar in honour of International Human Rights Day on: “Claiming the right to housing and  the rights of persons with disabilities to community inclusion” via Zoom at 1pm ET on Thursday, December 10th.  Read more.

April 2, 2019

During Official Visit UN Special Rapporteur on Disability Rights Looking at Canada's Record on Disability

I think it is very helpful to have an external expert come and look at things on the ground. I think it will be very instructive for us and she has the ability as an independent UN expert, who is not beholding to anyone here in Canada, to say exactly what she thinks.  So, I think she will shine a light on what she considers to be areas of concern.  I will be very honest about this and say the fact that the government has invited her to do this, I think, is a sign of good faith on the part of the government, as well.  It is a sign of commitment on the part of the government to try and move things forward on the disability agenda.  Read more.

August 20, 2018


At a press conference in Ottawa advocates released an open letter to Prime Minister Trudeau signed by over 170 organizations and prominent Canadians urging the Prime Minister to make good on his commitment to the right to housing by enshrining that right in upcoming National Housing Strategy legislation. Read more.

Chairperson's Update

In this monthly newsletter, CCD’s Chairperson shares information about the work undertaken by the National Council of Representatives, Committees, volunteers and staff.

July 2, 2024

Chairperson's Update: June 2024 | CCD's 48th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Heather Walkus, CCD Chairperson, summarizes the key events at the Annual General Meeting, which took place on June 18, 2024. Read more.

June 7, 2024

Chairperson's Update: April - May | Announcing New CCD Resource Guide on GBA Plus Analysis

CCD's Chairperson Heather Walkus shares information about CCD's work on developing a tool to assist members build their capacity to undertake a GBA+ analysis.  Read more.

CCD Weblog

June 15, 2021

Gathering Momentum for An Inclusive Workplace

On June 1, 2021, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities co-hosted and participated in a roundtable discussion on "The Role of Innovative Technologies in Recruiting and Increasing Retention of Employees with Disabilities" with Facebook and Inclusion Canada.  Read more.

February 17, 2021

Dear Health Ministers- Remember us? People with disabilities, the most vulnerable and ignored in the vaccine rollout?

The federal government is responsible for procurement of the vaccinations and has a duty to take leadership in regard to protecting vulnerable citizens. Provincial and territorial governments are responsible under human rights legislation to ensure that vaccines are delivered to people with disabilities in a timely manner and that folks with disabilities are in the vaccine delivery plans. We call on all levels of government in Canada to look at their vaccination plans and reconsider where at risk disabled Canadians, their families and caregivers fall into these plans. Read more.

December 16, 2020

Continuing to Develop Human Rights Capacity

You should check out the Disability Rights Online website.  This website connects visitors with self-paced online training on human rights, other resources and contact information for expert speakers on human rights. Read more.


May 22, 2024

Gender-based Analysis Plus Quick Resource Guide

GBA Plus benefits organizations, because it supports program/project implementors and researchers, to positively impact as many people as possible who would benefit from the type of support offered. In terms of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities’ work, accessibility is a spectrum, and many folks with disabilities are multi-marginalized and fall in other categories of systemic marginalization; being able to reflect on who is and isn’t being included in a program/project, translates into making sure our services are impacting the most amount of people, in the best way possible.

  Read more.

February 14, 2017


CCD is interested in developing an ongoing collaborative working relationship with Parks Canada that will support increased access and inclusion in all of Parks Canada's activities. Read more.