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Empower U: Learn to Access Your Disability Rights Training on Canadian Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol (OP) training aims to increase awareness of how to address discrimination using more familiar Canadian human rights laws such as Human Rights Codes and the newer international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This is training for persons with disabilities by persons with disabilities. The training is part of a project funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and implemented by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) in collaboration with Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre Inc. (CMDCI), Citizens With Disabilities – Ontario (CWDO), Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) and National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS). Read more.
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CCD Election Challenge
2006 Election Update-1 week to secure support for long-term disability agenda
Party platforms are in and Canadians with disabilities should be encouraged disability issues are included in all major party platforms. While the major party platforms address disability, they are not necessarily specific on the need for a long-term agenda on disability.
CCD and the Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL) have jointly undertaken a quick review of the major party platforms.
Our Vision-Canadians with disabilities have the disability-related supports they require to fully access Canada.
Where the Parties Stand
The major party platforms have been released over the course of the last couple of weeks.
All platforms have a commitment to persons with disabilities, however, they are not necessarily specific on the need for a long-term agenda. Recognizing that it is not always possible for party platforms to provide a comprehensive outlook on all initiatives, CCD and CACL undertook further consultation with all parties to better understand their position
Long Term Agenda
Consumers need a cross-party commitment to get a long-term disability agenda.
Before 23 January 2006, ask your candidate to confirm their support.
National Strategy
Liberal Party-The Liberal Party platform is the most substantive platform on disability issues and the Liberal Party is the only Party that has committed to the development of a 10-year agenda with a particular focus on disability and income supports.
NDP-The NDP leader indicated his Party's support for a National Disability Strategy and to work for persons with disabilities in the next parliament.
Steven Fletcher, Conservative Health Critic, on Disability
The Conservative Party's Health Critic, Steven Fletcher, who is a wheelchair user, has indicated support for legislation to address equal access to services across Canada.
The Bloc on Disability Issues
The Bloc Quebecois supports the inclusion of those with disabilities but does not propose any specific initiatives within their platform.
The Bloc Quebecois reaffirmed their support for the inclusion of persons with disabilities and for respect, tolerance and solidarity. They expressed that they believe that the provinces would best deal with disability issues.
National Disability Act
The Conservative Party, the New Democratic Party (NDP) and the Green Party commit to the development of a national act on disability. The NDP indicated that their proposed Canadians with Disabilities Act is a framework for a broader long-term initiative to address poverty, the need for supports and investment in programs, not tax cuts.
The Conservative Party has indicated that a National Disability Act could bring together a patchwork of programs and services that affect persons with disabilities and seek to address the discrimination facing people with disabilities. In general, the Conservatives support achieving agreements in consultation with the provinces and territories.
CCD and CACL believe a single mechanism or initiative will not be effective in addressing disability issues. Progress requires commitment to a long-term agenda that is comprehensive, coordinated, inter-sectoral, and multi-jurisdiction in its approach.
The Green Party on Disability Issues
The Green Party has indicated their willingness to work with the disability community.
Investigate the Parties' Positions
The Parties' positions are available for further review at the following web sites:
Confirm Parties' Positions
Confirming to a long-term agenda is a commitment to building a better Canada. The disability community is interested in working constructively with the next Parliament on a long-term agenda that requires a comprehensive, coordinated, inter-sectoral and multi-jurisdictional approach. Ask your candidate to respond to these questions before 23/01/06:
Do you and your party support:
- The development and implementation of a long-term agenda for transformational change?
- Ensuring access to needed disability and income supports as a focused priority within a long-term agenda?
- Engaging local, provincial, territorial and national disability organizations in this period of change?
This is a non-partisan issue.
Securing a Long-term Disability Agenda
As election day draws near, it is critical that all parties continue to be asked about their position on disability issues. Canadians with disabilities and their families need to know how a party platform commitment for persons with disabilities will translate in to their daily lives and experiences. The disability community has been calling for a commitment to a long term disability agenda with an immediate focus on disability supports. Disability supports remains the number one priority for the disability community. We know that a concerted effort to improve access to needed disability supports will trigger transformational change. We need your help to ensure that all candidates, in all parties, are asked to respond to these questions. With one week to go before Canadians go to the polls, candidates need to be reminded that advancing and promoting the full inclusion and active citizenship of Canadians with disabilities is a national issue of citizenship and human rights.
Council of Canadians with Disabilities
926-294 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 0B9
Phone: 204-947-0303
Fax: 204-942-4625
Confirm the Parties's Positions
Canadians with disabilities need a cross-party commitment to secure a long-term disability agenda. Before 23 January 2006, ask your candidate to confirm support for a long-term disability agenda.
Committing to a long-term agenda is a commitment to building a better Canada. The disability community is interested in working constructively with the next Parliament on a long-term agenda that requires a comprehensive, coordinated, inter-sectoral and multi-jurisdictional approach.
Our Questions to Candidates are simple-Do you and your party support:
- The development and implementation of a long-term agenda for transformational change?
- Ensuring access to needed disability and income supports as a focused priority within a long-term agenda?
- Engaging local, provincial, territorial and national disability organizations in this period of change?
Ask local candidates to respond to these questions before 23 January 2006.
This is a non-partisan issue.