All Abilities Together: Take Our Survey on Inclusion and Accessibility Legislation

Special Edition

Please take a moment to complete the Alliance for an Inclusive and Accessible Canada's* survey about Canada’s proposed federal accessibility law. 

The Alliance is conducting the survey to help identify the disability community’s accessibility and inclusion priorities. We are seeking input from people with disabilities, their families and caregivers, and other stakeholders such as service providers, employers, unions, industry representatives and associations.

The Government of Canada has committed to adopting a strong federal accessibility law to remove and prevent barriers facing people with disabilities.

The new accessibility law will cover areas that are under the power of the federal government. This includes railways, airlines, banks, postal services, radio, television, telephone and internet providers, Employment Insurance (EI), immigration, Aboriginal lands and rights, the military and criminal law.

This new law will not address areas that are under the power of the provinces. This includes health care, education, municipal transportation, guardianship and property rights.

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*The Alliance for an Inclusive and Accessible Canada (the Alliance) is made up of 12 member organizations and three partner organizations. Together, we are consulting Canadians about the Government of Canada’s proposed accessibility law.

The Alliance’s member organizations are: AEBC – Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians, ASC – Alzheimer Society of Canada, CACL - Canadian Association for Community Living, CASDA – Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance, CCD – Council of Canadians with Disabilities, CMHA – Canadian Mental Health Association,  CNIB – Canadian National Institute for the Blind,  DAWN – DisAbled Women's Network Canada, MODC – March of Dimes Canada, NNMH – National Network for Mental Health, PFC – People First of Canada, Realize. 

The Alliance’s partner organizations are:  DeafBlind Ontario Services, Muscular Dystrophy Canada, Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Association Canada.