
A Wake Up Call: Catherine Frazee Speaks Out

[9 October 1997]

Why is the Latimer case important?

Why I Got Involved in the Robert Latimer Case

[2 October 1997]

When Robert Latimer appealed his murder conviction and sentence to the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal in 1995, I appeared on behalf of the Intervenor, People in Equal Participation, Inc. to assert the rights of persons with disabilities by supporting the Crown's position. It was not a lucrative case, or even within my usual area of practice, but it was one of the more gratifying files of my legal career. The issues in the case touched not only my interest, but fundamental aspects of my life.

Why Give to the Tracy Fund?

[October 1997]

Tracy Latimer
Jim Nazar
Nancy B.
Sue Rodriguez
Ryan Wilkieson
Charles Blais
Andrea Halpin
Austin Bastable
Katie Lynn Baker
Ronald Lambert

All these people were killed because they had a disability. Won't you contribute to the Tracy Fund to help support CCD's efforts to protect the fundamental human rights of people with disabilities.

Paul Young Speaks Out: An Interview with People First's President

[25 September 1997]

What is People First's viewpoint on the Latimer case?

Eric Norman Speaks Out: CCD Chairperson's Viewpoint on Latimer Case

[11 September 1997]

Why is CCD involved in the Latimer case?

CCD is involved in the Latimer case because CCD is one of the strongest national voices of people with disabilities and it has a responsibility to make their viewpoints known. In this situation, public opinion leans heavily toward the notion that "compassionate" killing of a person with a disability is somehow a lesser crime than murder. People with disabilities are feeling highly vulnerable and so CCD sees this as a high priority involvement.

A New Term of Government Begins: Will It Be Open Season on People with Disabilities?

[14 August 1997] — On 2 June 1997, Canadians elected a new government.

Excerpt from House of Commons: Bill C-304, an act to amend the Criminal Code (aiding suicide)

March 6, 1997



Mr. Svend J. Robinson (Burnaby-Kingsway, NDP) moved that Bill C-304, an act to amend the Criminal Code (aiding suicide), be read the second time and referred to a committee.

He said: Mr. Speaker, each year in Canada more than 190,000 Canadians die. We know that some 40,000 Canadians die each year of tobacco related causes and I am very pleased that this House has just passed Bill C-71 which will have an impact on health, in particular young Canadians.

Some Info About Robert Latimer

[6 February 1997]

Is Tracy's murder the only crime that Latimer has been charged with?

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