The Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Follies
by Judith Snow, MA
Chairperson, Ontario Advocacy Coalition
(October 22, 1998) — Jam packed into one week in October, yet once again Canadians are going to be treated to a media spectacle—the Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Follies. The opening act will consist of a dramatic presentation on CBC starring the ghost of Sue Rodriguez. The main act will bring Robert Latimer back for an encore performance of "Killing Me Softly" performed with genuine Canadian empathy and compassion.
Hugh Scher Raises Concerns with CBC
[21 October, 1998]
October 16, 1998
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
250 Front Street West
Toronto, ON M5W 1E6
Attention: Heather Spiller, National Assignment Editor
Dear Ms. Spiller:
Re: Airing of Feature Film—"At the End of the Day"—The Sue Rodriguez Story
MLPD Plans Monument for Tracy Latimer
[16 October 1998]
Chilling Quotes
(15 October 1998) — Robert Latimer's October appeal to the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal will likely put this case in the news once again. Consequently, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities is intensifying its efforts to monitor public discourse on the Latimer case and to present the aspects of the case which would be absent without the involvement of persons with disabilities. It is people with disabilities who have been setting the record straight on the true definition of compassion.
An Interview with Gregor Wolbring
(October 14, 1998 — In this interview, Dr. Wolbring analyzes the social context that has given rise to cases like Latimer and suggests a message that can be promoted to the media to counteract current stereotypes about disability.)
What are the dynamics that people need to point out when doing public education on the Latimer Case?
Our Voice Will Be Heard - Intervenor Status Granted in Latimer Case
(8 October 1998) — The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal granted joint intervenor status to the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), Saskatchewan Voice of Persons with Disabilities, People First Canada, Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL), the DisAbled Women's Network Canada (DAWN Canada), and People in Equal Participation (PEP) in the Latimer case. The Court is allowing the intervenors 20 minutes of oral argument. Mr. Bob Richards of the firm McPherson, Leslie and Tyerman will act as legal counsel.
Latimer Case Factum 1997
C. A. No. 7413/7416
Coalition of People with Disabilities Seek Intervenor Status in Latimer Appeal
(4 June 1998) — On 19 May 1998, six major organizations of Canadians with disabilities and their families approached the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal today to seek intervenor status in the appeal of Robert Latimer's second degree murder conviction and the sentence imposed. The organizations are: Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL), DisAbled Women's Network Canada (DAWN Canada), People for Equal Participation (PEP), People First of Canada, and Saskatchewan Voice of People with Disabilities (Sask. Voice).
Coalition Of Disabled Canadians Seek Intervenor Status in Latimer Appeal
For Immediate Release
May 19, 1998
Six major organizations of Canadians with disabilities and their families approached the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal today to seek intervenor status in the appeal of Robert Latimer's second degree murder conviction and the sentence imposed. The organizations are: