
The Latimer Case: The Reflections of People with Disabilities - Introduction

by Hugh R. Scher, Chairperson, CCD Human Rights Committee

Annual Report: 1998-1999

Making Change Work for Us

Submitted by Eric Norman

The Latimer Case: The Reflections of People with Disabilities - Media

Latimer Wins Case in Media

by Prof. Dick Sobsey, University of Alberta Abuse and Disability Project

The Latimer Case: The Reflections of People with Disabilities - A Parental Perspective

A Father's Concerns

by Brian Stewart

Forty plus years ago my parents were told not to take me home. Those concerned for my parents' well being, the medical profession, could not see my life as being worth living. Born with Cerebral Palsy, their vision was that I would not have a future and they did not, would not, or could not, see a place in the community for me.

The Latimer Case: The Reflections of People with Disabilities - Equality Rights Issues

by Cal Lambeth (Winnipeg mother of a child with a disability)

I believe that this is a personal tragedy for the Latimer family as any domestic crime involving the loss of life would be a tragedy. Tracy Latimer is a tragic victim of misguided beliefs. But apart from the individuals involved, it stands as a case which can have serious implications for citizens of Canada, and particularly for citizens who have disabilities. In fact, it will measure the values of the society in which we live.

Support the Tracy Fund

(28 December 1998) — CCD is seeking your support to continue working to protect the fundamental human rights of persons with disabilities.

Make a contribution to our work today!

CCD has undertaken the following activities in support of fundamental human rights:

Self-Determination Threatened by DNR Orders: David Martin Speaks Out

23 December 1998

How did the MLPD get involved in the Sawatzky case?

Kevorkian, Dr. Death, Charged with Murder

(3 December 1998) — On Sunday, 22 November 1998, CBS's "60 Minutes" broadcast a video in which Dr. Jack Kevorkian administered a lethal injection to Thomas Youk, a 52 year old man with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Dr. Kevorkian shared the video with CBS to push US society another step down the road toward legalized euthanasia.

Prior to the Youk case, Kevorkian has not administered a lethal injection. Instead, he has provided those requesting his services with a "suicide machine" which was operated by the person requesting the suicide.

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