
Surrogate Suicide: An Oxymoron

(14 April 2000) — On 31 March 2000, the Attorney General for the Province of Saskatchewan submitted its factum to the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of Her Majesty the Queen v. Robert William Latimer. In its factum the Crown addresses the facts of the case, points of law that are at issue in the appeal, the arguments being put forward in the case and the order that is being requested from the Supreme Court of Canada.

Who Was Tracy Latimer?

(7 April 2000) — Because she was murdered by Robert Latimer, Tracy Latimer will never have the opportunity to tell the world what her life was really like. Tracy's communication books, in which her mother and others recorded the events of her life, tell the story of a happy young girl, who participated in the same kinds of activities that other Canadians, both those with and without disabilities, experience. Evidence was introduced at Robert Latimer's trial that demonstrates that Tracy's life was more than just pain and suffering.

Latimer Case Chronology

(30 March 2000) — The following are some key dates to remember in the Latimer case:

23 November 1980—Tracy Latimer is born.

24 October 1993—Robert Latimer murders Tracy Latimer, by gassing her with carbon monoxide in his truck.

16 November 1994—A jury convicts Robert Latimer of second degree murder.

Who's in the Community Coalition

(29 March 2000) — A coalition of disability organizations have come together to intervene in Robert Latimer's Supreme Court Appeal which will be heard on 14 June 2000. Legal counsel for the intervention is Bob Richards of MacPherson, Leslie and Tyerman, Barristers and Solicitors. This coalition also intervened in Latimer's second appeal to the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal.

Confronting Ableist Bias

(28 March 2000) — Robert Latimer's Supreme Court Appeal will be heard on 14 June 2000 and this will occasion an outpouring of pro- Robert Latimer support. Past experience suggests that some bioethicists will be among his supporters. Ethicist Eike Henner Kluge has stated, "Tracy would not have been in this situation if people had not used heroic means all along. Someone should have stopped along the way and asked, 'Should we be doing this?

CCD Addresses Senators

(27 March 2000 — The following is a summary of a presentation made by Hugh Scher, Chairperson of CCD's Human Rights Committee, to the Senate Subcommittee to Update "Of Life and Death" of the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science, and Technology.)

Anglican Church of Canada Seeks Opinions on Euthanasia

(24 March 2000) — The public debate surrounding the Latimer case has prompted the Anglican Church of Canada to study the question of euthanasia.

Annual Report: 2000-2001

Go as far as you can see, and when you get there you will see farther.
—Orison Sweet Marden
Four years ago I was elected Chair of CCD, following Francine Arsenault in that position. She had led the organization during some of its most progressive activity, and had added greatly to its profile both in Canada and abroad. As it turned out, the foundation of credibility which she had laid served us well when federal policy changed and presented a threat to CCD's very existence.

Crown Will Not Lay Charges in Death of Katie Lynn Baker

(6 December 1999) — Charges will not be laid in the death of Katie Lynn Baker, who was ten years old when she died of starvation. A coroner's inquest found Katie Lynn's death to be a homicide in May of 1997.

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