
Transportation Modernization Act (Bill C-49)


Transportation Modernization Act (Bill C-49)

Submissions to the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications

By: Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD)
Bob Brown, Chairperson, CCD Transportation Committee, and
Terrance Green, Co-Chair, CCD Transportation Committee

March 20, 2018

Download PDF version of report (626K)



February 27, 2018

CCD National Coordinator Participating in CRA's Disability Advisory Committee Meeting

When the Minister of National Revenue reinstated the Disability Advisory Committee (DAC), she appointed James Hicks, CCD National Coordinator, to the DAC. James is attending the Committee’s first meeting today, January, 24, 2017.

Not Much Real Change Coming to Canada Post Service

For Immediate Release | January 24, 2018

Delta Airlines Inc. v Gábor Lukács

Media Release

For Immediate Release

BREAKING: 19 January 2018 - In the matter of Delta Airlines Inc. v Gábor Lukács, the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) has decided that it is unreasonable for the Canadian Transportation Agency (the “Agency”) to apply a narrow criteria for determining which complaints can be heard. Specifically, the SCC held that such a narrow approach unreasonably prevents public interest groups such as the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (the “CCD”) from bringing complaints forward.


The Alliance for an Inclusive and Accessible Canada will be hosting its fifth #AllianceChat in its series on Monday, January 15th, 2018 at 3 pm EST. Please note the new day and time!  During the chat, the Alliance will be discussing healthcare for Indigenous people with disabilities.  The Alliance is pleased to announce that Mr. Neil Belanger, Executive Director BCANDS (www.bcands.bc.ca) will be joining the chat.  To participate in the chat just go to Twitter and search for #AllianceChat and you can join through there.  

Happy New Year!

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities wishes you a Happy New Year!

In 2018, we are looking forward to working on national accessibility and inclusion legislation.  

Jewelles Smith
Council of Canadians with Disabilities


Happy Holidays

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities wishes you an accessible and inclusive holiday season.

Jewelles Smith
Council of Canadians with Disabilities


Changes to the Canada Pension Plan Coming

In this Update, I am sharing some information* from the Government of Canada about proposed future changes to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). As the CPP is a key component of the income security system, it is important for community members to be informed about how it will be evolving.

The federal and provincial Ministers of Finance review the CPP every three years. 

#AllianceChat - Registered Disability Savings Plan

The Alliance for an Inclusive and Accessible Canada will be hosting the next #AllianceChat  in the series on Wednesday, December 20th, from  4:00 pm until 5:00 pm EST. The topic of discussion will be the Registered Disability Savings Plan. Mr. Ron Malis is the special guest for the event.  Mr. Malis is a financial advisor based out of Toronto who serves people with disabilities and their families.

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