Disability and Immigration Rights Groups Call on Immigration Minister to "Do the Right Thing"

For Immediate Release | April 10, 2018

Deadline for government response on discriminatory immigration rules is April 12th.

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), Canada’s national coalition that is working for a more accessible and inclusive Canada, joins with migrant caregivers, HIV and human rights, and other immigration rights advocates to call on Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen to “do the right thing” and immediately introduce legislation to repeal sections of the Immigration Act that deny permanent residency to an entire family if a member of the family has a disability and deemed to pose an “excessive demand” on Canada’s health and social services system.

“CCD was delighted with the very positive Report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration released in December that recommended the repeal of the demeaning and discriminatory Excessive Demands provisions in Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act,” said John Rae, CCD’s 1st Vice Chair. “We believe repealing these arbitrary barriers to persons with disabilities who wish to immigrate to Canada flies in the face of Canada’s obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which Canada ratified,” added Rae.

James Hicks, CCD’s National Coordinator said, “I believe this repeal is particularly timely at this time, as the federal government is drafting a National Act that Canadians with disabilities are hoping will make long overdue and tangible progress to moving us from the margins to the mainstream of Canadians society.”


For further information, please contact:

John Rae
1st Vice Chair, Council of Canadians with Disabilities
Tel: 416-941-1547

James Hicks,
National Coordinator, Council of Canadians with Disabilities
Tel: 343-291-1118
Cell: 613-220-3605