Social Policy Archives

Social Policy

January 29, 2009

Federal Budget Sends New Signal to Disability Community

In these challenging times, CCD urges you and your colleagues to ensure that those who already face significant disadvantage are not forgotten. Canadians with disabilities struggle when times are good to have their needs met and when times are bad sadly we are often the first to feel the effects of cutbacks or loss of employment. Read more.

National Action Plan on Disability

October 7, 2009

National Action Plan Video

Jim Derksen presents the National Action Plan. Read more.

September 22, 2009

End Exclusion 2009 Agenda

Roundtable Dialogue “Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship”

October 1, 2009
Ottawa City Hall Council Chambers
110 Laurier Avenue West

• To build solidarity within the disability community and with other anti-poverty groups.
• To highlight our shared priorities regarding Poverty Alleviation and inform key decision makers of our policy proposals.
• To build understanding of how a disability poverty alleviation agenda fits within broader anti-poverty proposals being advanced.
• To build on the success of End Exclusion 2006 and 2007.

  Read more.

July 14, 2008

Your Help Is Needed!

June 1, 2008

Your Help Is Needed!

CCD explains what individuals can do in support of an accessible and inclusive Canada. Read more.

November 1, 2007

From Vision to Action: Building An Inclusive and Accessible Canada: A National Action Plan

The National Action Plan presents a shared vision for an inclusive and accessible Canada. Read more.


November 4, 2012

Tony Dolan's Speaking Notes for an October 2012 Presentation to Finance Committee

In October 2012, CCD Chairperson Tony Dolan appeared before the House of Commons Finance Committee, when it was consulting Canadians about Canada's next Budget.  Tony shared CCD's views on initiatives that the Government of Canada should undertake to create a more accessible and inclusive Canada. Read more.

March 22, 2011

Dealing with Today´s Disability Poverty

The disability community has shared with the Federal Government a plan, with short and long term steps, for eradicating disability poverty. A refundable Disability Tax Credit is the measure that many of us in the disability community were hoping to see in Budget 2011, but, once again, the Federal Budget has chosen to ignore Canadians with disabilities at the lowest rung of the socioeconomic scale. A refundable disability tax credit would put desperately needed dollars in the wallets of Canadians with disabilities living in poverty.

  Read more.

December 3, 2010

United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The disability recommendations made by the HUMA Committee in their "Federal Poverty Reduction Plan" report would improve the lives of Canadians with disabilities by reducing disability poverty by removing barriers in income assistance, training, and employment. Many of its recommendations are drawn from the disability community's National Action Plan to build a more inclusive and accessible Canada.

We encourage all Members of Parliament to support the HUMA Committee's recommendations. Recognizing they cannot be all implemented immediately, a refundable disability tax credit would be an excellent first step for the Government to take. Including a refundable DTC in the upcoming Federal Budget would be an excellent down payment on income security for people with disabilities facing the severest poverty.

  Read more.

December 2, 2010

Support for Bill S-216

On behalf of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a national human rights organization of people with disabilities, I am writing to you in support of Bill S-216, the Protection of Beneficiaries of Long Term Disability Benefits Plans Act, and to follow-up on the presentation made to the Senate Banking, Trade and Commerce Committee by Jim Derksen on 18 November 2010, when he spoke in support of Bill S-216. The purpose of this Bill is to protect people with disabilities on long term disability (LTD) benefits, whose plans are self-insured by their employers, should their employers declare bankruptcy. As you will recall, when Nortel declared bankruptcy, there was protection for Nortel creditors but Nortel employees on long term disability, much to their shock and dismay, discovered that they would be losing much of their long term disability benefits. Bill S-216 seeks to create a more just bankruptcy process for those Canadians who have LTD plans self-insured by employers. Read more.

December 2, 2010

Federal Poverty Reduction Plan: Working in Partnership Towards Reducing Poverty in Canada

We are hopeful that the Federal Government will be guided by this report and it would be gratifying to see the next Federal Budget implement the recommendation on the refundable DTC. In the coming weeks, therefore, we will be encouraging the Government of Canada to respond positively to the recommendations contained in the "Federal Poverty Reduction Plan" report.

  Read more.

December 2, 2010

International Day of Persons with Disabilities - We're Sending Our Christmas Wish List to Federal Government

For this year's observance of December 3rd, CCD is drawing attention to the disproportionate level of poverty experienced by Canadians with disabilities in comparison to their nondisabled counterparts. Many Canadians assume that people with disabilities are well provided for by disability pensions. Few, unless they have a family member with a disability, understand that disability and poverty are largely synonymous—disability can lead to poverty and poverty can result in disability. Read more.


July 20, 2021

Sondage - Travailleuses et travailleurs handicapés en milieu de carrière

La participation à ce sondage est volontaire et elle prend environ 15 minutes. Il y a un formulaire de consentement pour le sondage.  Read more.

July 20, 2021

Mid-Career Workers with Disabilities Survey

If you’re in the middle of your working career and have a disability, you’re invited to complete this survey. Read more.

November 6, 2020

Supporting Mid-Career Workers with Disabilities through Community-building, Education, and Career-Progression Resources (MCWD) Project Update ? March 2020

The Supporting Mid-Career Workers with Disabilities through Community-building, Education, and Career-Progression Resources (MCWD) project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre. It addresses career adaptability by targeting the adaptive response skills development needs of MCWD. Through fostering and strengthening career adaptability, the project aims to potentiate other work underway to ameliorate the barriers MCWD and other disability cohorts face in the Canadian labour market. Read more.

September 17, 2014

Employment Equality for Canadians with Disabilities

A powerpoint presentation exploring employment and Canadians with disabilities. Read more.

February 12, 2014

Conservative Plan for 2014 Takes Action on Employment for Persons with Disabilities

CCD commends the Government of Canada for progress to date, and looks forward to working in partnership with the Government of Canada on those barriers, which are very well known in the disability community - poverty, inaccessibility, and lack of disability-related supports. Read more.

February 10, 2014

Getting and Keeping a Job - What makes a difference

This collection of essays has much to teach Canadians seeking to include workers with disabilities in the workplace, because the authors tease out from their personal experiences the factors that promote employment for people with disabilities. Read more.

Disability Supports

November 7, 2020


June 10, 2020 marked a disappointing day for Canadians with disabilities. Finally, government put forward financial relief for Canadians with disabilities only to have the bill fail on the floor. Once again, Canadians with disabilities have been further marginalized in receiving necessary COVID-19 financial relief support. Read more.

November 7, 2020

Council of Canadians with Disabilities Acknowledges COVID-19 Supports to Persons with Disabilities

With financial aid program falling short to address the needs of people with disabilities, this clearly demonstrates more work is needed to ensure all federal programs are developed through a disability lens and in a manner that is timely and responsive to this community.  Read more.

November 6, 2020

Long-Term Care Statement from CCD

Residents in long-term care consist of individuals with disabilities requiring continued care, seniors with disabilities, or seniors requiring assistance. The Council of Canadians with Disabilities is an organization comprised of disability-based organizations from all walks of life, including seniors in long-term care, and individuals with disabilities who require assistance in long-term care facilities.  Read more.

November 6, 2020

Disability Advocates Call for Immediate Change to Hospital Policies Designating "Essential" Supports/Visitors following the Death of Ariis Knight

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) and the Disability Alliance British Columbia (DABC) are calling on all hospitals in every province and territory in Canada to immediately revise their policies designating “essential” supports/visitors to include personal support workers, healthcare aides and family members who can assist people with disabilities in communicating with healthcare providers. Read more.

November 6, 2020

COVID 19 Response Needs to Be Approached with a Disability Lens

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) reminds all levels of government, community organizations and businesses responding to the COVID 19 crisis that all planning needs to be done using a human and disability rights lens to ensure that our country’s response does not leave anyone behind. Read more.

June 6, 2011

Government Tries to Silence Critic of Student Loan Discrimination

Jasmin Simpson seeks fair play from the Canada Student Loan Program. Read more.


March 17, 2025

Statement on the Passing of Ellen Cohen - Disability Community Mourns Her Loss Issued

It is with profound sadness that we share the news of the sudden passing of Ellen Cohen, a lifelong advocate for the rights and dignity of people with disabilities.  Read more.

January 13, 2025

CCD invites you to a Celebration of Life for Laurie Beachell

WHEN:   Saturday, February 1, 2025
Zoom formal program: 2:10 pm - 3:10 pm (CST)
In person gathering: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm (CST)

WHERE: Online: Zoom
In Person: Main floor classroom
Canadian Museum for Human Rights
85 Israel Asper Way, Winnipeg, MB
  Read more.

December 7, 2024

Remembering Laurie Beachell

It is with deep sadness that the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) announces the passing of Laurie Beachell, who died from complications due to pneumonia. As Heather Walkus, CCD’s Chairperson notes, “Canada has lost a remarkable and dedicated champion of disability rights. Laurie served as the National Coordinator of CCD from 1984 to 2015.” Read more.

Federal Disability Act

May 4, 2019

Senate Committee Corrects Some Weaknesses in Bill C-81

CCD calls on the Government to accept the SOCI Committee’s amendments and to incorporate them into Bill C-81. Read more.

April 11, 2019

CCD Calls on Senate to Address Significant Silences in Bill C-81, An Act to ensure a barrier-free Canada

On April 3, 2019, Accessibility Minister Carla Qualtrough told the Senate Social Affairs Committee she wants Bill C-81 to be "the best it can possibly be" and that she is open to amendments.  The Minister and the Senate have the Open Letter, endorsed by 95 organizations, calling for 9 amendments to improve Bill C-81 and the recommendations of the Federal Accessible Legislation Alliance.  These documents provide the formula for achieving the goal set out by Minister Qualtrough. Read more.

November 12, 2018

Study on Bill C-81, An Act to Ensure a Barrier-Free Canada

CCD shares this written submission to the Committee as a way of further elaborating on the recommendations it made at its appearance before the Committee on October 22, 2018. Read more.

November 12, 2018

Summary Note: Bill C-81 Parliamentary Study - Wednesday November 7, 2018

Please find a summary of the November 7, 2018 meeting of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA). Read more.

November 12, 2018

Summary Note: Bill C-81 Parliamentary Study - Thursday October 25, 2018

Please find a summary of the Parliamentary Committee study on Bill C-81, the Accessible Canada Act.  Read more.

November 12, 2018

Summary Note: Bill C-81 Parliamentary Study - Wednesday October 24, 2018

Please find a summary of the Parliamentary Committee study on Bill C-81, the Accessible Canada Act.  Read more.


November 14, 2022


In this submission, CCD wishes to focus on two aspects of the legislation both of which concern opportunities for democratic engagement in the development and implementation of this new disability benefit. Read more.

July 6, 2021

Bill C-35 Leaves Disability Community Without Critical Information

We are hopeful that with the support of Canadians squarely behind the Canada Disability Benefit, the Federal Government will be motivated to fast track the development of a benefits program that will truly end poverty for people with disabilities in a timely manner,” states Roxana Jahani Aval, CCD Chairperson.”  “CCD will be working to ensure that the Federal Government fulfills the commitments made in the Bill’s preamble,” states Heather Walkus, First Vice Chair. Read more.

November 21, 2016

Bill C-26: CCD Presentation to the Finance Committee on Enhancements to the Canada Pension Plan

It is the view of CCD that the implementation of the measures in Bill C-26 has the potential to negatively impact Canadians with disabilities in a manner that could increase the disparity in income levels between Canadians with disabilities and other Canadians. Read more.

July 10, 2015

Options for a Refundable Disability Tax Credit for 'working age' persons

The federal, provincial and territorial governments pay a non-refundable Disability Tax Credit to about 375,000 tax-filers aged between 18 and 64. If the credit were refundable approximately 755,000 more Canadians with disabilities in this age group would benefit from the Disability Tax Credit. This paper estimates the cost and the options for making the Disability Tax Credit refundable. Read more.

December 11, 2013

CACL CCD Submission before the Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce

The impediment created by the contractual competence and legal authorization requirements for opening a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) has been frequently cited by individuals with intellectual disabilities and their family members as a barrier that prevents eligible beneficiaries from opening a plan.The proposed solution involves a Federal Government Form (“the Form”) authorized by Finance Canada and the Canada Revenue Agency enabling the appointment of one or more qualifying persons, as defined in the Income Tax Act, who may act as joint RDSP Account Holders in their capacity as an adult’s decision-making supporters. Read more.

June 3, 2013

Presentation to Finance Committee Re: Disability Tax Credit Regarding Bill C-462

CCD and DAWN support the intent of Bill C-462 and agree that people with disabilities should have their rightful entitlement protected from unfair fees charged by financial promoters.   Read more.

Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship

March 25, 2015

Review of Extra Costs Linked to Disability

This study helps identify situations in which the existence of additional costs is more than a hindrance to the emancipation of disabled people; disability costs cause significant negative impacts on the social and professional integration of individuals. In a context of fiscal austerity in which not only the services to the most vulnerable citizens are threatened but also the allowances to the middle classes, recognition of general and specific additional costs by the government would be a strong symbol: a concrete lever for social participation of people with disabilities and, at the same time, an acknowledgement of their right to self-determination. Read more.

January 9, 2015

Québec Poverty Reduction

An overview of the Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship project's research findings concerning Quebec's poverty reduction strategy. Read more.

December 11, 2014

Policy Reform Options for Community Organizations to Consider

Recommendations are presented for the federal government and provincial/territorial governments. As well, a series of recommendations speak to cooperation among governments in Canada. Read more.

December 10, 2014

Understanding the Poverty and Exclusion of Canadians with Disabilities

Cam Crawford explained the socio-demographic characteristics of Canadians with disabilities who live in poverty at CCD's Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship Forum on 2 December 2014 in Ottawa. Read more.

December 9, 2014

Christine Elliott's Vision of a More Inclusive Canada

So, building an inclusive society, yes, at times it may seem daunting.  At times it may seem a little bit too elusive.  But when you think about how much we can accomplish together, the goal of an inclusive society doesn’t seem quite so daunting, doesn't seem quite so elusive.  Our future will be one of full opportunity, of independence.  Our future will be one in which individuals with disabilities and their families are empowered where the threat of chronic poverty can be eliminated.  Our future will be an inclusive society.  There's no doubt about that, because I know that working together we can achieve that. Read more.

November 27, 2014

Media Advisory

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) wants to remind Canadians that having a disability must not mean a lifetime of living in poverty.  Key research findings and policy reform options will be presented in an open forum on Tuesday December 2nd at the Delta Ottawa Hotel.   The Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship forum runs from 9:30 until noon.  Ms. Christine Elliott MPP for Whitby-Oshawa will be our keynote speaker at 9:45AM.  Disability leaders and academic researchers will present their findings from 10:30 until noon. Read more.


April 17, 2018


The Government’s announcement will increase the cost threshold for medical inadmissibility to 3 times the previous level, and amend the definition of social services by removing references to special education, social and vocational rehabilitation services and personal support services. Read more.

April 10, 2018

Disability and Immigration Rights Groups Call on Immigration Minister to "Do the Right Thing"

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), Canada’s national coalition that is working for a more accessible and inclusive Canada, joins with migrant caregivers, HIV and human rights, and other immigration rights advocates to call on Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen to “do the right thing” and immediately introduce legislation to repeal sections of the Immigration Act that deny permanent residency to an entire family if a member of the family has a disability and deemed to pose an “excessive demand” on Canada’s health and social services system. Read more.

November 17, 2017


“Disability is the last major characteristic that remains a barrier to settling and building a life in Canada, and the Council of Canadians with Disabilities believes this provision is outdated and discriminatory and must be removed from the Act,” says John Rae, 1st Vice Chair of the Council. Read more.

March 23, 2012

Immigration and Disability

Canada has removed biases which prevented the immigration of some groups of people; it is now time that Canada removes discrimination on the ground of disability from the decision-making process in the immigration system.   Read more.

April 13, 2011

CCD Dismayed Family with a Disabled Child Ordered Deported

CCD calls upon the Minister of Immigration to allow the Barlagne family to remain in Canada on humanitarian grounds.Canadians with disabilities also call upon all political Parties to commit to an overhaul of Canada's immigration policy to remove the discriminatory practices that put the Barlagne family's immigration to Canada in jeopardy. Canada's immigration policy is based upon a negative and outdated understanding of disability that fails to recognize the contribution that people with disabilities can, and do, make.The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a human rights organization of people with disabilities, works for an inclusive and accessible Canada.
  Read more.

January 20, 2011

None is Still Too Many: An Historical Exploration of Canadian Immigration Legislation As It Pertains to People with Disabilities

While trumpeting the values of diversity, Canada's current immigration practices exclude immigrants with disabilities who are deemed likely to place an "excessive demand" on health and social services. The ethics of these practices are challenged by Dr. Roy Hanes, Associate Professor of Social Work at Carleton University and a member of the CCD Social Policy Committee, in a paper titled "None is Still Too Many: An Historical Exploration of Canadian Immigration Legislation As It Pertains to People with Disabilities" that outlines the discriminatory trajectory of Canada's policy on immigrants with disabilities, from 1869 up until the 2001 passage of the Immigrant and Refugee Protection Act. The paper first appeared in Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, Volume 37 (Number 1 & 2), 2009. Read more.

Federal Elections

September 17, 2021

What Are Canada's Political Parties Plans Concerning Inclusive Emergency Preparedness?

. “CCD is seeking to learn from the Federal Parties how, if elected to form the Government of Canada, they would ensure that Canada’s emergency preparedness activities contribute to the goal of a barrier-free Canada as set out in the ACA,” states Jewelles Smith, CCD Communications and Government Relations Coordinator.  Read more.

September 15, 2021

CCD Seeking an Accessible and Inclusive Post-COVID-19 World: No New Barriers!

CCD is seeking commitments from all parties concerning how they plan to ensure Canada’s future spending is a driving force behind a barrier-free country. Read more.

September 13, 2021

CCD Seeks Commitments on Accessible and Affordable Housing

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a national non-partisan human rights organization of people with disabilities, is challenging Canada’s political parties to share detailed plans with timelines about how they propose to remedy the disability housing crisis, which is a well-known long-standing problem.  “Political leadership on accessible and affordable housing in Canada is long over-due,” states Heather Walkus, CCD 1st Vice Chair. “In advance of the election, parties need to address how they plan to make decent housing a reality for Canadians with various types of disabilities. We want to see an end to people with disabilities struggling with substandard housing that does not meet their needs, couch surfing, and living on the streets.” “To be effective and inclusive, housing strategies need to be developed using an intersectional lens that is inclusive of the needs of women with disabilities, racialized people with disabilities, refugees and newcomers to Canada with disabilities and people with various types of disabilities, including those that are invisible, episodic and psycho-social in nature,” states Jewelles Smith, CCD Communications and Government Relations Coordinator. “This is something we will be looking for in all housing plans.” Read more.

September 9, 2021

CCD Seeks from Parties Disability-Inclusive Climate Action and Emergency Preparedness Plans

A principle of the international disability rights movement is “nothing about us without us”, meaning that people with disabilities must play an integral role in planning societal solutions to anything that affects them and climate change is not an exception to this principle.  Due to the work of groups like the Disability-Inclusive Climate Action Research Program (DICARP), the resources are at hand to help ensure that accessible and inclusive climate change action plans are developed. Jewelles Smith, CCD Communications and Government Relations Coordinator, is a member of the DICARP Advisory Panel. “We remind the Federal parties that human rights oblige governments to ensure that solutions to climate change do not disadvantage people with disabilities,” states Jewelles Smith. Read more.

September 7, 2021

CCD Seeks Parties' Position on Disability Benefit

As a non-partisan organization, CCD is calling upon all Federal Parties to provide a clear explanation how they will support a disability benefit for Canadians with disabilities and if they do:

• How would eligibility be determined? 
• How would the benefit be structured?
• When would these benefits start? Read more.

September 3, 2021

CCD Calls for Commitments to Remedy Discrimination against Blind Voters

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a national human rights organization of people with disabilities working for an accessible and inclusive Canada, is seeking commitments from all parties to remedy by the next Federal Election the discriminatory obstacles that make it impossible for blind voters to vote in secret and independently verify that their ballot is completed correctly. Read more.