
Pre-budget Submission

5 August 2014

Let's Talk TV

25 June 2014

Secretary General
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0N2

Re: Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2014-190, LET'S TALK TV!

Dear Sir:

Please accept the following submission from the Council of Canadians with Disabilities to Phase 3 of the CRTC's "Let's Talk TV" consultation.


Tony Dolan


CCD Pushed CMHR to Adopt Universal Design Approach

In January 2013, Stuart Murray CEO of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) announced the Museum had embraced an approach to inclusive design that would set new standards for universal accessibility.  For a number of years prior to the announcement, CCD volunteers and staff met with museum officials to make the case why the CMHR's programming must present the disability community's struggle for human rights protection and how the Museum could make access a key component in its bus

A Doctor's Note for Home Mail Delivery

14 August 2014


For Immediate Release


While it is positive that Canada Post is recognizing the need to accommodate people with disabilities for whom the community mail box will be a barrier, having to get a doctor's note to qualify for the accommodation adds an extra layer of complexity to accessing a community service.


Research Report on the Québec Act to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion, a Case of Democratic Co-construction of Public Policy

Download report: PDF [873K]


CURA Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship
September 2014

Flaherty a champion

"Flaherty a champion for the disabled"

By Michael J. Prince

(Michael J. Prince is Lansdowne Professor of Social Policy at the University of Victoria and member of the social policy committee of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities.)

Dr. Prince has written a commentary, "Flaherty a champion for the disabled", about the work of the late Hon. Jim Flaherty, which was published in the Times Colonist.

Flaherty's legacy for Canadians with disabilities

By Michael Bach and Laurie Beachell

(This article first appeared in the Ottawa Citizen (14 April 2014).)

Disability was first and foremost a very personal matter for Jim Flaherty. In an article for the Canadian Association for Community Living’s newsletter he wrote about his son with an intellectual disability:

Steven Fletcher Is Wrong: Assisted Suicide Not A Form of Love

27 March 2014                                           

For Immediate Release

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