
CCD Chairperson's Update - September 2014

New Initiative

The Centre for Research on Work Disability Work Policy awarded CCD a seed grant in response to a project proposal titled Willing But Unable: A Population in Waiting.  The project will develop a profile of people with disabilities that will provide the basis for an in-depth review of federal/provincial and territorial income support programs that offer employment-related programs to identify the effective practices.

Canada Post

Humanity evolving on human rights

By Jim Derksen

I became aware, at a very young age, of the low expectations people generally had for me -- not to ever be employed or support myself, not to have political agency, not to ever enjoy physical intimacy, marry or have children. As a person using a wheelchair since I was six years old in 1953, I was undervalued and not considered able to have the same rights as non-disabled persons.

The Journey of My Experiences with the Council of Canadians with Disabilities

(In this piece, Huma Gulrez, guest blogger, shares a personal perspective on volunteering with CCD during the summer of 2014.  CCD is a community resource, where students have the opportunity to learn first-hand about disability rights.)

Canadian Postal Service Charter

25 September 2014

Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper
Prime Minister
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6

Mr. Prime Minister:

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities urges Canada to undertake a public review of the Canadian Postal Service Charter, which sets out the Government of Canada's expectations for Canada Post.  The Federal Government created the Charter in 2009 and made a commitment to review it every five years. 

Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship Forum

Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship

A Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) Open Forum

To Report On CCD’s Community/University Research Alliance Project

Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Date:    December 2, 2014

Where: Delta Ottawa Hotel

Letter to Canada Post

September 2, 2014

Mr. Deepak Chopra
President & Chief Executive Officer
Canada Post
2701 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0B1

Dear Mr. Chopra:

Canadians with disabilities oppose Canada Post’s new model of mail delivery as we believe that door-to-door mail delivery is an essential service.  Furthermore, the decision to make doctors the gatekeeper for accommodations is a backward step as medicalizing access both establishes new barriers and reinforces negative stereotypes.  Consider the following:

Disabling Poverty, Enabling Citizenship: Recommendations for Positive Change

May 15, 2014

Principal Researcher
Michael J. Prince


Principal Researchers

Michael J. Prince, University of Victoria
Yvonne Peters, equality rights lawyer

Employment Equality for Canadians with Disabilities

Employment Equality for Canadians with Disabilities

Michael J. Prince

Dignity for All: Labour, Employment, and Poverty Summit, Ottawa, June 9-10, 2014  

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