
Award Recipients

Jennifer Howard and Clare Simpson

During Access Awareness Week 2010, Minister of Labor Jennifer Howard presented CCD staff member Clare Simpson with an award recognizing her work to create an inclusive society.

Honorary Members

Jim Derksen

Jim Derksen

During the June 2009 meeting of CCD's National Council, Jim Derksen became an Honorary Member of the organization. For CCD, Jim has been a true visionary leader, identifying emerging trends and helping our organization meet new challenges in a principled manner consistent with our human rights philosophy. CCD made Jim an Honorary Member in recognition of the significant contribution that Jim has made to the development of an accessible and inclusive Canada.

Current Issues

September 30, 2009

Hon. John Baird
Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities
330 Sparks Street, 29th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N5

Dear Minister:

An Open Letter to Members of Parliament

The Value of the Canadian Human Rights Commission to People with Disabilities

5 October 2009

National Action Plan Video

Jim Derksen presents the National Action Plan.

View more CCD videos on YouTube

As a Matter of Fact: Poverty and Disability in Canada


Based on the Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (PALS) of 2006, people with disabilities make up 16.5% of the adult population 15 years and older in Canada, or nearly 4.2 million people.[1] PALS is Statistics Canada's 'flagship' survey on disability.

Don't let our human rights history be forgotten

People with disabilities have made a tremendous contribution to the development of human rights in Canada. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) wants to hear Canadians’ human rights stories: both the victories and the challenges that have been faced.

End Exclusion 2009 Agenda

Roundtable Dialogue “Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship”

October 1, 2009
Ottawa City Hall Council Chambers
110 Laurier Avenue West

Lead Organizations:
Council of Canadians with Disabilities
Canadian Association for Community Living
Canada Without Poverty

Accommodations Provided: Sign language interpretation, Captioning, Infra-Red System

Event chaired by CCD National Chairperson, Marie White

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

As you are all well aware, Canadian ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is one of the issues that has been on the CCD agenda for some time. Indeed, since 30 March 2007, when Canada signed the CRPD at the United Nations, CCD has been calling upon the Government of Canada to ratify the CRPD. By ratifying the CRPD, Canada agrees to be bound by this historic international treaty on the rights of persons with disabilities.

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

September 14, 2009

Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, MP
Prime Minister
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6

Dear Mr. Harper:

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