
Chairperson's Update: July-August 2009

 . . . And into the Fall

Predicting Politics Can Be A Fool’s Game

Trying to predict what will happen in politics is something of a fool’s game. Nevertheless, we at CCD have been playing that game. During July and August, CCD laid the foundations for a fall program of initiatives that are in support of our National Action Plan. We have been making our plans with the awareness that there may be an election this fall. If there is a federal election this fall, CCD will just add one more activity to its already full roster.

10 Budgetary Priorities to Discuss with Your Member of Parliament

Members of Parliament, particularly Government MPs, need to hear from Canadians with disabilities. If you have a meeting with your MP in the next few weeks, share with them CCD’s top 10 recommendations for the next Federal Budget.

1. All infrastructure investments must make a commitment to full accessibility and this must be enforced.

2. The Federal Government should implement a procurement policy that insists all purchased goods and services, particularly information technology, are accessible.

Three Projects on CCD's Agenda

September marks the arrival of a busy time of year for members of Canada’s disability community. In the next few months, the following issues and events will be consuming much of our attention at CCD:

Pre Budget Consultation Brief Submission

From the Council of Canadians with Disabilities to the
Standing Committee on Finance

August 2009

Support The Vulnerable

In these challenging times, CCD urges the Government of Canada to remember those who already face significant disadvantage. Canadians with disabilities struggle when times are good to have their needs met. When times are bad, sadly we are often the first to feel the effects of cutbacks in services and supports or loss of employment.

Support the Non-Profit Sector

Review of the Internet Traffic Management Practice of Internet Service Providers

Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2008-19

Final Reply

Council of Canadians with Disabilities
ARCH Disability Law Centre

July 28, 2009

 Phyllis Gordon
(416) 469-5478

The Guidelines

A Voice of Our Own: August 2009

Volume 27, Issue 3

Dignity For All, the campaign for a poverty-free Canada

Dignity For All, the campaign for a poverty-free Canada

29 July 2009

For immediate release

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) is pleased to announce that it has accepted an invitation to serve on the steering committee of Dignity For All, the campaign for a poverty-free Canada. “Poverty is a very real issue for Canadians with disabilities. Canadians with disabilities are almost twice as likely to live in poverty compared to other Canadians,” states Marie White, CCD Chairperson.

Chairperson's Update: January 2009

January 2009
31 Days and 16 Meetings Later

For lots of folks, January is a month for making resolutions. For CCD, January was a month for meetings.

Meeting #1 Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship (January 6-7 in Winnipeg

Promoting an Inclusive and Accessible Canada

Ramping Up to a Federal Election—For our kids, summer means no text books and homework for a few weeks. For our politicians, summer means doing the rounds of barbeques and various types of festivals, where they meet with the electorate. This summer will be especially busy for Canada’s politicians, as the pundits are predicting a fall election. If you encounter any of our Federal politicians this summer, discuss with them the issues that CCD would like to see addressed in party platforms for the next election.

CCD Factum in the Moore Case

Court of Appeal File No. CA035937

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