
CCD Chairperson's Update: January 2010

What to Do When the House Prorogues?

Regulation of Federal Transportation System for Access

January 18, 2010

Open Letter to Members of Parliament


A Call For Action

 January 8, 2010

Prime Minister Harper has prorogued the House of Commons. A new session will begin March 4th and a new session means a Throne Speech and a Budget.

Members of Parliament will be spending more time in their constituency offices in January and February. NOW is the perfect time for us to ensure that they know the priorities of Canadians with disabilities.

Call, write or meet with your Member of Parliament before the end of February.

Tell them about our national priorities.

CCD Chairperson's Update: December 2009

Count Down of Top Ten Accomplishments of 2009

As the New Year begins, I wish everyone in the CCD network all the best in the coming months. In preparation for the work ahead of us this year, I would like to remind everyone of the remarkable achievements that the disability rights movement accomplished during the last 12 months. While others might create a different list, this is CCD’s top ten countdown for this past year:

In From the Margin

The motion passed by the House of Commons calling for an immediate plan to eliminate poverty, and the tabling on December 3rd in the House of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which includes Article 28 on an adequate standard of living, makes CCD optimistic that long overdue work on poverty is about to begin. The disability community’s approach is multifaceted, focusing on improving access to disability-related supports, income security and removing barriers to access and full citizenship.

New deal for disabled

Professor says dignity of pension could replace welfare for thousands

By Katherine Dedyna, Times Colonist November 19, 2009 7:06 AM

Michael J. Prince is a TAB: A temporarily able-bodied person. But without warning, accident or illness could push the University of Victoria professor into the ranks of more than two million Canadians with serious disabilities.

Chairperson's Update: November-December 2009

A Historic Day

On 3 December 2009, when the Government of Canada introduced the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) into the House of Commons, the Canadian disability community passed another milestone on its human rights journey. In this edition of the Update, I will share CCD’s perspective on this historic event, as well as information on other CCD agenda items. All of these issues come under the influence of the CRPD.

Government of Canada Tables CRPD: Canadians with Disabilities Celebrate Milestone Event

Government of Canada Tables in the House The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Canadians with Disabilities Celebrate This Milestone Event

December 3, 2009

For Immediate Release

Today, Minister Peter MacKay, on behalf of the Government of Canada, tabled in the House the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This is the final step in the process of Ratification of the Convention, one that has been eagerly awaited by Canadians with disabilities.

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