
Nortel Employees on Long Term Disability Benefits

25 May 2010



Dear Member of Parliament:

CCD has followed the story of Nortel Employees on Long Term Disability Benefits and what is happening to them as a result of Nortel’s bankruptcy. CCD is alarmed by the situation in which Nortel employees on LTD benefits find themselves. We are also concerned that many other Canadians on LTD at some point will find themselves in similar circumstances.

Immigration and Disability

May 26, 2010


Hon. Jason Kenney
Minister of Immigration
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Mr. Minister:

CCD wrote to you in February regarding the Barlagne family and our concern that because they have a child with disability they will be denied permanent residence in Canada. Recently the Federal Court ruled against a judicial review of the family’s residency application.

Factum in the Caron Case

S.C.C. File No. 33092

A Voice of Our Own: April 2010

Volume 28, Number 2

PALS and Data Collection on Persons with Disabilities

May 12, 2010

Hon. Diane Finley
Minister HRSDC
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A5

Madame Minister:

Re: PALS and Data Collection on Persons with Disabilities

We appreciate the opportunity to meet with you recently and also to speak with you via conference call this week to share information regarding your Department’s plans for addressing data collection related to persons with disabilities.

From the call we understand the following:

Affordable Accessible Housing- A Critical Issue for Canadians with Disabilities

May 6, 2010

For immediate release

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) urges all Parliamentarians to support Bill C-304 – An Act to ensure secure, adequate, accessible and affordable housing for Canadians. One of the major issues people with disabilities have is finding affordable and accessible housing. “Too frequently people have no choices and live in housing that is unsafe and marginally accessible,” said Marie White Chairperson of CCD.

Annual Report: 2008-2009

Executive Committee

  • Marie White, Chairperson
  • John Rae, 1st Vice Chair
  • Carmela Hutchison, 2nd Vice Chair
  • Roy Muise, Treasurer
  • Claredon Robicheau, Secretary
  • Susan Ralph, Member-at-Large on Executive

Member Organizations and their Representatives

  • British Columbia Coalition of People with Disabilities – Valerie Thoem
  • Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities – Margot Brunner-Campbell
  • Saskatchewan Voice of Persons with Disab

CCD Chairperson's Update: March 2010

Canada Ratifies United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Absent Citizens: Making Citizenship Accessible

Slide 1

Michael J. Prince
Presentation at York University
Vanier College
March 18, 2010

Slide 2

  • My locations
  • Absent citizens and related concepts
  • What is citizenship
  • Making citizenship accessible
  • Continuing thoughts

Slide 3
My locations

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