
What does poverty look like in the disability community?

Through CCD's research project Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship, Cam Crawford and Ernie Lightman have been undertaking research which will develop a clearer understanding of poverty as it is experienced by people with disabilities. Some preliminary findings from their research are as follows:


Report of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities Human Rights Committee's Litigation: 2009-2010

Since the spring of 2009, the CCD Human Rights Committee has been involved in four very important cases involving the interpretation of equality and persons with disabilities. This report provides a summary of the Committee's work regarding public interest litigation.

The factum (a legal brief that details the arguments put forward by CCD to the courts) for each case can be found on CCD's website www.ccdonline.ca

1. Peter Hughes and the Canadian Human Rights Commission v. Elections Canada

(CCD helps to secure victory on voting rights.)


The Council of Canadians with Disabilities and the Canadian Association for Community Living in partnership with Canada Without Poverty

Invite you to add your voice to a national dialogue on poverty and disability:


Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship
Delta Ottawa Hotel, Ottawa, ON
November 1 & 2, 2010

CCD Chairperson's Update: July-August 2010

CCD's Summer Agenda

While the temperature was rising outside, CCD turned up the heat on a number of disability issues—data collection, poverty, and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

The Québec Act to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion: How Does it Tackle the Situation of People with Disabilities?

Study Conducted for the Community-University Research Alliances "Disabling Poverty and Enabling Citizenship"

by François Aubry in collaboration with Christiane Plamondon

with a foreword by Lucie Dumais and Yves Vaillancourt

June 2010

A Voice of Our Own: August 2010

Volume 28, Number 3

Premiers must put Canada's poor at top of agenda

For immediate release: August 5, 2010

Premiers must put Canada’s poor at top of agenda

Winnipeg – A sustainable stimulus to the economy requires Canada’s premiers to put the 4.4 million Canadians living in poverty at the top their agenda, a coalition of business, labour and community organizations said today.

Canadian Legal Literature Addressing Social and Economic Rights of People with Disabilities: An Annotated Bibliography

This annotated bibliography is part of a research project examining the possibilities and challenges of using various legal mechanisms to protect and promote the rights of Canadians with disabilities to social and economic security (i.e., to alleviate poverty and to promote equal substantive citizenship of people with disabilities). It is intended as a resource for academics, students, advocates, and community members interested in the role that law has played—and can play—in remedying poverty experienced by people with disabilities.

CCD Chairperson's Update: June 2010

This Update shares information about CCD's Annual General Meeting and some additional activities undertaken by CCD during the month of June.

Annual General Meeting 2010

Executive Committee--The Council elected a new Executive Committee. The newly constituted Committee consists of:

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