
Engaging in Disability Policy Development and Advocacy with the Canadian State

Michael J. Prince

Canadian Disability Policy Alliance
Meeting of CURA Partners
University of Regina
April 28, 2010

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  • What is involved in being a disability activist, advocate or ally for the needs, rights and inclusion of people with disabilities?
  • What are the points of contact and the relationships in policy engagement?
  • Is engagement always a good thing to pursue?

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Low-income families in British Columbia: the time is now for a new strategy

Presentation to the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth, Legislative Assembly, Province of British Columbia
Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue
May 21, 2010

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Three Questions

Fixing Our Pension Crisis:Toward retirement security for everyone

Remarks for a Community Pension Forum
May 19, 2010

Michael J. Prince
Lansdowne Professor of Social Policy


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What is the question?

  • Are Canadians saving enough for retirement?
  • What do people of different incomes and different age groups need to save to enjoy what most consider to be a comfortable retirement?
  • What is the best way to enable Canadians to save, invest and prepare for retirement?

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Family Policy at Work: Employment Benefits, Women, and Labour Force Participation in Canada

Presentation to the West Coast Poverty Center
A Partnership of the School of Social Work, Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs and the College of Arts and Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
May 17, 2010

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Outline and Purpose

A National Anti-Poverty and Supports Agenda -- The Need to Act

Presentation to the Canadian Association for Community Living 50th Anniversary Conference
November 21, 2008

Cameron Crawford
Director of Research, CACL

Canadians with Disabilities--We Are Not Dead Yet*

Submission to Parliamentary Committee on Palliative and Compassionate Care
Ottawa, Ontario
16 June 2010

Presenters: Rhonda Wiebe, Co-chair of CCD Ending of Life Ethics Committee
Jim Derksen, Member of CCD Ending of Life Ethics Committee

 (* CCD acknowledges that the title of this brief is adapted from the name of the American group, Not Dead Yet, which is a disability rights group, working in opposition to euthanasia and legalized assisted suicide.)

CCD Chairperson's Update: May 2010

Building An Accessible and Inclusive Canada

In May, many Canadians are out in their gardens planting seeds so that they will have produce to harvest later on in the year. Like these avid gardeners, CCD also plants seeds—seeds of change. Unlike vegetable and flower seeds, the seeds that CCD plants often take more than a season to show results. This month, we at CCD have been nurturing some issues—data collection, disability income, immigration, accessible voting, and access to technology—which are taking a long time to yield robust results.

Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) May Be Defunded

June 3, 2010

Hon. Beverley Oda
Minister of International Cooperation
200 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0G4
Email: Oda@parl.gc.ca

Dear Madam Minister,

I am writing to express our deep concern that the Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) – after decades of partnership with CIDA - may now be defunded. The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) is a member of CCIC and has been for many years.

Student Creates Opportunity to Increase Accessibility

June 2, 2010

For Immediate Release

CCD Chairperson's Update: April 2010

Expanding Our Rights Toolkit

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