
How Human Rights Legislation is Dealing with Serious Disabilities that Tend to Result in Social Judgment and Social Exclusion

Prepared for the Council of Canadians with Disabilities CURA "Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship" by Nathan Irving (LL.B. student, University of Manitoba), September 6, 2009

I. Introduction

This report was prepared as a backgrounder for a larger future research project that intends to explore the impact of the human rights principle of the "duty to accommodate" on persons with disabilities. It is one of five reports prepared for further research purposes.

Overview of Complaints under Human Rights Legislation Regarding Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities

Prepared for the Council of Canadians with Disabilities CURA "Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship" by Nathan Irving (LL.B. student, University of Manitoba), September 6, 2009

I. Introduction

This report was prepared as a backgrounder for a larger future research project that intends to explore the impact of the human rights principle of the "duty to accommodate" on persons with disabilities. It is one of five reports prepared for further research purposes.

An Overview of the Duty To Accommodate and Undue Hardship in Human Rights Jurisprudence

Prepared for the Council of Canadians with Disabilities CURA "Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship" by Nathan Irving (LL.B. student, University of Manitoba), September 6, 2009

I. Introduction

This report was prepared as a backgrounder for a larger future research project that intends to explore the impact of the human rights principle of the "duty to accommodate" on persons with disabilities. It is one of five reports prepared for further research purposes.

Disabling Poverty and Enabling Citizenship: Understanding the Poverty and Exclusion of Canadians with Disabilities

Researched and written by Cameron Crawford for the Community–University Research Alliance between the Council of Canadians with Disabilities and University of Victoria

Canadians with Disabilities: We Are Not Dead Yet

June 18, 2010

 Dear Member of Parliament:

An Overview of the Comparator Group Analysis in Human Rights Jurisprudence

An Overview of the Comparator Group Analysis in Human Rights Jurisprudence

Prepared for the Council of Canadians with Disabilities CURA "Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship" by Nathan Irving (LL.B. student, University of Manitoba), September 6, 2009

I. Introduction

This report was prepared as a backgrounder for a larger future research project that intends to explore the impact of the human rights principle of the "duty to accommodate" on persons with disabilities. It is one of five reports prepared for further research purposes.

An Overview of the Human Rights Jurisprudence Underpinning the Test for Prima Facie Discrimination

Prepared for the Council of Canadians with Disabilities CURA "Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship" by Nathan Irving (LL.B. student, University of Manitoba), September 6, 2009

I. Introduction

This report was prepared as a backgrounder for a larger future research project that intends to explore the impact of the human rights principle of the "duty to accommodate" on persons with disabilities. It is one of five reports prepared for further research purposes.

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Making the Convention Real and Meaningful for people with intellectual disabilities and their families

Presented by Anna MacQuarrie

Income Programs and Social Rights and Wrongs

Michael J. Prince
Remarks for the Human Rights and Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Conference
Niagara Falls, Canada
April 22, 2010

Slide 1

Social rights & citizenship

Deadly Compassion

16 June 2010

For Immediate Release

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