
Immigration and Disability: Stephen Hawking Could Never Become a Canadian

Once again the issue of immigration and disability has arisen and once again Canadians with disabilities realize that if they had not been born here they could never become a Canadian for the simple reason that they have a disability.

Your Help Is Needed!

End Exclusion 2008 will focus on promoting the National Action Plan on Disability and mobilizing the disability community at the local level to make key decision makers aware of our national priorities and proposals. To do this we need your help. There will be no national forum this year.

Tracy Latimer, the Victim; Robert Latimer, the Murderer

Robert Latimer served seven years in prison for killing his disabled daughter. Now the Saskatchewan farmer is determined to clear his name, and to prove he did nothing wrong. The 54-year-old from Wilkie, Saskatchewan, is emerging from jail a man transformed -and not the way corrections officials generally like to see. Missives penned by Latimer over the last four years to everyone from cabinet ministers to the Supreme Court itself seethe with language belying his popular image as a stolid farmer befuddled by the tempest around him.

A Voice of Our Own: June 2008

Volume 26 Issue 3

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