
International Portfolio

The International Portfolio:

  • Provides advice and leadership on international issues that effect persons with disabilities
  • Identifies international issues of concern to persons with disabilities
  • Provides advice to CCD National Council and the federal government on reforms that would improve the affect of Canada's foreign aid and policy on persons with disabilities.
  • Monitors and advises on the implementation on the United Nations Convention on the Rights the Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Canada

Technology Portfolio

The Access to Technology Portfolio:

  • Identifies technology issues of national concern to persons with disabilities
  • Provides advice to CCD National Council on reforms that would improve the access to technology of Canadians with disabilities

Human Rights

Our Legal Action

CCD advances disability rights through our involvement in equality rights cases at all levels of court. When a case has the potential to change the law to reduce discrimination against people with disabilities, we consider whether we have the resources to become involved. CCD is only able to take on cases that will have the greatest impact on disability rights in Canada.

CCD has participated in many important cases that have helped establish disability rights in Canada. 

Member Organizations And Members At Large

CCD's members are provincial/territorial cross-disability, consumer-controlled, human rights organizations and national uni- and cross-disability, consumer-controlled, human rights organizations and six individual members at large ensuring a intersectional council.

The member organizations and members at large are:


The CCD has intervened in landmark disability rights cases before the Supreme Court of Canada including:

Andrews v Law Society of British Columbia, [1989] 1 SCR 143, establishing the discrimination analysis under section 15 of the Charter;

Battlefords and District Co-operative Ltd v Gibbs, [1996] 3 SCR 566, involving discrimination against employees with mental health disabilities under the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, S.S. 1979, c. S-24.l;

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