
Disability Justice Litigation Initiative

The Disability Justice Litigation Initiative:

  • Provides advice and leadership on the human rights initiatives undertaken by CCD
  • Identifies human rights issues of concern to persons with disabilities that could be addressed through law reform initiatives
  • Selects human rights/equality rights test cases that will advance the rights of persons with disabilities

Social Policy Team

The Social Policy Team:

  • Identifies social policy issues of national concern to persons with disabilities
  • Provides advice to CCD National Council on reforms that would improve the social and economic participation of Canadians with disabilities

Transportation Portfolio

The Transportation Portfolio:

  • Identifies transportation issues of national concern to persons with disabilities
  • Provides advice to CCD National Council on reforms that would improve the transportation access of Canadians with disabilities
  • Convenes working groups regarding specific transportation issues such as: CTA Working Group that is currently involved in monitoring the implementation of the Accessible Transportation for People with Disabilities Regulations (ATTDR)

International Portfolio

The International Portfolio:

  • Provides advice and leadership on international issues that effect persons with disabilities
  • Identifies international issues of concern to persons with disabilities
  • Provides advice to CCD National Council and the federal government on reforms that would improve the affect of Canada's foreign aid and policy on persons with disabilities.
  • Monitors and advises on the implementation on the United Nations Convention on the Rights the Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Canada

Technology Portfolio

The Access to Technology Portfolio:

  • Identifies technology issues of national concern to persons with disabilities
  • Provides advice to CCD National Council on reforms that would improve the access to technology of Canadians with disabilities

Member Organizations And Members At Large

CCD's members are provincial/territorial cross-disability, consumer-controlled, human rights organizations and national uni- and cross-disability, consumer-controlled, human rights organizations and six individual members at large ensuring a intersectional council.

The member organizations and members at large are:

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