
Disabling Poverty, Enabling Citizenship - Canada's Federal Parties Have Their Say

Media Release

For Immediate Release | 13 October 2015

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a national organization working for an inclusive and accessible Canada, sought commitments from Canada's major political parties on initiatives focused on disabling poverty and enabling citizenship:

CCD Voice of Our Own - Summer 2015

On the CCD Agenda

Member Groups News

Chairperson's Update - September 2015

First, A Message from Elections Canada

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities is helping Elections Canada (EC) inform Canadians about how to get ready to vote.  EC's Ready to Vote, e-Bulletin (October 2015), is now available.  Check it out to get the latest information on voting in the October 19, 2015 Federal Election and share it throughout your networks.

Voting at an Elections Canada Office

After an election is called, you can vote at any Elections Canada office across the country.  

For more information, go to  http://www.elections.ca.

View more CCD videos on YouTube

We'll Be Voting for An Accessible Canada

Media Release

For Immediate Release  29 September 2015

Canadians with Disabilities: Getting Beyond Being a Population in Waiting

Media Release

September 15, 2015 | For Immediate Release

Many people with disabilities, when seeking employment, struggle endlessly against discriminatory barriers in the job market.

CCD Chairperson's Update - #DTCforAll

Refundable DTC Campaign - #DTCforAll

During the current election campaign, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) and Independent Living Canada (ILC) are joining together to ask political leaders to commit to making the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) refundable.

Here’s why:

Refundable DTC Campaign - #DTCforAll

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) and Independent Living Canada (ILC) are joining together to ask political leaders to commit to making the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) refundable. Please sign the petition today! http://dtcforall.org/

Disabling Poverty, Enabling Citizenship - Where Do Federal Party Leaders Stand?

Media Release

September 1, 2015  |  For Immediate Release

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