
Questions for You to Ask Federal Election Candidates (Access, Inclusion and Participation)

Access, Inclusion and Participation

Will your party commit to improving access and inclusion of people with disabilities, particularly women and girls with disabilities and others facing multiple forms of discrimination, by:

Questions for You to Ask Federal Election Candidates (CRPD)

UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Will your party commit to delivering on the intent of the CRPD for people with disabilities, particularly women and girls with disabilities and others facing multiple forms of discrimination, by:

Questions for You to Ask Federal Election Candidates (Poverty Alleviation)

Poverty Alleviation (Income Security (CRPD Article 28) and Employment (CRPD Article 27))

Will your party commit to alleviating poverty for people with disabilities, particularly women and girls with disabilities and others facing multiple forms of discrimination, by:

CCD Chairperson's Update - August 2015

Information from Elections Canada on Ways to Vote

There are four ways to vote. 

Away from home or busy on election day? Ready to vote early? You choose the way you want to vote.

Everyone's Vote Counts, So Get Ready!

By: John Rae

Editor's Note: John Rae is 2nd Vice Chair of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities. 

The writ has been dropped, and it is time to get involved in the upcoming federal election, and be prepared to vote.

Accessible Voting

This video provides information on accessible voting tools and services.

For more information, go to http://www.elections.ca.

View more CCD videos on YouTube

Letter to Conservative Party of Canada

20 August 2015

Via e-mail: stephen.harper@conservative.ca

Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister
Conservative Party of Canada
1204 - 130 Albert Street
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5G4

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

Re:  What are the Conservative Party's Plans Regarding Inclusion, Access and Participation for Canadians with Disabilities?


Letter to New Democratic Party of Canada

20 August 2015

Via e-mail: CanadasNDP-LeNPDduCanada@ndp.ca

Mr. Tom Mulcair
New Democratic Party of Canada
300-279 Laurier West
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5J9

Dear Mr. Mulcair:

Re:  What are the New Democratic Party's Plans Regarding Inclusion, Access and Participation for Canadians with Disabilities?


Letter to Liberal Party of Canada

20 August 2015

Via e-mail: assistance@liberal.ca

Mr. Justin Trudeau
Liberal Party of Canada
350 Albert Street, Suite 920
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 6M8

Dear Mr. Trudeau:

Re:  What are the Liberal Party's Plans Regarding Inclusion, Access and Participation for Canadians with Disabilities?


Letter to Green Party of Canada

20 August 2015

Via e-mail: westcoastoffice@greenparty.ca

Ms. Elizabeth May
Green Party of Canada
PO Box 997, Station B
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5R1

Dear Ms. May:

Re:  What are the Green Party's Plans Regarding Inclusion, Access and Participation for Canadians with Disabilities?


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