
ACCDs Campaign For Barrier Free Health and Medical Services in Alberta


Presentation to Finance Committee Re: Disability Tax Credit Regarding Bill C-462

07 May 2013

A joint presentation of Council of Canadians with Disabilities


DisAbled Women’s Network of Canada-Réseau d’action des femmes handicappées du Canada

Presenter: Carmela Hutchison, Member-at-Large CCD Executive Committee and President of DAWN – RAFH Canada

CCD A Voice of Our Own - Spring 2013

On The CCD Agenda

CCD and DAWN–RAFH Co-present to Finance Committee about Bill C-462

On 7 May 2013, Carmela Hutchison, representing both DAWN-RAFH Canada and CCD, was called as a witness by the House of Commons Finance Committee regarding Bill C-462, An Act restricting the fees charged by promoters of the Disability Tax Credit and making consequential amendments to the Tax Court of Canada Act.  During her presentation, Carmela commented that CCD and DAWN support the intent of Bill C-462 and agree t

CCD Chairperson's Update - April 2013

Collaborating with Amnesty International

On 15 April 2013, Steve Estey, Chairperson of the CCD’s International Development Committee, and Vangelis Nikias, CRPD Project Manager, met with Alex Neve, the Secretary General of Amnesty International - Canada.  Amnesty International seeks to generate action to prevent and end abuse of human rights and demand justice for those whose human rights have been violated.  The meeting focused on Amnesty's experience in civil society reports to the United Nations Experts’ Committees, similar to the on

Suicide Celebration Instead Of Suicide Prevention

Sue Griffiths of Winnipeg, MB is the latest person to publicize her desire for assisted suicide, and to have her efforts celebrated by the press.

Last week, her plea for parliament to re-open the assisted suicide question was widely reported as she prepared to go to Dignitas, a clinic in Switzerland that helps people kill themselves.

Prejudice Erodes Free Choice in End of Life Decision-making

By Dean Richert, Co-chair CCD Ending of Life Ethics Committee

Suicide Celebration Instead of Suicide Prevention

Media Advisory

23 April 2013, WINNIPEG, MB – According to media reports, Susan Griffiths’ assisted suicide will likely occur on Thursday (25 April 2013) at a Dignitas Clinic in Switzerland.  Members of the Canadian disability community, who oppose assisted suicide, are available to discuss their concerns about assisted suicide with the media on Wednesday (24 April 2013) and Thursday (25 April 2013).  Their contact information is listed below.

Constitutional Equality Rights: People with Disabilities Still Celebrating

17 April 2013

April 17, 1982 signaled a new era beginning for Canadians with disabilities, as Canada’s new Constitution came into force.  In the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canada made a constitutional commitment in Section 15 to equality before and under the law for those living with disabilities.  (Section 15 came into force in 1985.)  Canada’s constitution was the first to include equality rights protection of people with disabilities.

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