
CCD Brief for Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance

People with Disabilities: Getting Beyond Being the Population in Waiting

Key Messages and Commentary

CCD Brief for Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance

April 5, 2013

Your Presence is requested at CASHRA2013.ca

Join us for 2 days of education and networking with Canada’s foremost Human Rights educators. 

Highlights include:

Canada's MPs Hear from CCD about Our Opposition to Assisted Suicide

March 18, 2013

Member of Parliament
House of Commons
Ottawa ON

Dear Sir/Madam:

CCD A Voice of Our Own - Winter 2013

On the CCD Agenda:

Budget 2013: Creating More Inclusive Labour Markets

CCD is pleased to see a reaffirmation within Budget 2013 of continued support for Canadians with disabilities through extension of the Labour Market Agreement for Persons with Disabilities, and the fact that the Enabling Accessibility Fund and the Opportunities Fund have been made permanent programs.  The Government of Canada speaks also about the “transformation” of these programs to better meet the needs of employers and people with disabilities. 

How Can a Civil Society Shadow Report Improve Accountability?

Examining Canada’s Human Rights Obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): How Can a Civil Society Shadow Report Improve Accountability?

CCD Chairperson's Update - March 2013

The Federal Budget: What Does It Mean for Canadians with Disabilities?

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty did not forget Canadians with disabilities when he delivered the federal budget on 21 March 2013.  The Harper Government used the budget to address a number of concerns important to people with disabilities: training, jobs, the Registered Disability Savings Plan, tax relief on home care services, library services for person with vision impairment and changes to income support measures for veterans

CCD Panel Presentation at University of Ottawa Human Rights Centre

Disability Rights: The Conversation Between International Law and Domestic Law

Vangelis Nikias, CCD CRPD Project Manager


The motto of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities is: "a voice of our own".

Budget 2013: Creating More Inclusive Labour Markets

For Immediate Release

March 22, 2013

CCD is pleased to see a reaffirmation within Budget 2013 of continued support for Canadians with disabilities through extension of the Labour Market Agreement for Persons with Disabilities, and the fact that the Enabling Accessibility Fund and the Opportunities Fund have been made permanent programs.  The Government of Canada speaks also about the “transformation” of these programs to better meet the needs of employers and people with disabilities.  


For Immediate Release

Monday March 18, 2013

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) and the Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL) will join the Attorneys General of British Columbia and Canada before the BC Court of Appeal on March 18 for a hearing in Carter v. Attorney General.  The appeal is from a ruling issued on June 15, 2012 in which Justice Lynn Smith declared that Canada’s assisted suicide prohibition violated Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Frequently Asked Questions about Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

by Rhonda Wiebe, Co-chair CCD Ending of Life Ethics Committee and Amy Hasbrouck, Toujours Vivant-Not Dead Yet

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