
People with Disabilities: Getting Beyond Being the Population in Waiting

 Key Messages and Commentary

CCD Presentation to House of Commons HUMA Committee

28 February 2013

CCD Chairperson's Update - February 2013

ODI Meets with National Groups

On 21-22 February 2013, Laurie Beachell and Vangelis Nikias participated in meetings of the 18 national disability organizations funded by ODI.  The meetings focused on the funding programs, social enterprise and accountability measures.  This meeting provided an opportunity for planning the conversation that was to take place the following week with the HUMA Committee.

Bill C - 400

Dear Friend:

I'm writing to ask you to take 15 minutes out of your schedule this week to help us get an important Bill passed in Parliament that would help solve homelessness in Canada. It has just been confirmed that Bill C-400 will be debated at 5:30 p.m.. on Wednesday February 13th and the vote will be held on Wednesday February 27th.  


Toujours vivant – Not Dead Yet

People with Disabilities Opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide




4 February 2013


While Quebec marks suicide prevention week from February 3-9, disability rights activists question whether it’s appropriate for the Marois government to table legislation to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia.


CCD Chairperson's Update - January 2013

Surviving the Chill

The last weeks of January tend to bring some of Canada’s coldest temperatures.  In addition to the cold winds brought by Canadian weather systems, we in the self-representational corner of the disability community are also experiencing the chill that comes from the reality that Human Resources and Skills Development Canada is implementing a long-term plan to alter its funding relationship with groups like CCD and its member organizations.  On 24 January 2013, CCD received a memo from the Coalition of Persons with Disabilities- NL (COD-NL), wh

CCD Comments on Regulatory Proposal to Amend the Air Transportation Regulations (SOR/88-58)

January 30, 2013


Kris Campbell
Accessible Transportation Directorate
Regulations, Research and Analysis Division
Canadian Transportation Agency
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N9
Email Kris.Campbell@otc-cta.gc.ca


Dear Mr. Campbell,

Official Development Assistance to the World Bank

CCD Response to
Department of Finance Consultation on
Official Development Assistance to the
World Bank

CMHR to feature the most inclusive design in Canadian history

Accessibility sets global example, surpasses Smithsonian guidelines

(Comments made by Stuart Murray, CMHR CEO, at a press conference held by the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) on January 29, 2013.)


Good morning everyone and thank you for joining us.
C’est un grand plaisir pour moi d’être ici avec vous ce matin.

It gives me great pleasure to be standing here today with members of the disability community to talk about a very important aspect of our Museum --- INCLUSION.

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