
Frequently Asked Questions About Assisted Suicide

Responses by Rhonda Wiebe, Co-chair CCD Ending of Life Ethics Committee

Aren’t we subjecting people to unendurable suffering if we don’t allow doctors to help them commit suicide?

Rhonda Wiebe Debates Assisted Suicide

Delegates at Summit on Sustainable Health and Health Care Hear from CCD

Tony Dolan's Speaking Notes for an October 2012 Presentation to Finance Committee

CCD’s goal is to build a more Inclusive and Accessible Canada and to ensure that Canadians with disabilities have the same access to the goods and services of our great country as do non-disabled people.

CCD Chairperson's Update - October 2012

CCD Appears Before Standing Committee of Finance

CCD Chairperson's Update - September 2012

Canadian Human Rights Commission Not Named as CRPD Monitor

CCD Chairperson's Update - August 2012

CCD Participates in HRSDC Meeting

Chairperson's Update: July 2012

Getting and keeping a job--what makes a difference

Call for Submissions

Despite barriers in the labour market, there are Canadians with disabilities who have been successful in obtaining employment and progressing in their chosen careers.  If this describes your work experience, CCD wants to hear from you about what has contributed to your employment success.

CCD Chairperson's Update: June 2012

News from the CCD Annual General Meeting

CCD Has New Executive

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Winnipeg on 9 June 2012, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities elected a new Executive Committee:

•  Tony Dolan, Chairperson
•  Pat Danforth, 1st Vice Chair
•  Steve Estey, 2nd Vice Chair
•  Marc Workman, Secretary
•  Anne McPhee, Treasurer
•  Carmela Hutchison, Member at Large on Executive Committee

CCD Ending of Life Ethics Committee Co-chair Rebuts Arthur Schafer

In a commentary published by the Winnipeg Free Press, Rhonda Wiebe provided a disability rights analysis of Arthur Schafer’s recent article “Assisted-suicide slope not so slippery”. Read more.

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