april's blog

Lessons from the National Youth Forum in Ottawa

By Natalie Spagnuolo 

Natalie is a member of CCD's Social Policy Committee. She is a doctoral candidate in Critical Disability Studies at York University and a Joseph-Armand-Bombardier Doctoral Fellow of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Postes Canada et la livraison du courrier à domicile : le CCD témoigne devant le Comitê parlementaire

À cause de  compressions budgétaires, Postes Canada envisage d’éradiquer son service de livraison à domicile, estimant que les boîtes postales communautaires suffiront à remplacer ce service quotidien.  Faux !  Le CCD  travaille avec le gouvernement et le service postal pour maintenir la livraison du courrier à domicile.

CCD Appears Before Parliamentary Committee Regarding Canada Post Door to Door Service

Budget cuts to home mail delivery service means that Canada Post plans to eradicate this service altogether. They believe that providing a community mailbox can be a sufficient enough substitute for daily home mail delivery. This is untrue, and CCD is working with both the government and the postal service to ensure the retention of home mail delivery.


Par John Rae

Ce blogue a d’abord été publié, en anglais, sur le site Web de l’Institut  Broadbent :

Broadening the Electoral Reform Discussion

by John Rae

This blog originally appeared on the Broadbent Institute’s website.

The Liberal government campaigned on electoral reform, promising “that 2015 will be the last federal election conducted under the first-past-the-post voting system” and that they “will make every vote count.”

Le 11 mars - Une date historique pour les droits des personnes handicapées au Canada

Le 11 mars est un grand jour dans l’histoire du pays!  En effet,   le 11 mars 2010, le Canada est devenu le 82ème pays à ratifier la Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (CDPH), qui réaffirme le droit des personnes en situation de handicap  de jouir pleinement des droits de l’homme.  En ce 11ème jour de mars 2010, des membres de la collectivité des personnes handicapées, Steven Estey, président du Comité international du CCD, Traci Walterts, VA Canada et Bendina Miller, As

March 11th A Historic Date for Disability Rights in Canada

March 11 is a notable day in Canadian history, because on March 11, 2010, Canada became the 82nd country to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which reaffirms that persons with disabilities enjoy the protection of all human rights.  On this day in 2010 disability community members, Steven Estey, CCD International Committee Chairperson, Traci Walters, IL Canada, and Bendina Miller, Canadian Association for Community Living, and then Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon, met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at the UN in New York, to


Par John Rae

Note de la rédaction :  John Rae est le 2ème vice-président du Conseil des Canadiens avec déficiences.

Le bref électoral a été délivré;  il est temps de s’engager dans la prochaine élection fédérale et de se préparer à voter.

Everyone's Vote Counts, So Get Ready!

By: John Rae

Editor's Note: John Rae is 2nd Vice Chair of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities. 

The writ has been dropped, and it is time to get involved in the upcoming federal election, and be prepared to vote.

The Journey of My Experiences with the Council of Canadians with Disabilities

(In this piece, Huma Gulrez, guest blogger, shares a personal perspective on volunteering with CCD during the summer of 2014.  CCD is a community resource, where students have the opportunity to learn first-hand about disability rights.)

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