april's blog
Summary Note: Bill C-81 Parliamentary Study - Thursday October 4, 2018
Dear Colleagues,
As you are aware Parliament is presently holding hearings on Bill C-81 (The Accessible Canada Act). The CNIB has undertaken to provide brief daily summaries of these hearings, and they have generously agreed to allow CCD to have them translated for circulation across the country, in both English and French. Therefore, please find attached the CNIB summary for the hearing on October 2 and 4, 2018. We will continue to translate and share these summaries as quickly as we are able. Meantime thanks to the CNIB for this collaboration!
Summary Note: Bill C-81 Parliamentary Study - Tuesday October 2, 2018
Dear Colleagues,
As you are aware Parliament is presently holding hearings on Bill C-81 (The Accessible Canada Act). The CNIB has undertaken to provide brief daily summaries of these hearings, and they have generously agreed to allow CCD to have them translated for circulation across the country, in both English and French. Therefore, please find attached the CNIB summary for the hearing on October 2 and 4, 2018. We will continue to translate and share these summaries as quickly as we are able. Meantime thanks to the CNIB for this collaboration!
Le jugement de la Cour suprême du Canada restreint l'accès à la justice
Le 14 juin 2018, la Cour suprême a rendu son jugement dans la cause Canada (Commission canadienne des droits de la personne) c. Canada (Procureur général), 2018 CSC 31, également connue comme l’affaire Matson et Andrews.
Supreme Court Decision Undermines Access to Justice
On June 14, 2018, the Supreme Court released its judgment in Canada (Canadian Human Rights Commission) v. Canada (Attorney General), 2018 SCC 31, also known as Matson and Andrews.
S.A. c. Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation
Le 25 avril 2018, le Conseil des Canadiens avec déficiences (CCD) est intervenu dans une importante cause auprès de la Cour suprême du Canada. Cette affaire, la S.A. c. Metro Vancouver Housing pourrait se répercuter grandement sur les personnes en situation de handicap et affecter leur autonomie, leur indépendance et leur inclusion.
S.A. v. Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation Case
On April 25, 2018, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) intervened in a very important case before the Supreme Court of Canada. This case could have a significant impact on persons with disabilities, affecting their autonomy, independence and inclusion. The case is called S.A. v. Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation. It raises the question: can absolute discretionary trusts, also known as Henson Trusts, be taken into account in eligibility criteria for social programs, like a housing subsidy or social assistance?
Why This Case is Important
Parce que nous sommes en 2018 ! Rien pour nous, sans nous dans la nouvelle loi canadienne sur l'accessibilité
Le 11 mars 2010, en ratifiant la Convention des Nations Unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées, le Canada s’est engagé à éliminer les obstacles qui empêchent les personnes handicapées de profiter pleinement de leurs droits humains. La discrimination systémique s’exerce partout dans les secteurs relevant de l’autorité fédérale, notamment les terminaux de points de vente et les boîtes numériques en câblodistribution qui obligent les usagers &agra
Full Citizenship, full stop
In the Globe and Mail columnist Andre Picard writes, "The fundamental issue is citizenship: If our commitment to rights and equality is real, then the disabled need to be full citizens, meaning they have an equal opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of community life." In 2015, the Prime Minister instructed the Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities to develop legislation to make Canada accessible for Canadians with disabilities.
Because It's 2018! "Nothing About Us Without Us" in Canada's New Accessibility Legislation
When Canada ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on March 11, 2010, it committed to rid the country of barriers that prevent people with disabilities from fully enjoying their human rights.