Dignity For All, the campaign for a poverty-free Canada

Dignity For All, the campaign for a poverty-free Canada

29 July 2009

For immediate release

The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) is pleased to announce that it has accepted an invitation to serve on the steering committee of Dignity For All, the campaign for a poverty-free Canada. “Poverty is a very real issue for Canadians with disabilities. Canadians with disabilities are almost twice as likely to live in poverty compared to other Canadians,” states Marie White, CCD Chairperson.

The Dignity For All Campaign calls for vigorous and sustained action by the federal government to combat the structural causes of poverty in Canada. We want:

- A federal plan for poverty elimination that complements provincial and territorial plans.
- A federal anti-poverty Act that ensures enduring federal commitment and accountability for results.
- Sufficient federal investment in social security for all Canadians.

CCD joins the following organizations, already active on the steering committee : Canadian Co-operative Association, ACORN Canada, Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation, Citizens for Public Justice, Canadian Teachers’ Federation, Make Poverty History, Canadian Labour Congress, Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry, Canadian Association of Social Workers, Canada Without Poverty, Collective for a Poverty-free Québec, Campaign 2000, Canadian Council on Social Development.

CCD encourages all Canadians to become supporters of the Dignity For All campaign. You can show your support on the Dignity For All web site. http://www.dignityforall.ca/


For more information contact Laurie Beachell at laurie@ccdonline.ca