Weekly Email Digest for Information Sharing Purposes October 20 - October 27, 2023


REMINDER: U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Bathing Rooms (November 2) 
In-Person Training: U.S. Access Board's Final Rule on the Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (November 6) 

eBOUND Canada Survey on Accessibility Metadata 
Human Rights 
Canadian Human Rights Commission 
Getting Psychosocial Disability Rights 
Cooperation Canada Newsletter 
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition 
IIRP Newsletter 
The Manitoban 
Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy 
Senior for Social Action 
CBC’s CAPE Program 


REMINDER: U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Bathing Rooms (November 2)

Click on the following link to access the information online: Accessible Bathing Rooms (accessibilityonline.org)
In-Person Training: U.S. Access Board's Final Rule on the Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (November 6)

Click on the following link to access the information online: Summary - Understanding the U.S. Access Board's Final Rule on the Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (cvent.com)

eBOUND Canada Survey on Accessibility Metadata

eBOUND Canada wants ebook accessibility and usability information displayed in a way that works best for you — and that means they need you to tell them what you want!
Based on previous research, including the How Do You Read? Report, they are working on a set of recommendations for retailers, libraries, and publishers, to build a test website that displays accessibility metadata.

They need people to test the website and answer some questions about it - your answers will power their recommendations.

The test website is the Canadian Accessible Title Database (CAT-DB). They are looking for ebook readers to play around on the site, and then answer questions in this survey. The survey has three parts. Parts one and two will take approximately five minutes. Part three will take around fifteen minutes. If you complete part three, you'll be entered into a draw to win one of twenty $250 Amazon gift cards.
Visit the test site and take the survey before November 13th 2023. If you have any questions, please reach out to Laura Brady: laura_brady@eboundcanada.org.

Human Rights

Canadian Human Rights Commission

Click on the following link to access the information online: Historic milestone in landmark human rights case | Une étape historique dans un dossier phare des droits de la personne (campaigner.com)

Getting Psychosocial Disability Rights

Supposed safeguards in discriminatory legislation is not a cogent response. Under CRPD no one may be coercively treated for a disability (see our response to Canada’s Attorney General).

To Canadian Ministers of Health and Justice,

We, the undersigned, demand that Canadian officials honour the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and repeal legislation that allows psychiatrists to detain and forcibly treat persons with psychosocial disabilities, regardless of ostensible safeguards like tribunals that back psychiatrists, or consent protocols that withhold drug or electroshock information. We present the attached summary of Canada’s obligations as a state party to the CRPD as well as the UN’s observations on Canada’s failure to fulfill these obligations, thereby violating grievously the human rights of persons with disabilities.

Judy Nordlund, Eva Sidwall, Irit Shimrat, and Erick Fabris, for the Mad Canada Shadow Report Group

Megan J. Davies
Associate Professor
Health & Society Program
Department of Social Science
York University
Reverend Dr. Steven Epperson, PhD, Parish Minister, Unitarian Church of Vancouver
Past President, Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada
Diana Girsdansky, Vancouver Coastal Health Ethics Committee on Mental Health and Substance Use
Dr. Bren LeFrançois
University Research Professor
Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador
Rudi Leibik, social justice activist and psychiatric survivor
Glen Manery, M.A.
Marina Morrow, PhD
Chair, School of Health Policy & Management
Professor, York University
School of Health Policy & Management http://shpm.info.yorku.ca
Health Policy & Equity http://health.gradstudies.yorku.ca/faculty/
Critical Disability Studies http://cds.gradstudies.yorku.ca


Cooperation Canada Newsletter

Click on the following link to access the information online: Cooperation Canada's Newsletter | Infolettre de Coopération Canada (mailchi.mp)

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Click on the following link to access the information online: Canada's euthanasia programme is eugenic. (mailchi.mp)

Click on the following link to access the information online: Euthanasia for Anorexia, Addiction, Loneliness? (mailchi.mp)

Click on the following link to access the information online: Canada: 13.241 euthanasia deaths in 2022. (mailchi.mp)

IIRP Newsletter

Click on the following link to access the information online: The latest news from the IRPP (mailchi.mp)

The Manitoban

Click on the following link to access the information online: Advocating for the disability community | The Manitoban

Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Click on the following link to access the information online: News and Views: Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (mailchi.mp)

Senior for Social Action

Click on the following link to access the information online: ADVOCACY BULLETIN - HCCSS RETURNS FUNDS TO MINISTRY OF HEALTH AS CLIENTS UNABLE TO ACCESS ADEQUATE HOME CARE (mailchi.mp)


CBC’s CAPE Program

Hello. CBC’s CAPE Program has launched its recruitment period. We believe that this program would be of interest and benefit to the folks you work with and hope you’ll share this information with your clients and network. We are taking applications until November 8th, 2023.

CBC’s CAPE Program is back! Now in its sixth year, CAPE (CBC Abilicrew Placement for Excellence) aims to kick-start the careers of persons with disabilities, eliminate barriers to employment, showcase the participant's talents and generate more discussion, learning and content related to disability, accessibility and inclusion. Participants must identify as a person living with a disability*.

This six-month paid placement program runs from January 15 to June 28, 2024. Details on individual jobs and required skills can be found at  cbc.ca/cape or cbc.ca/jobs.

Up to 10 participants will be hired in locations across CBC to work in a variety of roles and departments, including Marketing & Communications, CBC Books, CBC Music, Programming, and Current Affairs.  Participants will learn more about the media industry and gain access to career development opportunities while working in their field.

For more information about this year’s program please click here for our dedicated CAPE 2024 Webpage
If you have questions or want to connect you may reply to this email or contact the entire team at equityandinclusion@cbc.ca

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Alex Hogan (she/her)
hear name
Advisor, Equity and Inclusion
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
cell:  236.330.0361

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