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Empower U: Learn to Access Your Disability Rights Training on Canadian Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol (OP) training aims to increase awareness of how to address discrimination using more familiar Canadian human rights laws such as Human Rights Codes and the newer international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This is training for persons with disabilities by persons with disabilities. The training is part of a project funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and implemented by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) in collaboration with Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre Inc. (CMDCI), Citizens With Disabilities – Ontario (CWDO), Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) and National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS). Read more.
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A monthly newsletter from CCD about what is happening in the community
Weekly Email Digest for Information Sharing Purposes June 5 - June 9, 2023
Related Documents
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CCD invites you to a Celebration of Life for Laurie Beachell
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Weekly Email Digest for Information Sharing Purposes November 15 - November 25, 2024
U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Transient Lodging
Finally, they are released but why should you bother about the WHO, International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, and International Society of Wheelchair Providers game-changing Guidelines!
Accessible Toilet Rooms
COSP Side Event- The experience of persons with disabilities related to social protection programs during times of emergency in the Arab region- Case study of Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco and Yemen
Join GDI Hub at COSP and an innovation challenge
Realizing Human Rights and Social Justice in Mental Health - COSP16 Side Event
Disability Poverty
Statement: Senators Call on the Government to Honour Its Promises to Lift Persons with Disabilities Out of Poverty
Government of Canada Announcements
The 16th Conference of States Parties (COSP) Information Package
High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)
Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit
Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD)
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Newsletter
Cooperation Canada Newsletter
Fighting Blindness Canada
Inclusive Design Research Centre | We Count Recont
Seniors for Social Action
Application for CDPF Disabled Youth Leadership On-line Training Course
Save the Date for our Annual General Meeting and Inclusion Awards June 29, 2023
U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Transient Lodging
As the summer vacation season is well underway, traveling and lodging is essential to everyone, including people with disabilities. The next webinar in the U.S. Access Board's free monthly series will take place Thursday, July 6 from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. (ET) and address requirements in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Standards for hotels, motels, and other types of transient lodging facilities. Presenters will discuss the required number and dispersion of compliant guest rooms and suites with mobility and communication features. Additionally, they will review accessibility requirements for guest accommodations, such as sleeping areas, bathrooms, kitchens and kitchenettes, storage, signage, fire alarms, and phones. Other common amenities, such as check-in counters, fitness centers, swimming pools and spas, bars and restaurants, and conference rooms, will also be covered.
For more information or to register, visit Great Lakes ADA Center’s Accessible Transient Lodging webinar webpage. All webinars include video remote interpreting (VRI) and real-time captioning. Questions can be submitted in advance of the session or can be posed during the live webinar. Webinar attendees can earn continuing education credits. The webinar series is hosted by the ADA National Network in cooperation with the Board. Archived copies of previous Board webinars are available on the site.
Finally, they are released but why should you bother about the WHO, International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, and International Society of Wheelchair Providers game-changing Guidelines!
- They advance human rights
- Are people-centric
- Integral to Universal Health Coverage, &
- Promote equity.
Access to wheelchairs is crucial to fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities & achieve the SDGs. They help secure education, employment, healthcare, & community participation, reducing poverty and promoting independence.
Decision-makers in health, education, social welfare, & civil society have a responsibility to implement these guidelines & ensure access to wheelchairs for all. By increasing access, we empower individuals to reach their full potential & create a more inclusive future. Read the guidelines:
Accessible Toilet Rooms
Click on the following link to access the information online: Accessible Toilet RoomsArchive (
Thursday, June 1, 2023
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Accessibility Standards address various elements and features of toilet rooms that ensure everyone, including people with disabilities, has access to restrooms. This session will review the requirements for single-user and multi-user toilet rooms, including those for water closets, toilet compartments, urinals, lavatories, signage, clearances, maneuvering space, and amenities, such as baby-changing tables.
Video remote interpreting and real-time captioning will be provided in this webinar. Questions can be submitted in advance of the session or may be posed during the live webinar. Participants can also earn continuing education credits.
Multimedia Archives
Click on this link to: Playback Video
Note: No credit is available for reviewing the recorded session.
Session Materials
- PowerPoint Accessible Toilet Rooms 6-1-2023
- Handout Accessible Toilet 2 Slides Per Page
- Handout Accessible Toilet RTF
- Josh Schorr, Training Coordinator and Accessibility Specialist, Office of Technical and Information Services, U.S. Access Board
- Scott Windley, TA Coordinator and Senior Accessibility Specialist, Office of Technical and Information Services, U.S. Access Board
COSP Side Event- The experience of persons with disabilities related to social protection programs during times of emergency in the Arab region- Case study of Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco and Yemen
Under the auspices of the United Nations conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP) 2023, The Arab Forum for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (AFRPD) cordially invites you to join us to a side event on the status of disability inclusion in social protection policies and programs in the countries of the Arab world. The event aims to shed light on persons with disabilities’ definitions, with emphasis on the impact of the dominance of the individual model on disability on public policies and programs pertaining to social protection. In addition, speakers will highlight the causes and consequences of the exclusive social protection policies and programs, focusing on the experiences of persons with disability in emergency situations. It is worth noting that the discussion will be based on the findings of a recently conducted study by AFRPD in Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen.
This side event will take place virtually on Thursday June 15th, 2023 from 11:30-12:45 EST.
The Event will be co-sponsored by:
- Carlos Javier Aguilar- Regional Adviser- UNICEF Middle East and North Africa Regional Office
- Dr. Luca Pellerano - Senior Social Protection Specialist -ILO Regional Office for Arab States - Lebanon
- Tiziana Oliva - Disability Inclusion Officer - World Food Programme – Lebanon
- This event will be Moderated by Ms. Shatha Abu Srour, AFRPD’s Interim Executive Director
- Ahmed Berkia, President- Moroccan Organization for Rights of Persons with Disabilities, AFRPD secretariat
- Manal Al-Ashwal, President- Al Saeeda Association for Deaf Girls Care and Qualifications, AFRPD board member- Yemen
- Sylvana Lakkis, President- Lebanese Union for People with Physical Disabilities, AFRPD Chairperson, Lebanon
- Yosri M’zati, President- Tunisian Organization for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, AFRPD treasurer, Tunisia
Please find the zoom link at:
to register and participate in the side event.
Simultaneous interpretation is available in Arabic and English, live captioning, in and sign language will be available.
We hope that this invitation will receive your attention. We very much look forward to your joining us, and thank you in advance for your precious time and participation.
For any other inquiries, please contact us via email:
Join GDI Hub at COSP and an innovation challenge
[Monday 6:30pm - 7:45pm EDT: Conference Room 7 & webcast]
Comprehensive Approaches to Disability Inclusion (hosted by World Bank Group) - GDI Hub CEO Dr Vicki Austin will address the event. Details and registration
[Tuesday 9:45am - 11:00am EDT: online]
Inclusive Urban Development: Accessibility as an enabler for reaching under-represented groups of persons with disabilities (co-hosted by UN-Habitat India, UNRCO India, Global Disability Innovation Hub) - we'll be sharing more on our Inclusive Infrastructure work. Details and registration
[Tuesday 6:30pm - 7:45pm EDT: Conference Room 4 & webcast]
‘What Works’ to improve access to life-changing Assistive Technology (AT) for all (co-hosted by Global Disability Innovation Hub, WHO & His Majesty's Government United Kingdom) - find out more about our UK aid funded AT2030 programme. Streamed live on UN Web TV
[Wednesday 9:45am -11:00am EDT: online]
Breaking Down Accessibility Barriers Through Localisation: Presenting and unpacking recommendations for States Parties to accelerate implementation of accessibility (hosted by WBU) - we'll be joining the panel to share more on our work around Inclusive Design. Streamed live - register using virtual platform link.
[Wednesday 1.15-2.30pm EDT: Conference Room 4 & webcast]
Digital Assistive Technology Challenges and Opportunities: The Potential of Mobile Devices (Jointly organized by IDA, WHO, ATscale, UNICEF, GDI and the Permanent Mission of Brazil) - CEO Dr Vicki Austin will address this event. Streamed live on webcast. Streamed live on UN Web TV.
Click on the following link for full details on side events: Side Events - UNDESA Division for Inclusive Social Development | Teamup
Launch of AccessAbility, Inclusive Innovation Challenge to ensure rights and choices for youth with disabilities.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in collaboration with the Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDI Hub) and the Global Network of Young Persons with Disabilities (GNYPWD) are calling for innovative solutions to address barriers to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) facing young persons with disabilities. Applications open until 15th June. Find everything you need to know here: GNYPWD website.
The winners will be awarded with a blend of monetary and capacity building support and potential opportunities to pilot their technology with UNFPA country offices. By availing these resources, these teams and organizations will be empowered to develop and scale innovative solutions that disrupt inequalities and foster the empowerment of women and girls, encompassing the diverse range of their experiences and identities.
Click on the following link for more information: Call for Proposals: AccessAbility innovation challenge – Global Network of Young Persons with Disabilities (
Realizing Human Rights and Social Justice in Mental Health - COSP16 Side Event
Canadian Centre on Disability Studies Incorporated, operating as Eviance, cordially invites you to a Virtual Side Event at the 16th UN Conference of State Parties (COSP) on June 14, 2023, at 11:30 AM EST.
This event, titled "Realizing Human Rights and Social Justice in Mental Health: An international collaboration," aims to highlight the lived experiences of people with psychosocial disabilities who have faced involuntary treatment. It will also discuss the challenges and achievements of harmonizing national policies related to psychosocial disabilities with the CRPD and other UN conventions.
- Marina Morrow, Ph.D., Professor, York University
- Víctor Lizama Sierra, Redesfera latinoamericana por las Culturas ocási, la Diversidad Psicosocial, la Justicia, el Buen Vivir y el Derecho al Delirio
- Bhargavi Davar, Executive Director, TCI Global
- Aranxa Bello Brindis, Colectivo Decidir es mi derecho
- Moderator: Susan Hardie, Ph.D., Executive Director, Eviance
Click on the following link to register: Realizing Human Rights & Social Justice in Mental Health (
Join Disabled Peoples’ International and The Leprosy Mission International for a virtual COSP16 Side Event on Friday 16 June at 9:45am EDT
Event title: Reaching the millions of under-represented people affected by Neglected Tropical Diseases: why it matters that their voice is missing and what they have to offer
Discussion questions:
• Are persons affected by NTDs included within the wider disability sector? Should they be?
• What are the challenges to reaching under-represented groups like persons affected by NTDs and hearing their voices? How do we overcome those challenges?
• What contribution can persons affected by NTDs make to the disability sector?
• Is disability well integrated into NTD programming? Is there room for improvement?
• How can we ensure that persons affected by NTDs achieve their rights under the CRPD?
The panel includes speakers from The Leprosy Mission, Disabled Peoples’ International, and CBM International, with more panellists to be announced.
Sign up here:
Disability Poverty
Statement: Senators Call on the Government to Honour Its Promises to Lift Persons with Disabilities Out of Poverty
June 8, 2023 (Ottawa) – As Minister Qualtrough reminded us, Canada is facing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to lift many working-age Canadians with disabilities out of poverty by passing Bill C-22 and developing and implementing a Canada Disability Benefit. We call on the government to not let this moment slip by.
The government has been clear that redressing economic inequality for persons with disabilities is an urgent matter and has encouraged legislators to pass this bill quickly. The Senate worked hard to respond to calls from members of the disability community to advance Bill C-22 expeditiously while also strengthening it in key ways.
Senate amendments to the bill include new requirements that when developed, the benefit will be:
- Protected from clawbacks by private insurance companies, so that it reaches those in need and is not diverted to companies;
- Equipped with a process by which individuals can appeal decisions made about their eligibility for the benefit and the amount they ought to receive;
- Calculated taking into account not just Canada’s official poverty line but also the additional costs of living with a disability, systemic ableist barriers to accessing work, intersectional needs, and Canada’s international human rights obligations;
- Implemented as soon as possible, by requiring all necessary regulations for the roll out of the benefit to be in place within 12 months of the coming into force of the bill and making technical amendments to give effect to the House of Commons’ intentions regarding its coming into force date.
These important additions have been awaiting approval by the House of Commons for three weeks. Only two weeks remain until the House is expected to rise for the summer, with no confirmation yet of when the government intends to bring Bill C-22 forward for consideration in the House.
Bill C-22 was announced in 2020. After a previous version of the legislation was introduced but never debated, it was finally introduced in Parliament in 2022, where it eventually spent eight months in the House of Commons. In contrast, the Senate has conducted its own comprehensive study, including more days of chamber debate, and almost double the amount of committee study, in little more than three months’ time. Senators have clearly responded to the pleas for urgent action. Now the government must act and finally deliver on its promise to the disability community by passing this desperately needed bill into law
We call on the government to honour the trust that members of the disability community have been asked to place in this legislative process. We call on the government to act urgently to pass Bill C-22, including its important Senate additions. Persons with disabilities in need and struggling to afford basic necessities should not have to wait one second more for relief from poverty.
- 30 -
For more information:
Emily Grant
Office of Senator Kim Pate
Government of Canada Announcements
The 16th Conference of States Parties (COSP) Information Package
The 16th Conference of States Parties (COSP) to the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will take place from June 13 to June 15, 2023, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, will lead Canada’s delegation this year.
Canada’s delegation also includes representatives from Employment and Social Development Canada, Global Affairs Canada, a representative from the Government of British Columbia and from the Manitoba Accessibility Office, as well as three youth representatives.
The overarching theme for this year’s COSP is, “Harmonizing national policies and strategies with the CRPD: achievements and challenges”. There will also be roundtable discussions on each of the following sub-themes:
- Ensuring equal access to and accessibility of sexual and reproductive health services for persons with disabilities
- Digital accessibility for persons with disabilities; and,
- Reaching the under-represented groups of persons with disabilities
The UN has decided to hold an in-person event this year. All formal sessions of COSP will be live-streamed online for public viewing. The link to each day’s sessions will be available each morning on UN Web TV at:
Side events will also be taking place throughout the week, with some in-person and others held virtually. Some online side events require registration, so please consult each event listing for specific information. The full list of events can be found here:
Information on COSP, including the full schedule, can be found here:
Minister Qualtrough will deliver Canada’s high-level remarks during the opening session on June 13th, which is scheduled between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (EDT) and again from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m (EDT). The exact timing of her remarks is unknown, as it will depend on where she is on the speakers’ list.
Minister Qualtrough is also a panelist during Roundtable 3, “Reaching the under-represented groups of persons with disabilities”, on June 15, between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m (EDT).
In addition, Minister Qualtrough will host Canada’s side event on “Disability-Inclusive Support Systems: Promoting Economic Security and Poverty Reduction”. The side event will take place June 14, from 1:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m (EDT). Please see the attached concept note for the link to the webcast and further details.
High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)
Canada will participate in the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) taking place at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York City from July 10-19, 2023 under the theme “Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels”.
The HLPF is the central UN platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the global level. It provides Canada with an opportunity to promote its priorities and highlight its leadership on issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Canada will present its 2nd Voluntary National Review (VNR) during the Ministerial segment of the HLPF (July 17 to 19).
Recognizing the important role played by civil society in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, the Government of Canada is launching a call for interest to join the Canadian delegation to the HLPF.
Please note that all submissions should include:
- The completed application form
- A cover letter (maximum 2 pages) from the applicant describing how the nomination criteria are met (refer to the selection criteria section in the attached document)
- A letter from the applicant’s organization (maximum one page) confirming their support for the applicant (that letter is not required for candidates applying on an individual basis).
* If selected, Members of the Canadian delegation will be asked in the upcoming weeks to fill a registration form to get their UN pass. They will also be asked to provide a scanned colour headshot photo and a scanned colour copy of the biography page of their passport (no larger than 300 kb). Please make sure you have a valid passport.
Please provide the aforementioned documents by end of day June 14 to Note that the selected candidates are responsible for assuming all costs associated with their participation to HLPF (including for example flights, accommodation and meals). Members of the Canadian delegation may choose to participate in the HLPF in whole or in part.
The official HLPF programme as well as other information can be found at:
Information on the side-events will be shared by the UN later (likely in June).
Thank you for your collaboration and continued commitment to advancing the implementation of the SDGs.
Warm regards,
Sustainable Development Goals Unit
Employment and Social Development Canada
Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit
As a follow up to our recent spring Income Security Appeals Consultative Committee (ISACC) meeting, we are pleased to let you know that the Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) has developed a tool to help people fill out their CPP (Canada Pension Plan) disability Notice of Appeal form.
CLEO has launched an English guided pathway on the Steps to Justice Web page. Please note that the French guided pathway is under development, and we will inform you once the French link is available. You can also find the link on the Social Security Tribunal website.
We hope you, and your clients, will find it useful. We wish you a good day and upcoming summer!
Thank you,
Outreach and Engagement
Secretariat of the Social Security Tribunal of Canada
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Government of Canada
Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD)
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Newsletter
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
Cooperation Canada Newsletter
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
Inclusive Design Research Centre | We Count Recont
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
Seniors for Social Action
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
Application for CDPF Disabled Youth Leadership On-line Training Course
Please can I ask you to distribute this email and attachment as widely as possible to disabled young people aged 30 or under. Closing date for applicants is 30th June 2023.
We are now recruiting for CDPF online Disabled Youth Leadership course. This will run from September to February. Please circulate as widely as possible the attached application form to your members, friends and colleagues aged 30 or under. The CDPF represents Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) / Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) from across the 56 countries of the Commonwealth. At present CDPF have 95 member organisations in 50 Commonwealth countries. While 60% of the population of the Commonwealth are under the age of 30, nearly all the leaders of our disability organisations are over 30 years. We urgently need to develop and recruit many more disabled youth leaders to the leadership of the Commonwealth’s Disability Movement.
The Executive Committee has decided as part of CDPF’s contribution to Commonwealth Year of Youth (YoY), to recruit young disabled people (aged 30 or under) to take part in a 6 module on-line leadership training course. Modules will include Social Model/Human Rights Perspective, Organising the Struggle for Rights, Ensuring Equality, DPO Democracy, Funding and Project Management, Maximizing Impact on Public and Government.
Each module will cover essential knowledge and ways of taking forward our struggle for meaningful realization of disability rights.
Our task is to get our Governments and Societies to fully implement Disabled People’s Equality and Rights.
We are keen to recruit participants representing the full range of impairments and intend to provide access in sign language, captioning, easy read and audio description. The course and its materials will be in English. Each module will cover essential knowledge and ways of taking forward our struggle for meaningful realisation of disability rights. Selection will usually require an endorsement from the applicant's DPO/OPD.
Criteria for selection
A. Be a disabled person with a long-term impairment (physical, mental, psycho-social, sensory or other).
B. Be aged 30 years or younger.
C. Be resident in a Commonwealth country.
D. Be involved with a Disabled People led organization at local, regional or national level. (We will check your involvement with the contact you provide).
E. Alternatively to D, been involved in struggles for disability rights and undertake to join an appropriate DPO/OPD.
F. Be prepared to do pre-study and attend the 6 modular courses online.
G. Indicate a willingness to get involved in the leadership of the struggle for disability rights.
The course will run with a module each month from September 2023 to February 2024.
Each module will consist of an online presentation, background reading materials & activities and an interactive seminar. There will also be an on line application for participants to interact. Those applying must commit to complete the 6 modules and must undertake private study of our 14 module 2021 online Disability Equality course prior to the start of the course. It’s available at www.commonwealthdpf/training
PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THE ATTACHED APPLICATION FORM BY 30th JUNE 2023 and return this duly signed form to
Richard Rieser,
General Secretary, Commonwealth Disabled People's Forum
c/o World of Inclusion Ltd,
78, Mildmay Grove South,
N1 4PJ,
Phone: +44(0)207 359 2855
Mobile: +44(0)7715420727
Skype: Richard Rieser
Richard Rieser,
General Secretary, Commonwealth Disabled People's Forum
c/o World of Inclusion Ltd,
78, Mildmay Grove South,
N1 4PJ,
Phone: +44(0)207 359 2855
Mobile: +44(0)7715420727
Skype: Richard Rieser
Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum
Application for Young Disabled People’s Leadership Training.
The CDPF represents Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) / Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) from across the 56 countries of the Commonwealth. At present CDPF have 95 member organisations in 50 Commonwealth countries.
While 60% of the population of the Commonwealth are under the age of 30, nearly all the leaders of our disability organisations are over 30 years. We urgently need to develop and recruit many more disabled youth leaders to the leadership of the Commonwealth’s Disability Movement.
The Executive Committee has decided as part of CDPF’s contribution to Commonwealth Year of Youth (YoY), to recruit young disabled people (aged 30 or under) to take part in a 6 module on-line leadership training course. Modules will cover Social Model/Human Rights Perspective, Organising the Struggle for Rights, Ensuring Equality, DPO Democracy, Funding and Project Management, Maximising Impact on Public and Government. Each module will cover essential knowledge and ways of taking forward our struggle for meaningful realisation of disability rights.
Our task is to get our Governments and Societies to fully implement Disabled People’s Equality and Rights.
We are keen to recruit participants representing the full range of impairments and intend to provide access in sign language, captioning, easy read and audio description. The course and its materials will be in English.
Each module will cover essential knowledge and ways of taking forward our struggle for meaningful realisation of disability rights.
The course will run with a module each month from September 2023 to February 2024. Each module will consist of an online presentation, background reading materials & activities and an interactive seminar. There will also be an on line application for participants to interact.
Those applying must commit to complete the 6 modules and must undertake private study of our 14 module 2021 online Disability Equality course prior to the start of the course. It’s available at www.commonwealthdpf/training
Return this duly signed form to
(Complete and return this application form by 30th June 2023)
1. Full Name:
2. How you like to be called /named:
3. Commonwealth Country of Residence:
4. Date of Birth:
5. Age:
6. Sex (Male / Female / Prefer not to say) :
7. Postal Address:
8. Mobile phone number with international dialling code (We will use WhatsApp to contact you) :
9. Email:
10. Access needs:
11. Nature of your impairment:
12. Name of the Disabled People’s Organisation(s) of which you are a member :
13. Name and email of contact(s) in the organisation who can verify your membership:
Contact Person:
14. For all applicants, provide a statement of up to 200 words on why you want to be part of this course and your expectations (include examples or experience of the struggles for disability rights in which you have already been involved) :
15. If you are not a member of a DPO/OPD will you commit to joining during this course? (Yes / No) :
16. If not a member currently of a DPO/OPD, please include here a 100 word statement of why you want to play a leading part in improving the lives and rights of disabled people / people with disabilities:
17. For all applicants, provide up to 75 words of how you intend to play an active part in the struggle for disabled people’s rights now and in the future.
18. What are the thematic area(s) of study you prefer to learn?
Selection to take part in the course will depend on meeting the selection criteria below and completing this application form as fully as you can, or providing an audio/visual MP4 file containing similar information.
Criteria for selection
A. Be a disabled person with a long-term impairment (physical, mental, psycho-social, sensory or other).
B. Be aged 30 years or younger.
C. Be resident in a Commonwealth country.
D. Be involved with a Disabled People led organisation at local, regional or national level. (We will check your involvement with the contact you provide).
E. Alternatively to D, been involved in struggles for disability rights and undertake to join an appropriate DPO/OPD.
F. Be prepared to do pre-study and attend the 6 modular courses online.
G. Indicate a willingness to get involved in the leadership of the struggle for disability rights.
For each module you will be expected to watch an illustrated talk on-line, do some private study and attend an online seminar.
We will have up to 80 places available. These will be allocated to represent a wide range of Commonwealth countries and a good gender balance and impairment balance.
On satisfactory attendance and completion of the course, CDPF will provide you with an accreditation certificate, signed by General Secretary and Chair of CDPF.
Please complete and sign this declaration.
I (your full name)_______________________________________________
apply to take part in the CDPF Young Disabled Leaders Training Course. I certify that the details on the above application are true and that I intend to complete the 6 modules of the course to the best of my ability.
Signature Date
If you want to be considered for this course please return this form by 30th June 2023 to
c/o World of Inclusion78, Mildmay Grove South, LONDON N1 4PJ
Tel: +44(0) 7715420727 Company Registration: 7928235
General Secretary Richard Rieser Website:
Save the Date for our Annual General Meeting and Inclusion Awards June 29, 2023
The Coalition of Persons with Disabilities is pleased to invite you to our 2023 Annual General Meeting and Inclusion Awards on Thursday, June 29th.
Join us at 7 PM via ZOOM video-conference as we celebrate this past year's accomplishments and look ahead to the coming year!
Please help us celebrate the winner of the COD-NL and Cenovus Energy Scholarship as well as the recipients of our annual Inclusion Awards!
Please RSVP to attend by emailing us at or by phone at 709 722 7011. To ensure we’re providing an inclusive event, if you require any disability supports, for example ASL Interpreting, please let us know when you RSVP.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Editorial Note: The Weekly Email Digest for Information Sharing Purposes contains information, reports and articles, which have been shared with CCD, that may be of interest to members of the disability community and allies. The information, articles and reports represent the views and opinions of the organisation referenced, not necessarily those of CCD.
End of Document

End Exclusion supporters rally in support of an accessible and inclusive Canada.