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Empower U: Learn to Access Your Disability Rights Training on Canadian Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol (OP) training aims to increase awareness of how to address discrimination using more familiar Canadian human rights laws such as Human Rights Codes and the newer international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This is training for persons with disabilities by persons with disabilities. The training is part of a project funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and implemented by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) in collaboration with Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre Inc. (CMDCI), Citizens With Disabilities – Ontario (CWDO), Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) and National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS). Read more.
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A monthly newsletter from CCD about what is happening in the community
Weekly Email Digest for Information Sharing Purposes August 7 - 11, 2023
Related Documents
January 13, 2025
CCD invites you to a Celebration of Life for Laurie Beachell
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Weekly Email Digest for Information Sharing Purposes November 15 - November 25, 2024
Access Designing for Children
U.S. Access Board Mourns Passing of Former Executive Director Larry Roffee
U.S. Access Board Celebrates 55th Anniversary of the Architectural Barriers Act
U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Residential Housing
President Biden Appoints Olivia Mae M. Asuncion to U.S. Access Board
U.S. Access Board Issues Final Rule on Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines
Grad Chat
IDEA at Work - Inaugural Newsletter Issue |Building workplace capacity to include persons with disabilities
Government of Canada
Important Consultation Request from CRA
Health Care
8th annual Patients Redefining the Future of Health Care in Canada Summit
Human Rights
From EGALE Canada: The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD)
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Newsletter
Fighting Blindness Canada | Your August vision research and education event updates are here!
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: It's Time To Catch Up To The Science
ACT Project
Designing for Children
Designing for Children Webinar Available in Archives. Click on the following link to access the information online:
U.S. Access Board Mourns Passing of Former Executive Director Larry Roffee
With deep sorrow, the U.S. Access Board announces the passing of former Executive Director Larry Roffee. He was appointed Executive Director of the Board in November 1988 and held the position for 20 years before retiring from federal service in August 2008. Mr. Roffee served in the U.S. Army as a Second Lieutenant in Vietnam in 1969 and 1970 and was wounded in action in May 1970. On August 9, 2023, Roffee passed peacefully in Billings, Montana while on a cross country trip visiting national parks with his wife Maggie.
“Larry was a force for accessibility,” Board Executive Director Sachin Pavithran remarked. “Even after his retirement, he continued to advocate for equal access for all people with disabilities. Many of us in the disability community will benefit from his hard work for years to come.”
Following his service in Vietnam, Mr. Roffee worked for the Paralyzed Veterans of America and at all levels of the Selective Service System. In 1987, he served as the Program Manager for the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities before leading the Board as Executive Director. After retiring from the Board, Mr. Roffee opened LMR Consulting where he provided consulting services on disability policy, accessibility in the built environment, and federal management. He was also able to dedicate more time to a long-time passion of his: photography. Roffee’s photography work includes travel, large gatherings, and disability. His retirement was also spent with family and friends, and he and Maggie continued to support and advocate for disability rights and inclusion.
Larry will be dearly missed, and the Access Board sends its condolences to Maggie and all their family and friends.
U.S. Access Board Celebrates 55th Anniversary of the Architectural Barriers Act
Click on the following link to access the information online:
U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Residential Housing
Independent living is one of the most critical elements of accessibility. Accessibility barriers within a person’s home, where they spend most of their time, are imperative to address. Residential dwelling unit accessibility guidelines and standards are addressed under many laws, including the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Fair Housing Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, to ensure these facilities are accessible to people with disabilities. These laws, guidelines, and standards can be difficult to understand and lead to confusion for many design professionals, lawyers, and citizens.
The next webinar in the U.S. Access Board's free monthly series will take place Thursday, September 7 from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. (ET) and clarify these requirements and their application to different types of residential facilities, including both privately and publicly funded facilities. Presenters from the Board and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will review differences between Title II and III of the ADA and the ABA, as well as their overlap with HUD's 504 regulations of the Rehabilitation Act. Additionally, presenters will give an overview of the accessible design and construction requirements under the Fair Housing Act that apply broadly to most multifamily housing.
For more information or to register, visit Great Lakes ADA Center’s Accessible Residential Housing webinar webpage. All webinars include video remote interpreting (VRI) and real-time captioning. Questions can be submitted in advance of the session or can be posed during the live webinar. Webinar attendees can earn continuing education credits. The webinar series is hosted by the ADA National Network in cooperation with the Board. Archived copies of previous Board webinars are available on the site.
President Biden Appoints Olivia Mae M. Asuncion to U.S. Access Board
Click on the following link to access the information online:
U.S. Access Board Issues Final Rule on Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines
Click on the following link to access the information online:
Are you a grad student with a disability or a grad student studying disability?
We define disability broadly and include students who identify as neurodiverse; culturally Deaf; or a person with a mental, emotional, or chronic physical illnesses. If this sounds like you or it’s the topic of your work, grab your coffee or beverage of choice and check out the NCCSD’s ongoing “Grad Chat”. It’s a great opportunity to meet peers, network, and discuss issues that are important to you as students, instructors, researchers, writers, and humans in general. The first part of the meeting we discuss a particular topic and the last half is open to anyone wanting to share a story, get support, find resources, or ask questions.
You can drop in any time – no registration required.
1st and 3rd Thursdays each month (this month it’s on August 3 and 17)
3:00 CT (4:00 ET/2:00 MT/1:00 PT)
Zoom ID: 892 9053 5107 (no password)
Feel free to share this email with your networks.
This event is sponsored by the National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD) at the University of Minnesota’s Institute for Community Integration.
Wendy Harbour
Dr. Wendy S. Harbour, Ed.D.
Associate Executive Director for Programs and Development at the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD)
Co-PI and Director, National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD) at the Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota
The NCCSD welcomes your opinion - please tell us about your experience with the NCCSD in a very short confidential survey:
Introduction to IDEA
We are Inclusive Design for Employee Access or IDEA for short, and it is with great excitement that we share our first newsletter.
In this newsletter, you will find a short message from the IDEA leadership team, Dr. Emile Tompa (Executive Director, IDEA), and Dr. Rebecca Gewurtz (Director, IDEA), a recap of the official launch of our initiative in May 2023, and what to expect from IDEA in the months ahead.
A Note From the Leadership Team
Dear Readers,
In the last year, we have transformed from an idea to the IDEA Social Innovation Laboratory (IDEA SIL). It is with excitement and enthusiasm that we connect with you to move forward in achieving the vision of IDEA, which is to see every workplace in Canada have the capacity to recruit, hire, onboard, retain, mentor, and promote persons with disabilities across the full range of employment opportunities.
From all angles, there has been substantial interest and commitment to identifying and developing solutions to building employer capacity for employment of persons with disabilities. In line with these efforts, our team is advancing research and evidence-informed policy and practice. Going forward, we will be sharing those innovations with you through our IDEA newsletter and other social media platforms.
IDEA is in its second fiscal year, and we are ramping up activities in all areas of the initiative. There is much work ahead as we build the knowledge base and develop the tools and resources necessary for a diverse and productive Canadian workforce that is inclusive of persons with work-disabilities.
Thank you for your support of our IDEA. We look forward to strengthening our relationship with you and expanding our reach in the years to come.
Emile Tompa and Rebecca Gewurtz
The IDEA Public Launch
IDEA is pleased to share highlights from the May 2023 launch event. It proved to be an incredible opportunity for champions and advocates from various parts of the work disability policy arena to come together to listen to keynotes from leaders in the field, brainstorm on priorities, and discuss IDEA's knowledge-to-practice approach. More than 200 delegates attended the daylong event.
Keynote presenters included:
• The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, then Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion of Canada
• The Honourable Mona Fortier, then President of the Treasury Board
• The Honourable Perrin Beatty, CEO, Canadian Chamber of Commerce
• Bea Bruske, President, Canadian Labour Congress
• Mike Bradley, Mayor of Sarnia
• Michael Gottheil, Federal Accessibility Commissioner
Other presenters included individuals with lived experience, and representatives from disability community organizations, disability service providers, and national and international research centres.
Each of the five hubs hosted workshops where attendees learned about our current projects and brainstormed on how to advance them to ensure high impact. The five hubs are:
• Workplace Systems and Partnerships
• Employment Support Systems
• Transitions to Work and Career Development
• Inclusive Environmental Design
• Disruptive Technologies and the Future of Work
Materials from the IDEA Launch, including videos of keynotes and other presenters, will be available at the IDEA website ( in the fall of 2023, and will be promoted through our social media channels. We are grateful for the commitment and energy shown by all who attended the launch.
As was stated frequently by our speakers, successful initiatives are those that engage in true collaboration. We embrace this approach. So, stay connected and involved with IDEA through social media, including our website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Mastodon, and Facebook.
Twitter: @vraie_idea
Facebook: Inclusive Design for Employment Access - IDEA
Instagram: @IDEA_SIL
Government of Canada
Important Consultation Request from CRA
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is currently conducting interviews with people living with disabilities. We are sharing their message, below, in the hopes of engaging as many people as possible. Your input is vital in shaping decisions such as these. We hope you will consider participating.
Please note the sign-up deadline for participating is Friday, August 18. If none of the available times work for you but you want to participate, please email to arrange a different time.
If you have any questions, please send them directly to the CRA at
Health Care
8th annual Patients Redefining the Future of Health Care in Canada Summit
Dear Patient Representative,
I am writing to you with great enthusiasm on behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th annual Patients Redefining the Future of Health Care in Canada Summit. We are reaching out to seek your valuable assistance in promoting this event, which has just launched its registration.
This year's Summit theme is "Meeting people where they're at: modernizing healthcare to meet the needs of all." This is aligned with the themes of equity, diversity and inclusion in healthcare that we all support.
We have already confirmed a lineup of fantastic keynotes and panelists for this four-day virtual Summit. One of our esteemed speakers is Dr. Naheed Dosani, a dedicated street health palliative care physician and health justice advocate.
The Patients Redefining the Future of Health Care in Canada Summit is an annual platform for patient education, awareness, and action planning. This collaborative effort is made possible by the joint support of the Save Your Skin Foundation and the Canadian Psoriasis Network, along with the invaluable contributions of an Indigenous volunteer from Kiyasiw Consulting.
We know that you have a broad network that will be interested in all or some of the themes for the Summit. To assist in ensuring that we get the broadest reach we can, we are asking for your help to promote the Summit. To assist, we have attached suggested messages and graphics, including logos for the Summit and the two partnering organizations, for your convenience.
Should you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your support is instrumental in making this event a success, and we genuinely appreciate your involvement.
Thank you in advance for your unwavering support for this important event highlighting the determinants of health that are all too often forgotten by decision-makers.
All the best,
Louise Binder, Health Policy Consultant, Save Your Skin Foundation, member of Summit Steering Committee
Human Rights
From EGALE Canada: The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
Yesterday (August 9) marked International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and this year’s theme recognizes Indigenous youth as agents of change for self-determination.
As we observe this day of awareness and celebration, we are starkly reminded of the systemic violence that colonization continues to perpetuate in the daily lives of Indigenous and Two Spirit communities in Canada and around the world.
Two Spirit is an umbrella term for the many Indigenous traditional identities and honours the fluid and diverse nature of gender and attraction and its connection to community and spirituality.
To learn more, watch Egale’s Two Spirits, One Voice, an initiative that shares a brief history of the barriers that impact Two Spirit people in Canada today.
For settlers across Canada and the globe, this day is a reminder to use your voice to support local and global initiatives that promote justice, equality, and honour Indigenous sovereignty.
Continued education is a vital step. Here are some additional resources:
• Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action
• See the progress made on each item through CBC’s website Beyond 94
• OnCanadaProject: Settler’s Take Action
• Idle No More: An Indigenous-led Social Movement
Click on the following link for more from EGALE Canada:
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Newsletter
If MAiD for mental illness had been around at that time. I wouldn't be around here today. – Click on the following link to access the information online:
Suicidal Canadian woman offered euthanasia as a "treatment". - Click on the following link to access the information online:
Fighting Blindness Canada | Your August vision research and education event updates are here!
Click on the following link to access the information online:
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: It's Time To Catch Up To The Science
Invitation to an educational event for medical students
Open to the general public
Event on September 27 at 6:45 pm
Click on the following link to access the information online:
CILT Awards
The following CILT awards are accepting applications now! Find below the information for each including our website posting that has more details on how to apply.
Helen Henderson Literary Award 2023
This award will be granted to a CILT member, or an ally recommended by a CILT member, who produced an outstanding piece of writing related to raising public awareness of a disability issue or barrier. Award recipient will receive a Lifetime Membership at CILT, and a cash prize of $200. Current employees of CILT cannot apply.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 22nd, 2023, by 5:00 pm. Web Posting:
Vic Willi Legacy Award 2023
This award will be granted to a CILT member, or an ally recommended by a CILT member, who is a young disabled person showing leadership in disability activism and disability rights. The award recipient will receive a Lifetime Membership at CILT and a cash prize of $300. Current employees of CILT cannot apply.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 22nd, 2023, by 5:00 pm. Web posting:
ACT Project
I wanted to reach out and let you know about the work the ACT Project is currently doing. We are in year three of the project and with the incredible support of our partners we are in the final stages before beginning to launch some of our educational modules in resources! Coming in Fall 2023! I am including information about our newsletter and registration for our future community of practices below if you would like to stay informed about the upcoming launches as well as the work of the ACT Project!
If you are interested in learning more about the ACT Project, we would love to meet with you for a brief meeting (25-30 minutes). Please reply to this email and we can arrange to present to you and/or your team.
Our ACT Newsletter offers updates about the ACT Project, highlights the launch of resources and educational modules, as well as uplifts the work of ACT Project partners. If you are interested in signing up for the ACT Newsletter, click this link -
ACT Project Community of Practice Meetings
Our ACT to Keep Families Safe Community of Practice offers space for leaders and champions working with survivors of Gender-Based Violence and their animals to connect, learn from the speakers for the session, and network. If you are interested in attended a Community of Practice meeting we would love to have you join us!
To register for the COP I have included the links below!
October 19th -
January 18th -
French Networking Events
For organizations and agencies working with French speaking survivors of Gender-Based Violence and their animals, we offer our French Networking Events as an opportunity to network, collaborate, and connect with other organizations. These events are hosted in French with a French facilitator.
To register for the French Networking Events I have included the links below!
August 15th –
March 12th -
If an accommodation regarding participation is needed, please let me know. We will ensure an accommodation is in place to support your participation.
Sue O’Neill (she/her)
Manager, ACT Project
Humane Canada
851 Industrial Avenue, Suite M100
Ottawa, ON K1G 4L3
+16132248072 ext 29
End of Document

End Exclusion supporters rally in support of an accessible and inclusive Canada.