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Empower U: Learn to Access Your Disability Rights Training on Canadian Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol (OP) training aims to increase awareness of how to address discrimination using more familiar Canadian human rights laws such as Human Rights Codes and the newer international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This is training for persons with disabilities by persons with disabilities. The training is part of a project funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and implemented by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) in collaboration with Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre Inc. (CMDCI), Citizens With Disabilities – Ontario (CWDO), Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) and National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS). Read more.
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A monthly newsletter from CCD about what is happening in the community
Weekly Email Digest for Information Sharing Purposes June 9 - June 30, 2023
Related Documents
January 13, 2025
CCD invites you to a Celebration of Life for Laurie Beachell
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Remembering Laurie Beachell
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U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Transient Lodging
HUD Seeks Public Comment on Changes to Requiring Accessibility and Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Disability in HUD-Assisted Programs
U.S. Access Board Mourns Passing of Former Board Member Carl Lewis
Apply to join our [Accessible Standards Canada] new technical committees
Disability Poverty
Historic law will help realize the rights of people with disabilities
Disability as a Source of Competitive Advantage
Government of Canada Announcements
Funding Opportunities and Announcements
Human Rights
The Canadian Human Rights Commission welcomes Lori Straznicky as Canada’s next Pay Equity Commissioner, appointed by Order in Council.
The biggest survey of homeless Californians in decades shows why so many are on the streets – Orange County Register
Justice Canada’s Action Plan a promising step
OHRC releases its 2022–23 annual report: Building on the Legacy: Collaboration, Action and Accountability Towards an Inclusive Society
Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD)
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Newsletter
Canadian Council of the Blind Newsletter: Update from AGM – Historic law will help realize the rights of people with disabilites
Cooperation Canada Newsletter
EAPSD Newsletter
National Empowerment Centre
TEDx Talk: What we can learn from Parents with Disabilities
Call for Papers: Exploring Disability in the Digital Realm
Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) Youth Council Member Recruitment
RRC POLYTECH | Accessibility Specialist. Student Support Services
The Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) is pleased to release a new Consultation Paper
RCDSO Consultation - Draft Standard of Practice on Virtual Care
Application for Young Disabled People’s Leadership Training – Commonwealth Disabled People's Forum
Zero Project
U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Transient Lodging
As the summer vacation season is well underway, traveling and lodging is essential to everyone, including people with disabilities. The next webinar in the U.S. Access Board's free monthly series will take place Thursday, July 6 from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. (ET) and address requirements in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Standards for hotels, motels, and other types of transient lodging facilities. Presenters will discuss the required number and dispersion of compliant guest rooms and suites with mobility and communication features. Additionally, they will review accessibility requirements for guest accommodations, such as sleeping areas, bathrooms, kitchens and kitchenettes, storage, signage, fire alarms, and phones. Other common amenities, such as check-in counters, fitness centers, swimming pools and spas, bars and restaurants, and conference rooms, will also be covered.
For more information or to register, visit Great Lakes ADA Center’s Accessible Transient Lodging webinar webpage. All webinars include video remote interpreting (VRI) and real-time captioning. Questions can be submitted in advance of the session or can be posed during the live webinar. Webinar attendees can earn continuing education credits. The webinar series is hosted by the ADA National Network in cooperation with the Board. Archived copies of previous Board webinars are available on the site.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) seeks public comment on potential changes to its regulation implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act for recipients of HUD federal financial assistance. Section 504 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance from HUD. HUD’s Section 504 Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) acknowledges the need to align HUD’s Section 504 regulation with environmental, societal, and technological advances and emerging issues.
As indicated in the ANPRM, HUD requests general information and comments on its Section 504 regulation relating to recipients’ obligations, including advances in accessible design, the use of websites and other technology, and auxiliary aids and services, such as assistive technologies, that have become available since HUD’s Section 504 regulation was originally published in 1988. Additionally, HUD’s Section 504 ANPRM includes several questions on HUD’s existing Section 504 regulation in relation to effective communication, program accessibility, updating federal accessibility standards, and enforcement.
All members of the public, including individuals with disabilities, HUD recipients, States, and local governments, Tribes, housing providers, and social service providers, are invited to provide input by July 24, 2023 via any of the following methods:
• Federal Register: Select the “Submit a Formal Comment” link at the top of the notice and follow the instructions.
• e-rulemaking portal: Select “Comment” link and follow the instructions.
• Mail:
Regulations Division
Office of General Counsel
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street SW
Room 10276
Washington, DC 20410–0500
For background and more information, visit or access the docket via For further information, contact Amy Gioletti at the toll-free number 1-405–609–8561.
U.S. Access Board Mourns Passing of Former Board Member Carl Lewis
With deep sorrow, the U.S. Access Board announces the passing of former Board Member Carl Lewis. Appointed to the Board in 1996 by President Bill Clinton, Lewis used his tenure with the agency to advance its mission and was a key contributor to revising and updating its accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA). He also was elected to serve as the Board’s Vice-Chair in 2002. Lewis passed on June 19, 2023.
“Carl was an inspiration to all of us in the disability community,” remarked Access Board Executive Director Sachin Pavithran. “He was crucial to the Access Board’s mission and continually strived to teach about accessible design, the ADA and ABA Accessibility Standards, and inclusion of people with disabilities. His contributions will impact generations to come.”
Lewis dedicated his work to bringing accessibility to the forefront of conversations on architecture and design. He always promoted codes and standards, particularly in higher education curriculum, but he also emphasized that learners need to understand why and how accessibility standards and codes are needed, at both the technical level and general level, and how people with disabilities use spaces and elements. At the time of his passing, Lewis was a professor in the School of Architecture at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
The Access Board sends its condolences to Carl's family and friends.
Apply to join our [Accessible Standards Canada] new technical committees
We are happy to recruit members for two (2) new technical committees:
1. Technical committee for accessible and equitable artificial intelligence systems
2. Technical committee for existing built environment
These committees will each create a standard in their area.
The knowledge and experience of people with disabilities and other experts are instrumental to the creation of world-class standards.
Want to contribute to these standards? Here is your chance to be a part of the solution! Don’t hesitate to share this message with your network.
To learn more about each individual technical committee or the members’ role, click or press on one of the 2 links above.
Deadline: You have until August 10, 2023, to apply.
Participation in committees is on a volunteer basis. If members do not represent an organization, they could receive compensation.
Who should apply?
Diversity and inclusion are at the core of our organization. We aim for the same thing when creating our committees. We are looking for 12 to 18 members per committee in the following categories:
- People with disabilities
- Indigenous peoples*
- Consumer and public interest
- Academic and research bodies
- Non-governmental organizations
- Government bodies and authorities with jurisdiction
- Labour and unions
- Standards development bodies
- Federally regulated industries and workplaces
- Federally regulated public sector bodies, municipalities, and territorial private-sector firms
- Business and industry
*Please note: People with disabilities and Indigenous peoples are encouraged to apply. They can be part of any stakeholder category.
It could be you! Apply today by visiting our website.
Can’t join but want to contribute?
Please help us spread the word by sharing this opportunity within your network. The standards we develop are only as strong as the people and expertise behind them.
Disability Poverty
Historic law will help realize the rights of people with disabilities
June 26, 2023 – Ottawa, Ontario – Canadian Human Rights Commission
Following Bill C-22 receiving Royal Assent on June 22, 2023, Charlotte-Anne Malischewski, Interim Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, issues the following statement:
The Commission is pleased that the Canada Disability Benefit Act (Bill C-22), is now law. The Commission recognizes and celebrates the efforts of people with disabilities, their advocates, and Parliamentarians for championing this historic law that will help realize the rights of people with disabilities.
We are especially pleased to see that the Act recognizes the intersectional needs of disadvantaged groups, the additional costs of living with a disability, and Canada’s international human rights obligations concerning disability rights.
The Canada Disability Benefit Act has the potential to provide much needed financial security to people with disabilities who are living in poverty by providing a regular income supplement. People with disabilities, their families, and their advocates have told the Commission countless times that this support is desperately needed.
This kind of financial support is vital to ensuring that everyone can live with dignity and independence. It ensures people can participate in their community and it improves their overall standard of living including access to adequate housing and healthcare services.
When it comes to implementing this new law, intersectionality must be at the crux of policy-making practices to ensure people of diverse identities have a voice. The Commission encourages the government to ensure that people with disabilities of all backgrounds and identities are included as the regulations are developed.
While the Commission welcomes this monumental step forward, it is vital that this law and its regulations are implemented as quickly as possible. People with disabilities in Canada have waited long enough. We cannot lose momentum. For some people with disabilities, this is a matter of life and death.
Disability as a Source of Competitive Advantage
Click on the following link to access the information online:
Government of Canada Announcements
Funding Opportunities and Announcements
On behalf of the Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat, I am pleased to provide you with information on several upcoming funding opportunities and announcements as well as some updates on recent events that the team organized.
On May 29, 2023, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, hosted the official 2023 Asian Heritage Month Celebration in Ottawa with over 300 attendees. Organized by the Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat, in the presence of the Prime Minister and several Cabinet Ministers, the celebration highlighted the official theme, “Stories of determination.” It highlights the strides made and the challenges overcome by Asian communities to thrive in Canada over the last two centuries and beyond.
On May 30, 2023, the Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat held the Luncheon on the North American Partnership for Equity and Racial Justice and People of African Descent at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. Co-hosted by Canada, Mexico, the United States, and UNESCO, the hybrid event provided a forum for discussion, networking, and collaboration to address anti-Black racism and ways to strengthen the rights and freedoms of People of African Descent through the North American Partnership for Equity and Racial Justice.
We are continuing to work with our partners to obtain an explanation for what transpired during the event in New York City, regarding challenges to accessing the event and inappropriate interruptions by external parties. We will keep you informed as more information becomes available.
With the list of funding announcements, data products, and other information provided through this message, we hope that you find the enclosed information useful.
The Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat is committed to continuing working with you in our collective effort towards eliminating all forms of systemic racism, discrimination and hate in Canada.
Best Regards,
Peter Flegel
Executive Director
The Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat
Canadian Heritage
Government of Canada
Funding Opportunities
Employment and Social Development Canada: Enabling Accessibility Fund: Youth Innovation
The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) is looking for dynamic youth who want to demonstrate leadership and a commitment to their communities. Through this process, youth volunteer their time to build a more accessible Canada.
Application period: The application period to become a Youth Accessibility Leader (YAL) is now open from June 5, 2023, to October 10, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). For further information, please contact:
Global Affairs Canada: Resilient Health Systems for All - Concept Notes
The Resilient Health Systems for All Call is a 2-stage application process contributing to Canada’s 10-Year Commitment to Global Health and Rights. As a first step, eligible organizations are invited to submit Concept Notes that describe how their projects will sustainably strengthen and build the resilience of health systems in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly at the community and primary health care facility levels. Selected applicants will subsequently be invited to submit a full application package.
Application period: In order for your concept note to be considered in this Call, you must submit your complete application package in the Partners@International portal before 12 pm (noon) Eastern Time on June 29, 2023.
For further information, please contact:
New Data Releases from Statistics Canada:
Data tables, 2021 Census of Population: Ethnocultural and religious diversity.
Visible minority by occupation, highest level of education and generation status: Canada, provinces and territories. Release date: May 10, 2023.
Visible minority by income and generation status: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts. Release date: May 10, 2023.
Religion by ethnic or cultural origins: Canada, provinces and territories and census metropolitan areas with parts. Release date: May 10, 2023.
Religion by immigrant status and period of immigration: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts. Release date: May 10, 2023.
Employment income statistics by occupation unit group, visible minority, highest level of education, work activity during the reference year, age and gender: Canada, provinces and territories. Release date: May 10, 2023.
Data tables, 2021 Census of Population: Immigration, place of birth, and citizenship.
Countries of citizenship by immigrant status and period of immigration, and admission category: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts. Release date: May 10, 2023.
Immigrant status and period of immigration by mother tongue, labour force status and highest level of education: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts. Release date: May 10, 2023.
Immigrant status and period of immigration by mother tongue, income, work activity during the reference year and highest level of education: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts. Release date: May 10, 2023.
Immigrant status and period of immigration by first official language spoken, income, work activity during the reference year and highest level of education: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts. Release date: May 10, 2023.
Global Affairs Canada: Trade Commissioner Service (TCS)
Women business owners and entrepreneurs: Join the trade delegation to the Go for the Greens supplier diversity conference in Orlando.
Join the Trade Commissioner Service on the trade delegation to Go for the Greens (GFTG), a premier event that connects women owned businesses and entrepreneurs with supplier diversity opportunities. You'll have exclusive access to companies, government agencies and non profits, enabling valuable networking, educational programming, concierge connections, and golf networking.
Date: September 20 23, 2023
Location: Orlando, Florida, United States
Registration deadline: August 21, 2023
Human Rights
The Canadian Human Rights Commission welcomes Lori Straznicky as Canada’s next Pay Equity Commissioner, appointed by Order in Council.
Ms. Straznicky has been serving as Pay Equity Commissioner in an interim capacity since November 2022.
Ms. Straznicky worked to advance workplace equity and fairness throughout her career. Prior to joining the Commission, she provided strategic policy advice and recommendations to the Minister of Labour as a Senior Executive. She was instrumental in the development of Canada’s federal Pay Equity Act. She worked extensively with federal stakeholders and represented Canada at international events, addressing the importance of a federal pay equity program as a tool to close the gender wage gap.
Ms. Straznicky is a strong believer in the power of alternate dispute resolution, particularly mediation, to resolve differences and bring about lasting change between workplace parties. These values led her to a role advice as legal counsel to the Canadian Industrial Relations Board. While working as a lawyer in private practice, she advocated for her clients before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. She had the honour to be part of the negotiation and signing of the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement in 2005, ensuring that Nunavut Inuit people were included in the agreement.
Ms. Straznicky brings a wealth of public and private sector experience in proactive pay equity, workplace relations, and human rights with her to the Commission. She approaches the role of Pay Equity Commissioner with a deep understanding and respectful sensitivity to the diverse perspectives of all the parties involved in bringing about positive pay equity change.
She holds a B.A. in English Literature from McGill University and a LL.B from the University of Ottawa. She is a member in good standing of the Law Society of Ontario. When she is not devoting her time to championing the right to equal pay for work of equal value, Lori enjoys spending time with her family in the Ottawa Valley.
“Ensuring that everyone across Canada’s federal jurisdiction receives equal pay for work of equal value is a tremendous task, and I know Lori and her amazing team are up to the challenge. Lori’s passion for recognizing pay equity as an internationally recognized fundamental human right is matched by her leadership and her determination to help build a better Canada for all.”
Charlotte-Anne Malischewski, Interim Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission
Quick Facts
- The Pay Equity Act is an act to establish a Proactive Pay Equity Regime within the Federal Public and Private Sectors, that will ensure that women and men working in federally regulated workplaces, including the federal public and private sectors, parliamentary workplaces and the Prime Minister’s and Ministers’ offices, receive equal pay for work of equal value.
- Introduced on October 28, 2018, the legislation received Royal assent on December 13, 2018 and is expected to come into force in 2020.
- The Pay Equity Act will reduce the portion of the gender wage gap in federally regulated workplaces that is due to the undervaluation of work traditionally performed by women.
The biggest survey of homeless Californians in decades shows why so many are on the streets – Orange County Register
Click on the following link to access the information online:
Justice Canada’s Action Plan a promising step
The Canadian Human Rights Commission applauds Justice Canada's release of the United Nations Declaration Act Action Plan. We hope this will be a positive step toward co-creating a better relationship between the Government of Canada and Indigenous peoples.
As the Action Plan recognizes, building mutual respect and understanding requires that Canada take concrete steps to address the injustices, prejudice, violence, systemic racism and discrimination that Indigenous peoples in this country have long faced. The Commission is encouraged to see that the Plan emphasizes the need to ensure that the laws of Canada are consistent with the UN Declaration, as we believe that this important document provides the framework we need to dismantle colonialism and chart a new path forward.
In particular, the Commission welcomes the commitment to establish an independent Indigenous mechanism or mechanisms to expand access to human rights justice for Indigenous peoples. As we have long said, the Canadian Human Rights Act is but one of many instruments to drive change and promote equality.
Meaningful change for Indigenous peoples in Canada requires action in areas that go beyond the scope of the Canadian Human Rights Act. Indigenous peoples have called for the creation of new mechanisms, and we fully support them in this call. Any new mechanisms that advance decolonization and self-determination are welcome, and long overdue.
As work continues on this important initiative, the Commission emphasizes that any new mechanism must be:
• developed and led permanently by diverse Indigenous peoples, for diverse Indigenous peoples;
• designed to protect and promote the intersectional rights of Indigenous women and diverse populations, especially those in vulnerable situations;
• designed to address and remedy systemic issues;
• easy to access, and easy to use; and
• designed so that it doesn't create or exacerbate gaps in human rights protections for Indigenous peoples.
While the Action Plan is not final, we believe it is a key stride in the right direction. The Commission eagerly awaits next steps towards implementation of this promising Action Plan, and we look forward to supporting all parties on this shared path toward reconciliation.
TORONTO — Today, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) released Building on the Legacy: Collaboration, Action and Accountability Towards an Inclusive Society, its 2022–2023 annual report. It is a snapshot of the actions taken and results achieved by the OHRC last year to build on its foundations through collaboration with vulnerable groups, other stakeholders, and duty-holders, as well as its work to be accountable to the public, and to create a more inclusive society for Ontarians.
As Ontario emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic, significant societal challenges have remained. The pandemic amplified existing disparities in health, employment, housing precarity, and homelessness. These circumstances have heightened the urgency to advance human rights in society and institutions. It is more important now than ever for the OHRC to build on its legacy of leadership on human rights issues.
This report shares many of the results from the OHRC’s work with communities and stakeholders across Ontario to educate, raise awareness, and take action on human rights. Some of those results are highlighted below:
Marking the one-year anniversary of the OHRC’s Right to Read inquiry report. The inquiry – the first of its kind in Canada – called for critical changes to Ontario’s approach to teaching early reading. After the release of the report, the Ministry of Education announced several positive measures to respond to the OHRC’s recommendations such as in October 2022, when new universal screening was put in place for reading for Ontario’s youngest learners.
Making health and well-being a priority focus area in the OHRC’s work. Research has shown two issues which significantly impact health and well-being are the inability to exercise the right to housing and the inability to exercise the right to mental health and addiction disability care. These issues combined cause and sustain poverty. On March 14, 2023, the OHRC released an interim report titled Poverty POV: What we are hearing that highlighted and summarized some of the responses received from its survey concerning poverty.
Recognizing a landmark decision – Ontario (Health) v Association of Ontario Midwives. The Court of Appeal for Ontario confirmed the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario’s decision that Ontario midwives experienced gender-based discrimination and should be compensated equitably to eliminate the gender wage gap.
The release of a revitalized strategic plan for 2023–2025, Human Rights First: A plan for belonging in Ontario. It places belonging and intersectionality at the centre of human rights work, with an emphasis on building relationships and partnerships to achieve this. The plan outlines five key priority areas for continuing to protect, promote and advance human rights in Ontario.
“As society evolves and everyone recognizes how delicate our democracy is, I encourage Ontarians to join me in creating a place where everyone feels that they belong,” said OHRC Chief Commissioner Patricia DeGuire. “Governments, organizations and everyone in Ontario has a role in bringing about change. Everyone must intentionally play a part in making Ontario an inclusive society that benefits all.”
– 30 –
Media Contact:
Nick Lombardi – Senior Strategic Communications Advisor
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD)
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Newsletter
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
Canadian Council of the Blind Newsletter
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
National Empowerment Centre
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
Click on the following link to access the newsletter online:
TEDx Talk: What we can learn from Parents with Disabilities
The Talk is Out!!
I am so excited to share with you that the TEDx Talk I delivered at WesternU on January 27th 2023 is now available to view and SHARE!
It is titled “What we can learn from Parents with Disabilities.” Because I am convinced disabled parents actually do figure out parenting differently – and everyone can learn from our perspective!
Here is the link: Marjorie Aunos TEDx Talk
Delivering a TEDx Talk was a BIG job!
Now I am asking your help in sharing this important message!
Here is what you can do:
1. Watch the video;
2. Like;
3. LEAVE A COMMENT – it doesn’t have to be long, but comments DO make a difference in how it gets shared to others online;
4. And SHARE with your friends, family and colleagues!
Please share with students & colleagues in the following fields:
• Occupational Therapy
• Physiotherapy
• Psychology
• Social Work
• Disability Studies
• Rehabilitation
You can also share it with any:
• Rehabilitation Centers
• Disability Associations
• Disabled parents
Thank you!
Marjorie Aunos, Ph.D.
Psychologist & Researcher in Parenting with Disabilities
Autrice Maman en Fauteuil Roulant / Author of Mom on Wheels
Associate Professor, Brock University
IG: @marjorieaunos
Twitter: @MarjorieAunos
FB Page: Marjorie Aunos (@themarjorieaunos)
Order Mom on Wheels ou Maman en Fauteuil Roulant sur Amazon:
Learn more about me here:
Learn more about Mom on Wheels here:
The Compounding Effects of Ableism, Heterosexism, and Transphobia in Higher Education: A Discussion Between Student Activists with Intersecting Identities
Join the National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) on July 5th, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm ET, via Zoom, for a panel on the complex realities of students with intersecting disability and sexual identities! This webinar is part of our Virtual Access for All project with contributions funding support from the Government of Canada.
Navigating higher education as disabled students is challenging and often has multiple layers when advocating for access needs to be met – not only within the classroom, but also beyond it. In the first week of Disability Pride Month, NEADS will facilitate a dialogue between disabled student activists with diverse and intersecting identities to discuss the challenges that occur in higher education.
This panel will explore the complexities that may occur for students with diverse and intersecting disability, gender, and sexual identities, when navigating the intricacies of higher education – both within the classroom and beyond. Panelists will specifically discuss the availability of resources and/or services (or lack thereof) that address needs in relation to their identities. Finally, this panel will be used to reflect on the diverse experiences of students with disability, gender, and sexual identities – and ultimately propose steps to further the access and inclusion of higher education.
Meet the Speakers
Logan Wong BSW, MSW RSW
Logan Wong (he/him) identifies as a trans, bi-racial, Autistic wheelchair user. Logan is a social worker & equity, anti-racism, anti-oppression, & accessibility professional where he works in supporting the creation, implementation, and sustainability of diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace cultures through conducting needs assessments, identifying skills gaps, developing, and executing training programs and initiatives. In his upcoming new role in the equity, diversity, inclusion decolonization, and indigenization department at the CHILD-BRIGHT Network Logan will use his deep understanding of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) frameworks, principles, advocacy, and policy to provide leadership and guidance to ensure compliance with Human Rights and Accessibility legislation and best practices.
Jay Baldwin, Carleton University Women and Gender Studies Student
Jay Baldwin (they/them) is a 23-year-old passionate, BA honours student, activist and advocate, majoring in Women and Gender Studies with minors in both Human Rights and Social Justice and Disability Studies at Canada’s Capital University, known as Carleton University. Jay plans to graduate with their undergraduate degree and get their master’s in Women and Gender Studies with a Specialization in Accessibility. This plan will aid them to achieve their dream of starting their own non-governmental organization that will provide support for those who are disabled, queer and marginalized in their community, while working to make the world a better and more accessible place for everyone. Make way for the powerhouse named Jay!
Calvin Prowse, York University Critical Disability Studies Student
Calvin Prowse (they/them) is a white Mad, disabled, and chronically ill/pained queer MA student in the Critical Disability Studies program at York University, an alum of McMaster University, and a settler on lands governed by the Dish with One Spoon Treaty. Their current research is centred on critically (re)imagining the possible futures of mental health peer support through an analysis of history, futurity, storytelling, and fungi.
Becca Bernard, Social Service Worker Student
Becca Bernard (they/them) is a disabled, non-binary, and pansexual post-secondary student pursuing their Social Service Worker Diploma. Becca works with Holland Bloorview and Erinoak Kids to empower fellow disabled youth to self-advocate in healthcare settings and runs the “Disabled Queer and Fabulous” FaceBook group. Their research revolves around the intersecting oppression of disabled and queer communities, cross-community allyship, and empowering other disability advocates to share their truths.
Registration for this event is mandatory. Please register through Zoom here.
For further information and/or to discuss access needs, please contact Chloée C. Godin-Jacques, panel facilitator, at
Note on access needs: ASL interpretation and closed captioning will be provided at this event.
About NEADS’ Virtual Access for All Project
NEADS' Virtual Access for All Project provides educational support and awareness aimed at students with disabilities transitioning into post-secondary education. Accessibility and accommodations resources are provided through our quarterly State of the Schools publications, while our regular webinar series addresses topics such as self-advocacy, accessing accommodations at work and school, and transitioning into the workforce. Further, financial support is available through NEADS' Student Awards Program and Accessibility Resilience Program. Virtual Access for All is generously supported by Employment and Social Development Canada's Supports for Student Learning Program (Goal Getters), and has recently received an upward amendment in response to positive reception.
Chloée C. Godin-Jacques, M.A (she/they | elle/iel)
Education & Research Consultant | Consultante en éducation et recherche, National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)
Rm. 514 Unicentre, Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6
Call for Papers: Exploring Disability in the Digital Realm
Jeff Preston, a Disability Studies professor in Canada, and I are guest editing an issue of Societies, "Exploring Disability in the Digital Realm." This Special Issue calls for research articles that investigate the many places disability resides in the digital world. Deadline for papers is April 1, 2024.
Please share this CFP with graduate students and within your networks.
Thanks, Beth
Beth A. Haller, Ph.D.
Co-founder/Co-director, Global Alliance for Disability in Media and Entertainment,
Web page:
Author, Representing Disability in an Ableist World
Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) Youth Council Member Recruitment
Application deadline: July 5, 2023
Apply Today! Please complete the application and upload any documents you feel will support your submission.
Once received, our team will identify candidates for the interview stage, ensure that gap areas on the council are addressed, and notify successful and unsuccessful candidates.
The MHCC’s Youth Council is a safe space for a diverse group of young adults ages 18 to 29 from across Canada, who represent a range of identities, cultures, and communities, to provide a youth perspective on mental health and recovery.
This year, we are seeking applications for 4 enthusiastic council members to join a group of passionate mental health advocates.
Located across Canada, Youth Council members represent themselves and their communities, bringing their own mental health experiences to the decision-making table. They advocate on behalf of young people who have lived and living experience with mental health concerns or illnesses or harms from substance use or addiction. They also represent the voices of young people in our work and participate in events to promote recovery and inspire other youth.
Because we are currently running TWO recruitment campaigns — for the Youth Council and the Hallway Group — you’ll want to make sure you apply to the opening that suits you best.
Both councils function in the same capacity, with minor differences:
Youth Council
Age range: 18-29
Provides a youth and lived experience perspective on mental health and recovery
Hallway Group
Age range: 30 and over
Provides leadership in several subject areas from the grassroots level, providing feedback on tackling stigma in communities
If you think you’d be better suited to the Hallway Group, please refer to the recruitment information.
The Youth Council welcomes applications from all parts of Canada, including urban, suburban, rural, remote, and northern locations. To ensure geographic representation, individuals from the following provinces and territories are strongly encouraged to apply:
- New Brunswick
- Prince Edward Island
- Manitoba
- Saskatchewan
- Labrador
- Northwest Territories
- Nunavut
- Yukon
Other kinds of backgrounds that would help us round out representation on the council:
- Individuals who have lived or living experience, either personally or through a family member or friend
- Mental health caregivers
- First Nations, Inuit, and Métis
- Individuals from diverse backgrounds such as immigrant, refugee, ethnocultural, and racialized populations
- Newcomers to Canada
- Individuals living with a disability
- Youth with diverse educational and linguistic backgrounds
- 2SLGBTQ+ individuals
Frequently asked questions
Our FAQ offers more information about the Youth Council, including roles and responsibilities, time commitments, meeting structure, travel, and honoraria.
As a pan-Canadian organization committed to reconciliation, we encourage applications from individuals who identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis).
The MHCC’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and to workplace well-being also means that we welcome applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds, such as members of visible minority groups, those with lived and living experience of mental health concerns or illnesses or harms from substance use or addiction, and people with disabilities. Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.
Accessible formats and communication support for applicants are available on request by contacting our Stakeholder Relations Program Manager Alya Al-Shibli at
Source: MHCC Youth Council Member Recruitment - Mental Health Commission of Canada
NEADS - Média
RRC POLYTECH | Accessibility Specialist. Student Support Services
Applicants are to clearly demonstrate how they satisfy the selection criteria in their written submissions and must identify the competition number when submitting their application.
This competition may be used to establish a 12 month eligibility list of qualified candidates for future vacancies.
Reporting to the Manager, Student Accessibility Services, the Accessibility Specialist provides support to students who identify as having a disability. The successful candidate develops and facilitates the delivery of a comprehensive range of reasonable accommodations and supports, as well as monitors the efficacy of those accommodations. This includes case management functions: conducting intake and follow-up appointments with students requesting academic accommodations, accurately reviewing and interpreting all disability documentation provided, and collaborating with staff, faculty and external service providers to develop appropriate accommodation plans. The successful candidate supports student mental health and provides supportive counselling and guidance in areas such as communication, problem solving, and accessibility-related self-advocacy. As a member of the Student Accessibility Services team, the successful candidate also enhances accessibility awareness and inclusion within the College community. The hours of work for this position currently range between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. with the possibility of evening hours in the future. The incumbent may be expected to work at either or both the Notre Dame and Exchange District Campus locations.
- Master's degree in Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Social Work or Occupational Therapy. A combination of experience and education may be considered.
- Several years experience developing, implementing and monitoring accommodation plans for persons with disabilities, preferably at the post-secondary level
- Several years case management experience • Experience interpreting disability documentation
- Specialized knowledge and understanding of functional implications associated with a variety of disabilities, including but not limited to: Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Specific Learning Disorders, mental health, medical, physical and vision loss
- Knowledge of assistive technology, alternate format, and a wide range of disability-related strategies and interventions to remove or reduce barriers associated with one's disability
- Experience providing supportive counselling to individuals with disabilities
- Knowledge of federal and provincial human rights legislation, the duty to accommodate, accessibility standards, and privacy legislation and regulations
- Excellent judgment and strong analytical, problem-solving and interpretive skills with the ability to synthesize information from a variety of sources
- Strong interpersonal skills, including the ability to exercise tact, discretion and diplomacy in complex situations
- Excellent verbal communication skills
- Excellent written communication skills
- Exceptional organization and time management skills
- Experience building a respectful workplace culture that promotes diversity, learning and continuous improvement
- Applicants must be legally entitled to work in Canada
- This position may be required to work evenings and/or weekends
- This position may be required to work overtime
- Incumbent must provide a current and satisfactory Criminal Records Check, including a Vulnerable Persons Sector Check
- Incumbent must provide a current and satisfactory Child Abuse Registry Check and Adult Abuse Registry Check
- Registered member in good standing in a relevant professional association, or eligibility to acquire
- RRC Polytech campuses are located on the original lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininwak, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Red River Métis Nation.
CLOSING DATE: July 4, 2023
SALARY: $63,548 - $86,962 per annum
POSITION LOCATION: Exchange District Campus (Winnipeg, MB)
POSITION TYPE: Full-Time Position Available
RRC Polytech is a leader in applied learning and innovation. Our talented team of employees is passionate about education, innovation and student success. We offer competitive salaries, extensive benefits and the opportunity for personal and professional growth in a rewarding career.
At RRC Polytech we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment, where all employees and students feel valued, respected and supported. We aspire to have a workforce that is representative of the diversity within our communities, and welcome applications from women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, racialized persons, persons of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
If you require this information in an alternate format, please contact
RRC Polytech is committed to providing accessible employment, and ensuring that our recruitment, assessment and selection process is barrier free. If a candidate requires accommodation during the hiring process, Human Resources Services will work with the individual to meet their needs. We thank all applicants for their interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. For more information and other employment opportunities, visit
The Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) is pleased to release a new Consultation Paper
Click on the following link to access the paper: Consumer Protection in the Digital Marketplace.
Hardly a day goes by that Ontarians aren’t asked to click, tap, or scan “I ACCEPT” to some form of online contract or service. Online “terms of service” contracts have many advantages but they can also be long, confusing, misleading, or unfair.
In this paper, the LCO asks how Ontario’s Consumer Protection Act should be updated to better protect Ontarians against many new, complex and expansive consumer risks in the digital economy. These risks include:
- Long and complex online “terms of service”;
- Failure to obtain consumer consent or provide proper disclosure;
- Unilateral contractual changes;
- Unconscionable or deceptive transactions;
- Privacy risks; and
- “Dark pattern” software and contracting practices.
The LCO Consultation Paper identifies a range of options to address these issues and asks questions about how to develop what is sometimes called a “new consumer agenda.”
The full list of consultation questions is available here.
More information about the project, including opportunities to participate in LCO consultations, is available on the LCO’s Consumer Protection in the Digital Marketplace project page.
Consultations will run from June 22 through September 1, 2023
Click on the following link to access the consultation paper: the Consultation Paper&utm_campaign=CP E-Blast
RCDSO Consultation - Draft Standard of Practice on Virtual Care
At its June 15, 2023, meeting, the RCDSO Council approved the release of a draft Standard of Practice on Virtual Care for external consultation.
The growing use of technology to deliver dental care remotely has prompted questions regarding the legal, professional and ethical considerations when dentists provide virtual care. In response, RCDSO Council struck a Working Group to develop a Standard of Practice in 2019. Their initial work helped inform the development of RCDSO’s COVID-19: Guidance for the Use of Teledentistry in 2020.
The Working Group has now developed a new draft Standard of Practice on Virtual Care with the intention of replacing the COVID-19-specific guidance document with this permanent Standard. A draft FAQ companion resource has also been developed to provide additional information and guidance on virtual care.
We want to know what you think of the draft Standard and FAQs. Information regarding the consultation is posted on the College's website.
As part of our consultation process, we are inviting all interested parties, including Ontario dentists and the public, to provide feedback on the new draft Standard and FAQs via email or by completing the online survey.
Please ensure that your response is received by the College on or before August 25, 2023.
Questions? E-mail
Application for Young Disabled People’s Leadership Training – Commonwealth Disabled People's Forum
Click on the following link to access the information online:
Just one week left to finalize your nomination(s) for #ZeroCall24!
Our nomination platform will close on Sunday, July 02 at 23:59 CEST.
Our #ZeroCall24 website has a lot of valuable resources, including good practices on how to best frame your nomination: #ZeroCall24 FAQs
Remember to upload your video and photo materials to help your nomination stand out. Here is a step-by-step guide on creating a strong nomination video: #ZeroCall24 Video Production Guide
If you have any last-minute questions, you’re welcome to book a slot for a personal call with the Zero Project Team here: #ZeroCall24 1-1 Consultations
The Zero Project believes in your work and your capacity to remove barriers for persons with disabilities. Thank you for nominating and for honouring our mission and vision – a world with zero barriers!
Warmest regards,
The Zero Project Team
Editorial Note: The Weekly Email Digest for Information Sharing Purposes contains information, reports and articles that may be of interest to members of the disability community and allies. The information, articles and reports represent the views and opinions of the organisation referenced, not necessarily those of CCD.
End of Document

End Exclusion supporters rally in support of an accessible and inclusive Canada.