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Empower U: Learn to Access Your Disability Rights Training on Canadian Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol (OP) training aims to increase awareness of how to address discrimination using more familiar Canadian human rights laws such as Human Rights Codes and the newer international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This is training for persons with disabilities by persons with disabilities. The training is part of a project funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and implemented by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) in collaboration with Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre Inc. (CMDCI), Citizens With Disabilities – Ontario (CWDO), Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) and National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS). Read more.
Sign Up for our monthly digest
A monthly newsletter from CCD about what is happening in the community
Weekly Email Digest for Information Sharing Purposes May 13 - May 17, 2024
Related Documents
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CCD invites you to a Celebration of Life for Laurie Beachell
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U.S. Access Board Celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day
U.S. Access Board Webinar: Title II Accessibility for State and Local Government Funded Facilities (June 6)
U.S. Access Board Holds Signing of Artificial Intelligence Memorandum of Understanding with Disability and Technology Partners
Reminder: Survey on the Toronto Snow Removal Plan - please share
Information: BC Accessibility Standards Public Engagement - Information on How to Participate!
Including Every Child, Benefitting All: International Disability-Inclusive Education
Human Rights
Appointment of Anthony Morgan as new Tribunal Member
Denial of Justice under BC's Mental Health Act - Community Briefing
Long Term Care
Medical Aid In Dying (MAiD)
‘I’m fighting for the right to live’: Liz Carr on acting, friendship and her campaign against assisted dying
CMHA SK Newsletter
Cooperation Canada Newsletter
EASPD Newsletter
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
Fighting Blindness Canada
Seniors for Social Action Newsletter
We Count Recount: March-April 2024
Women with Disabilities Australia
'Really isn't fair': Island parents say trust for disabled son will be hit by increased tax
Statement from Chief Accessibility Officer Stephanie Cadieux on first-ever National Air Accessibility Summit
URGENT NEW RULES To Cross the Border with our Dogs
2024 Conference on Sustainable Development Goals
Jigsaw Casting is seeking a Male Amputee with an above the knee right leg amputation to play Canada’s Hero Terry Fox for a Terry Fox Foundation Campaign.
U.S. Access Board Celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Click on following link to access the information online: U.S. Access Board Celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day (
U.S. Access Board Webinar: Title II Accessibility for State and Local Government Funded Facilities (June 6)
Click on the following link to access the information online: Title II – Accessibility for State and Local Government Funded Facilities (
U.S. Access Board Holds Signing of Artificial Intelligence Memorandum of Understanding with Disability and Technology Partners
Click on the following link to access the information online: U.S. Access Board Holds Signing of Artificial Intelligence Memorandum of Understanding with Disability and Technology Partners (
Reminder: Survey on the Toronto Snow Removal Plan - please share
Hello again community interest group representative,
(Thank you kindly if you have already responded to this survey)
This is a quick reminder that our Survey on the Toronto Snow Removal Plan is available until May 22, 2024.
We invite you to share and complete our short survey:
See original message below…
The City of Toronto is working to update our plans for snow removal in preparation for future winter storms. We want to make our roads, sidewalks, and bikeways accessible for everyone as efficiently as possible after major snowstorms. Your feedback on our plans will help us make sure we are aligned with community values, needs and priorities.
We are looking to hear from vulnerable road users in Toronto, including people with disabilities of various kinds which affect their mobility, people who walk frequently, and people who cycle.
We are especially interested in hearing from representatives of accessibility interest group organizations.
We invite you to complete our short survey at
The survey will be available until May 22, 2024.
Please share this survey with your members and associates.
If you have any questions or difficulties completing this survey, or require the survey in a different format, please contact me.
Thank you.
Jason Diceman, Senior Public Consultation Coordinator,
on behalf of Operations and Maintenance, Transportation Services
City of Toronto
Phone: 647-883-0648
Information: BC Accessibility Standards Public Engagement - Information on How to Participate!
Hello partners and colleagues,
The Province in collaboration with Provincial Accessibility Committee is inviting British Columbians to share their thoughts and experiences on how government can best address barriers that restrict people with disabilities from equally participating in the workforce and accessing services in community.
The public engagement on the draft accessibility standards is open from May 31 until July 31. The public and organizations can share their input/feedback on the draft standards through:
· community-led session (organization or organized group can apply for funding to host/facilitate engagement session.
o Information on funding eligibility is available here
o Application for funding is open until June 30
o Applications received after the deadline will be considered if resources permit
o Funding applications will be reviewed and accepted until funds are expended regional virtual town hall sessions: Registration opens Friday May 17 2024
· small group sessions (key partners/ stakeholders can invite Accessibility Directorate to a scheduled meeting to discuss the proposed standards. Meetings can be in person or virtual.
· direct submission (associations, organizations, organized groups, businesses, or individuals)
· online engagement (open to all people in British Columbia)
To learn more about the engagement please visit the accessibility Standards webpage at: Home - Accessible BC Act Standards (
Help us spread the word! Please share this information with your networks.
Best Regards,
Accessibility Directorate
Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
Including Every Child, Benefitting All: International Disability-Inclusive Education
As many of you know, after the unanimous passage in the Canadian Parliament of my Motion M-78 on disability-inclusive education, the House of Commons Subcommittee on International Human Rights agreed to do a study of the issue at a global level.
The report, titled Including Every Child, Benefitting All: International Disability-Inclusive Education, has been tabled in the House. This is a critical next step toward meaningful action on behalf of kids who have been left behind for far too long.
I have posted the recommendations of the report here, on X (Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram.
Please take the time to check out these posts and share them with your own networks. As well, please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in this important work.
You can read the entire report here. To read Motion M-78, click here.
Huge thanks to all of you who appeared before the committee to share your experience and insight!
All the best,
Hon. Mike Lake, PC, MP
Human Rights
Appointment of Anthony Morgan as new Tribunal Member
A new full-time Member has been appointed at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. Mr. Anthony Morgan joins the Tribunal for a five-year term.
Mr. Morgan has an extensive background working on issues of anti-racism, Indigenous rights, and equality rights. With degrees from the University of Toronto, McGill University and the University of Oxford, he has worked with various community organizations and boards focused on increasing community safety and well-being for marginalized and racialized community members. Through varied experience, Mr. Morgan has developed an expertise in matters of Canadian and international human rights, racial discrimination and justice policy.
Click to: Find out more about our new Member.
Denial of Justice under BC's Mental Health Act - Community Briefing
As you may have seen, Health Justice recently published an access to justice report we’ve been working on for many years – Upstream Barriers, Downstream Crisis: Denial of Justice under BC’s Mental Health Act. You can find the full publication and an interactive webpage that summarizes the publication’s main points here:
We will be offering a briefing session to share what we have learned through our project and present the primary findings of the report.
What: Community Briefing – Upstream Barriers, Downstream Crisis: Denial of Justice under BC's Mental Health Act
When: Thursday May 30, 2024, 3pm to 4:30pm
Zoom link:
(full invitation details below!)
While this isn’t a public briefing session, you may circulate the invite to anyone within your respective organizations/teams/firms who may be interested in attending. Please let me know if you think there’s someone else outside your organizations/teams/firms who you think Health Justice should connect with to extend the invite.
If you can’t make the session and you’d like to connect about a session recording or the publication more generally, please do let me know and we’d be happy to set something up another time.
All the best,
Laura Johnston
Legal Director, Health Justice
#170-422 Richards Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z4 (mailing address only)| Unceded Musqueam, Squamish & Tsleil-Waututh Territories
Long Term Care
Seven provincial organizations representing the interests of disabled persons of all ages have, for the first time in four decades, jointly submitted a Brief to Cabinet calling for an end to the mass institutionalization of individuals – young and old – in Ontario’s long-term care institutions. The organizations are demanding that the Government of Ontario take action to re-direct funding into a range of non-profit community-based service and support options; end the exclusionary criteria in the Family Managed Home Care Direct Funding Program; Pay Family Caregivers to help loved ones remain at home; create service navigation and advocacy support through the creation of an Adult Community Service Worker program housed within Ontario’s community legal clinic system; and establish a full range of non-profit, fully staffed, residential options of individuals’ own choice as alternatives to big facilities. All of these options are detailed in the brief to Cabinet.
The goal is to promote the full inclusion in their communities of people with disabilities of all ages, and end their exclusion and segregation in an institutional system based on an 18th century Houses of Industry model.
"Too many persons with disabilities continue to be warehoused in nursing homes and other institutions, in large part due to a lack of community options. There are more than 2,500 Ontarians with developmental disabilities living in long-term care institutions. This is not only a waste of human potential, but it can lead to cruel and unusual punishment and dire consequences where there is no other choice." Mah-E-Leqa Jadgal, President, Citizens With Disabilities - Ontario (CWDO).
“Disabled people of all ages deserve to live good lives. Right now, the decision by the Conservatives to continue institutionalizing disabled people of all ages in large congregate settings not only tramples on their constitutional rights to freedom, but it will only lead to more deaths, more abuses, and more illness” said Megan Linton of the Disability Justice Network of Ontario.
“That Canada, and especially Ontario, have not joined other progressive OECD countries in funding a full range of options – both in-home and residential, to keep elders and younger people with disabilities out of hospitals and institutions is a cause for real concern. A policy of mass institutionalization of people with disabilities of all ages violates their human rights” said Patricia Spindel, Chair of Seniors for Social Action Ontario.
"I grew up in an Ontario institution for children with permanent physical disabilities. Upon turning 18, it was my fate to be sloughed off to a home for the aged since I needed help with all my physical needs. But I learned about 10 apartments having round-the-clock attendant services included and this was my ticket to freedom! Now that I am a retired senior, I live in dread that community-based services will not be there as I age further and my disabilities age with me. I believe that the government must expand and invest in successful community-based service models instead of expensive institutions, to deliver services that are personalized, effective, and much more humane”, said Tracy Odell a long time disability rights advocate.
Medical Aid In Dying (MAiD)
‘I’m fighting for the right to live’: Liz Carr on acting, friendship and her campaign against assisted dying
Click of the following link to access the information online:
CMHA SK Newsletter
Click on the link to access the newsletter online : May 1, 2024 Mental Health Week and More (
Cooperation Canada Newsletter
Click on the following link to access the information online: Member Insights | Aperçu des membres (
EASPD Newsletter
Click on the following link for the newsletter: EASPD Newsletter
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
Click on the following link to access the information online: New Hampshire 2024 assisted suicide bill is dead. (
Click on the following link to access the information online: Canadian euthanasia doctor giggles about killing (
Fighting Blindness Canada
Click on the following link to access the information online: Sharing the latest vision research news, event updates, resources, and more. (
Seniors for Social Action Newsletter
Click on the following link to access the information online: Information Bulletin from the Advocacy Team (
We Count Recount: March-April 2024
Click on the following link to access the information online: We Count Recount: March-April 2024 (
Women with Disabilities Australia
Click on the following link to access the information online :
'Really isn't fair': Island parents say trust for disabled son will be hit by increased tax
Click on the following link to access the information online
Statement from Chief Accessibility Officer Stephanie Cadieux on first-ever National Air Accessibility Summit
Click on the following link to access the information online: Statement from Chief Accessibility Officer Stephanie Cadieux on first-ever National Air Accessibility Summit -
URGENT NEW RULES To Cross the Border with our Dogs
Click on the following link to access the information online:
Click on the following link to access the information online:
2024 Conference on Sustainable Development Goals
The 2024 Together|Ensemble Conference, Canada's all-society conference on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is being hosted by the University of Waterloo with the theme of "Innovation for the SDGs." There will be three streams of carefully selected content: 1) AI and Emerging Technologies for Eco-Innovation; 2) Future Cities; and 3) Sustainable Finance.
Should you wish to attend in person or virtually please register with the link below:
Jigsaw Casting is seeking a Male Amputee with an above the knee right leg amputation to play Canada’s Hero Terry Fox for a Terry Fox Foundation Campaign.
Click on the following link to access the information online: Seeking for a Right leg above knee Amputee for a Terry Fox Commercial (
End of Document

End Exclusion supporters rally in support of an accessible and inclusive Canada.